''Are Coptic Egyptian or Christian Syrian, Iraqi or Armenian Westerners because they share all the history, values, moral than Europeans ? Anyway, culturally, there a Syrian is probably as near of a Greek than a Greek from an Irish or Finn. Greeks share so much with Turkish that only the religion and language separate them. Greeks are the historical pillar of Western values (democracy, philosophy, reason, sciences...).''
I beg to differ here. You obviously know very little about Greece. Although it might be true that a few Greeks and Turks living on each side of the the Aegean share some common elements of the mediterranean culture, (and may I include the Italians here as well), it is false to imply that generally speaking, Greeks and Turks share basically the same culture( as you imply). Turkey is mainly a middle eastern country that has far more in common with Syria and Iraq than it has with Greece. The impact of the middle eastern culture in Turkey is obvious -arranged marriages, honor killings, emphasis on pride/honor are still the norm and prevelant cultural traits in the turkish society. Greece does not have any of the above characteristics. Just because Greece and Turkey share some common culinary recipe doesnt mean that they share the same culture!
Yes, some Turks in western Turkey lead western/Greek lifestyles but those are very few. After all, Turkey is a huge country and only 3 % of its land area lies in Europe. Big families and covered women is still the norm in Turkey, I definately wouldn't go to the extremes to say that ''Greeks share so much with Turkish that only the religion and language separate them''. Btw, since your nick imply you are Italian, how much in common do the Italians have with the Irish or Finns really? Click here to find out:
Not much it seems.
I beg to differ here. You obviously know very little about Greece. Although it might be true that a few Greeks and Turks living on each side of the the Aegean share some common elements of the mediterranean culture, (and may I include the Italians here as well), it is false to imply that generally speaking, Greeks and Turks share basically the same culture( as you imply). Turkey is mainly a middle eastern country that has far more in common with Syria and Iraq than it has with Greece. The impact of the middle eastern culture in Turkey is obvious -arranged marriages, honor killings, emphasis on pride/honor are still the norm and prevelant cultural traits in the turkish society. Greece does not have any of the above characteristics. Just because Greece and Turkey share some common culinary recipe doesnt mean that they share the same culture!
Yes, some Turks in western Turkey lead western/Greek lifestyles but those are very few. After all, Turkey is a huge country and only 3 % of its land area lies in Europe. Big families and covered women is still the norm in Turkey, I definately wouldn't go to the extremes to say that ''Greeks share so much with Turkish that only the religion and language separate them''. Btw, since your nick imply you are Italian, how much in common do the Italians have with the Irish or Finns really? Click here to find out:
Not much it seems.