Let's talk about the election results : OFFTOPIC about Israel


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rome italy
I think that us has not the fortune to have another president like Clinton.....
What I was saying.....i cannot defend terrorism where it is or military that kill normal people....but the irsrae palestina problem cannot be resolved only with guns bombs ....but with diplomatic meetings and agreements....
till find a solution.....and Clinton did all the best to find a way....he understood
that it is the only wqay to stop this eternal war....all of you of this forum havee some other solutions??????
us in all the years should be in the middle like a referi with u.nations russia and europe...perhapas it works....but this is my simple opinion...the risk is not only the terrorism but also another religious etnic war......islam against christians...
middle east vs west.....the big problem that there they manage the petrol
and could stop our normal life base on electricity pc etc.....with teerrific blackouts.....our society as structured cannot support this.....without a castastrophic scenario.
I hope as you that this opinion is only fantasy coming from my mind....
but there is a risk in the future....bush blair puti and company have the responsabilty to find a pacific solutions without stoping of course the war to
terrorism......and stop to let poor people die every day especially children of all the nations of this strange world....unfortanly based only on money....
power and money have changed the scenario in the last years...
Few are responsable of milions of deaths in many part of this world....only for money
I believe that the Jews and Palestinians want peace, but people like Hamaas and Islamic Jihad do not want it to happen. You would have to change the hearts of these people before any peaceful solution can be reached. The Palestinian Leader and the Israeli Prime Minister can come to all the agreements they want, but the terrorists will not be happy until Every Jew is removed from the land.

When Jews started to move to the region when it was under British control, the Arabs didn't seem to mind too much. A lot of the "Palestinians" are actually Arabs from Trans-Jordan that moved to the Palestine Mandate for work. The Arabs showed their unwillingness to co-exist with the Jews back in 1948 when the Brits, Jews, and Arabs were discussing how the Palestine Mandate would be divvied up amongst them (the Jews and Arabs). One of the offers was pretty much what Clinton offered them: What is Jewish is Jewish and what is Arab is Arab. The response was the same; a resounding no.

Also, Peace just doesn't have to be reached between the Jews and Israeli Arabs, but between Israel and all the other Arab nations. Arabia does not want the Jewish state to exist, period.

So unless all the Wahabists in the region change their view of Israel, the best solution is to kill em all
Antifederalist said:
I believe that the Jews and Palestinians want peace, but people like Hamaas and Islamic Jihad do not want it to happen. You would have to change the hearts of these people before any peaceful solution can be reached. The Palestinian Leader and the Israeli Prime Minister can come to all the agreements they want, but the terrorists will not be happy until Every Jew is removed from the land.

When Jews started to move to the region when it was under British control, the Arabs didn't seem to mind too much. A lot of the "Palestinians" are actually Arabs from Trans-Jordan that moved to the Palestine Mandate for work. The Arabs showed their unwillingness to co-exist with the Jews back in 1948 when the Brits, Jews, and Arabs were discussing how the Palestine Mandate would be divvied up amongst them (the Jews and Arabs). One of the offers was pretty much what Clinton offered them: What is Jewish is Jewish and what is Arab is Arab. The response was the same; a resounding no.

Also, Peace just doesn't have to be reached between the Jews and Israeli Arabs, but between Israel and all the other Arab nations. Arabia does not want the Jewish state to exist, period.

So unless all the Wahabists in the region change their view of Israel, the best solution is to kill em all

:D :D

OMG, u gotta be f*ing joking me
Pure Israli propaganda there. The arabs invited the jews back to palestine when teh zionist movement was happening. They told them we can live together here, but now Jewish state, but the jews didnt want 2. Isral is as big of a terrorist as are hamas and islamic jihad. Don't forget how Israel started, when the UK didn't want its creation anymore, jewish terrorits would kidnap and kill british soldiers, they even killed prominent british officials until the britts got fed up and left the area. In my eyes, Sharon is the biggest terrorist of the region. He has killed countless palestinians since his youth. The intransigence of the Israeli policies have pushed to the radicalization of arab politics. Air strikes in refugee camps, demolishing houses, plzzzz, gimme a break.
Israel will never be satiesfied until they have conqured the whole land and until all palestinians are expelled from there.
Duo said:
:D :D

OMG, u gotta be f*ing joking me
Pure Israli propaganda there. The arabs invited the jews back to palestine when teh zionist movement was happening. They told them we can live together here, but now Jewish state, but the jews didnt want 2. Isral is as big of a terrorist as are hamas and islamic jihad. Don't forget how Israel started, when the UK didn't want its creation anymore, jewish terrorits would kidnap and kill british soldiers, they even killed prominent british officials until the britts got fed up and left the area. In my eyes, Sharon is the biggest terrorist of the region. He has killed countless palestinians since his youth. The intransigence of the Israeli policies have pushed to the radicalization of arab politics. Air strikes in refugee camps, demolishing houses, plzzzz, gimme a break.
Israel will never be satiesfied until they have conqured the whole land and until all palestinians are expelled from there.

Well here's two weird little :D :D at you.

