Medieval Londoner on GEDmatch


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East Smithfield is a mass burial site of Black Death victims from London (1348-1350 AD).

I uploaded the genome of individual 8291 (mtDNA H1) from that burial side to GEDmatch.

His GEDmatch kit is Z029143. He is not available for 'one-to-many' comparisons though.
I shared 0 segments with him...when I put him in the euro genes K13 test he has over three percent subsaharan in him. Where is that coming from?
0 segments with him and my Mtdna is supposed to come from London. Weird :/
0 segments with him and my Mtdna is supposed to come from London. Weird :/

Don't forget that the black death wiped out so many people, it was bound to also wipe out a shitload of genetic lineages and what not.
Don't forget that the black death wiped out so many people, it was bound to also wipe out a shitload of genetic lineages and what not.

Thats true, might as well read into the history of London a little deeper ^_^

I shared 0 segments with him...when I put him in the euro genes K13 test he has over three percent subsaharan in him. Where is that coming from?

Not sure but I wouldn't be surprised, according to 23andme my Mtdna Bar contains .3% sub-Saharan. Maybe there is a connection.
I'm pretty sure London was pretty diverse, which might explain the 3 percent sub Saharan.

John Doe: yeah sadly the plague made figuring out genetic history
much more difficult.

Tomenable: keep up these cool threads about dna testing old samples, they're really fun
It looks like he's not from London or Britain for that matter originally. Look at Oracle, he seems to be a fit between SW French and North Spain. He probably picked up SSA through contact with West Africa.
Yea but there's a big difference between .3 percent and well over three percent. Twilight is probably on the right track he probably came from southern France or something even though I don't think they score that high either on ssa, he must have had an interesting background didn't protect him from the plague though poor dude
Yea but there's a big difference between .3 percent and well over three percent. Twilight is probably on the right track he probably came from southern France or something even though I don't think they score that high either on ssa, he must have had an interesting background didn't protect him from the plague though poor dude

I don't recall the French migrating to England around the Black Death. By the time the Black Death hit England in 1349, England and France was in the middle of the Hundred Year War fighting against each other. However if he was a Frenchman, the best historical bet is that he probably was a criminal fugitive fleeing to enemy territory, if I was a fugitive with a reward on his head then I'd go to an enemy territory. Perhaps he was an Englishmen from Plantagenet Gascony or I suppose he could be a French knight if he was found with armour.
he has over three percent subsaharan in him. Where is that coming from?

Remember - it was Black Death. ;)

It could be due to some quality issues of this sample. But it could also be real.
No shared segments from grandmother, father, mother or myself. Many of our ancestors came from Britain.
East Smithfield is a mass burial site of Black Death victims from London (1348-1350 AD).

I uploaded the genome of individual 8291 (mtDNA H1) from that burial side to GEDmatch.

His GEDmatch kit is Z029143. He is not available for 'one-to-many' comparisons though.


So I changed the match thresholds and got the above results for my father. I have no idea if this is significant or not.
With the same parameters, my grandmother scored 1 matching segment of 10.6 cM, 62 SNP. Not nearly as close as my father.

What do non-Brits get when using 1.0 cM and 50 SNP parameters?