It's simply a well known-fact, that Jews where often displaced or migrated themselves, throughout history. The very first "exodus" if you will, was that caused by the assyrians in 722 B.C. when their king, Shalmaneser V conquered northern Israel and many jews where deported to parts of Medea and Persia. Then came the "Babylonian" exiles. In 600 B.C. ( about 2600 years ago) the Babylonias conquered Judea, destroyed the Jewish first temple and exiled the Jews to the city of Babylon, where they where allowed to live as a unified community. A second branch of Jews fled towards Egypt, setting up near the Nile, a decision which in time they would greatly regret. Already by about 600-550 B.C. There where Jewish communities in 3 main locales : Egypt, The city of Babylon and other few middle eastern cities and within Judea itself, modern day Israel. When the Persian empire came to rule under Cyrus circa 540 B.C., he gave the Jews the option to return "en masse" to Judea. Most of the Babylonian Jews decided to stay in Babylon, creating the Mizrahim community of Jews ( Iraqi Jews, Kurdish Jews, iranian Jews etc.) or "middle eastern Jews" outside of Judea of course, where there where still Jews established even there. In 66 B.C., when the Jews of Judaea where governed by the Romans, the "Jewish-Roman" war took place, leading to the destruction of the second temple. Jerusalem was destroyed ad Jews where forbidden to live there. Fast forward to the Middle Ages and there where Ashkenazi Jews established in east-central Europe, Sephardic Jews in Spain/Portugal that also some migrated to north-Africa (Moroccan Jews), the other earlier mentioned communities etc. there are even Yemenite Jews, certain Jewish communities in the Horn of Africa,etc. with all this direct historic and genetic evidence, and the well known presence of long established Jewish communities across Europe, how can one call the presence of Jews out of Israel a "myth"? Have you never heard of Ashkenazi Jews and the ww2 holocaust?