Is using the word "Jap" bad?

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First of all what i'm going to say now has by no mean willing to harm The japanese people on this forum, neither on this planet. Though what i wanted to know is if the Japanese see foreigners using "Jap, or in japanese "Nip" a bad word?

once again, I mean not to harm you people, chinese have like "hatenames" such as spicks and chinks, and vietnamese got the name "gook."
Those are in my eyes bad words. But words as Nip and Jap, not?

What's your oppinion about this?

Please don't see this as a negative post, I'm just curious.
I PERSONALLY, feel that these names are somewhat bad and relics of an older generation distrusting of these people.

But, that was then and this is now, and younger generations are more friendly and familiar with asian peoples.

So yes, i think it is bad, but, i aint going to hang someone for saying it, just feel embarrassed for them or think they have no manners.
I think I would have to agree with nurizeko on the part about the older generation using the word "jap" or "nip". I perosnally don't like how Vietnam veterans use the term "Viet Cong" My history teacher explain to me the reason why those terms are used in the first place is because they wanted to use terms that were easier for them. I think this applies to lots of ethnicities, like the words "chink" and even the infamous "n*gger" are disparaging therefor, in my opinion in not okay.
Ma Cherie said:
I think I would have to agree with nurizeko on the part about the older generation using the word "jap" or "nip". I perosnally don't like how Vietnam veterans use the term "Viet Cong" My history teacher explain to me the reason why those terms are used in the first place is because they wanted to use terms that were easier for them. I think this applies to lots of ethnicities, like the words "chink" and even the infamous "n*gger" are disparaging therefor, in my opinion in not okay.

Thanks for making me look up the origin of "Viet Cong".

The key difference here, though, is that "Viet Cong" inaccurately lumped all the enemy together as being communists, and wasn't (as far as I can tell, help me out if I'm wrong) based on race or ethnicity.
Thanks for the link, by the way mikecash. But I didn't mean the term Viet Cong applied to all ethnicities. I guess I worded my post wrong agian. :?
I would say if you went around saying "oi jappo!!" some might be offended, but i would just advise dont classify someone by there race, just call someone by their prefered name.
I think it is offensive, same as 'Paki' for Pakistani, which is a more common ethnic group where I live. I think it is disrepectful because calling someone just by their race is like saying that is all you can see about them, and to shorten the name of someone's race is like saying you can't be bothered to say it in full, which is like saying you don't have time to show respect.
Every day I drive by a small firm which buys old Japanese cars and exports them to Pakistan. Some men from Pakistan run the place. Name of establishment: Pak-Jap Motors.