If I am spouting Israeli propoganda then you are spouting Palestinian Propoganda (except for the whole killing Brits thing--that's true, but Arabs did as well). Refugee camps--it has been reported that the refugee camps outside of Israel only exist because the Arab countries they inhabit don't want to integrate them into society. And if terrorists live in "refugee camps" then that is where you kill them at. C'mon--you actually think "Israel will never be satisfied until they have conqured the whole land and until all palestinians are expelled from there." First Israel and then the World! :: evil laughter::

Since I know the first web page I listed could be considered biased, I posted a second opinion.

Obtained from the Anit-Defamation League's Website:
For complete article: http://www.adl.org/ISRAEL/Record/conflicts.asp

Before the Creation of the State of Israel

When Jews began arriving in Palestine en masse in the late 19th century, the land had an Arab presence. The number of Arabs in Palestine at the time and questions surrounding when many of the Arabs came to the land remain the subject of dispute among historians. The early Zionist pioneers saw the Arab population as small, apolitical and without a nationalist element and they therefore believed that there would not be friction between the two communities. They also thought that development of the country would benefit both peoples and they would thus secure Arab support and cooperation. Indeed, many Arabs migrated to Palestine in the wake of economic growth stimulated by Jewish immigration. They were attracted to the area by its employment opportunities, higher wages and better living conditions.

Contrary to their expectations, the Jews were met with intense Arab opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine. In the early years of Jewish immigration, individual and small bands of Arabs engaged in violence against Jews and Jewish settlements. As time went on, Arab attacks against Jews became more organized and more widespread. The British authorities often failed to stave off Arab attacks and refused to come to the assistance of Jews during attacks. Particularly brutal Arab assaults swept Palestine in 1929, of which the Hebron massacre, in which 67 Jews were murdered, is the most infamous.


Global Security
For Complete Article: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/israel-inde.htm

Israeli War of Independence

* Israel
* Egypt
* Iraq
* Jordan
* Syria
* Lebanon
* Saudi Arabia
* Yemen

The British position in Palestine at the end of World War II was becoming increasingly untenable. Hundreds of thousands of Jewish Holocaust survivors temporarily housed in displaced persons camps in Europe were clamoring to be settled in Palestine. The fate of these refugees aroused international public opinion against British policy. Moreover, the administration of President Harry S Truman, feeling morally bound to help the Jewish refugees and exhorted by a large and vocal Jewish community, pressured Britain to change its course in Palestine. Postwar Britain depended on American economic aid to reconstruct its war-torn economy. Furthermore, Britain's staying power in its old colonial holdings was waning; in 1947 British rule in India came to an end and Britain informed Washington that London could no longer carry the military burden of strengthening Greece and Turkey against communist encroachment.

And now, off to Hooters!!
Antifederalist said:
Well here's two weird little :D :D at you.

If I am spouting Israeli propoganda then you are spouting Palestinian Propoganda (except for the whole killing Brits thing--that's true, but Arabs did as well). Refugee camps--it has been reported that the refugee camps outside of Israel only exist because the Arab countries they inhabit don't want to integrate them into society. And if terrorists live in "refugee camps" then that is where you kill them at. C'mon--you actually think "Israel will never be satisfied until they have conqured the whole land and until all palestinians are expelled from there." First Israel and then the World! :: evil laughter::

Since I know the first web page I listed could be considered biased, I posted a second opinion.

Obtained from the Anit-Defamation League's Website:
For complete article: http://www.adl.org/ISRAEL/Record/conflicts.asp


Global Security
For Complete Article: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/israel-inde.htm

And now, off to Hooters!!

I think my 2 college books, and my former diplomat in the middle east for 30 years turned professor are more reliable than your sites. Mine isn't arab propaganda, but most likely the view of the majority of europeans on the issue. Of course arabs attacked jewish setllers, they came with the intation of establishing a jewish state. slowly and slowly they began to steal the arab's land. The jews began to do to the arabs what the european colonialists did to the native american tribes. Only that we lived in more modern times, so they couldn't go all the way. Ummmm, if Israel wants only its own land, then why is it still keeping hte golan heights, and don't tell me its security, becasue they have build sking slopes there . How come that so much palestenian land is now turned into jewish settlements. Look at the pattern.
Antifederalist said:
Since I know the first web page I listed could be considered biased, I posted a second opinion.

Obtained from the Anit-Defamation League's Website:
For complete article: http://www.adl.org/ISRAEL/Record/conflicts.asp
"could be considered biased"? Is biased would probably fit better.

"When Jews began arriving in Palestine en masse in the late 19th century, the land had an Arab presence. The number of Arabs in Palestine at the time and questions surrounding when many of the Arabs came to the land remain the subject of dispute among historians. The early Zionist pioneers saw the Arab population as small"

& now from the BBC:

"A few Zionist immigrants had already started arriving in the area before 1897. By 1903 there were some 25,000 of them, mostly from Eastern Europe. They lived alongside about half a million Arab residents in what was then part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. A second wave of about 40,000 immigrants arrived in the region between 1904 and 1914."
Well, at least two things are looking up: it looks as though Bush will can John Ashcroft, and Yasir Arafat is about to die :)
Ha, true the palestinians need new leadership, Arafat was curropted by his own fame and billions of dollars from the aid of other arab countries. Don't think much will change though.
bossel said:
"could be considered biased"? Is biased would probably fit better.

Man, no one can ever tell when I am being sarcastic on message boards or in real life where it actually matters. I will try to use the [sarcasm][/sarcasm] tags from now on. :)

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