LivingDNA My living DNA results- need some help :)


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Y-DNA haplogroup
N1a1a1a1a4a2 -A9416
mtDNA haplogroup
Hello everyone,
I just receved my results this week.
Y-Haplo: it tells N-M46 subclade N1c1a1 but in the raw data I also found the mutation P298. So I assume it should be N1c1a1a old, or N1a1a1a1 new nomenclature ?!
mtDNA: J1c6
Someone some details on these specific subclades( both Y and mtdna) ?
My wife also got her results, she has been tested for mtDNA H1 but it shows no subclade. In her raw data for mtdna there are only 5 entries, while there are 16 in mine. Any idea why she got no subclade?
I would apreciate any help.
Hello everyone,
Y-Haplo: it tells N-M46 subclade N1c1a1 but in the raw data I also found the mutation P298. So I assume it should be N1c1a1a old, or N1a1a1a1 new nomenclature ?! (...) My wife also got her results, she has been tested for mtDNA H1 but it shows no subclade. In her raw data for mtdna there are only 5 entries, while there are 16 in mine. Any idea why she got no subclade?
I would apreciate any help.
I understand that the chip they use is limited and does not test many mutations in the haplogrups tree.
For example, I found the L13 mutation in Y-data missing the intermediate mutations between G-P303 and G-L13. That's because they do not test some intermediate mutations.

Can you say something about the autosomal result you received? I received 19% NW Europe including England. Surprisingly, because all the ancestors I know, are from southern Romania. East Balkans 57% and 3% West Balkans (I expected more). About 16% Southern Europe. Pannonia 3% is included in the Aegean cluster, and 2% NE Europe.
Hi Ordas,
A quick note to say my mtDNA is also J1c6. I gave it a quick search on the forum but this is the only post I found. I'm interested to see you are in Austria. I live in UK but my maternal grandmother's family is Austrian.