Health New Coronavirus in China





No brains or common sense. Yes, there's much less danger when you're outside, but not when you're packed together like sardines. On the other hand, if the police clear the streets they'll crowd into the hotel rooms.

There's no fix for stupid.
I just received my second dose of Pfizer. In two weeks I will be considered fully-vaccinated.
As of today, I am considered fully-vaccinated. Soon everyone else in my circle will also be vaccinated, and we will be able to have gatherings with no masks, for the upcoming holidays.

Moreover, I have decided that I am changing my party ID to Independent/Unaffiliated. I am still right of center, but I don't want to be associated with the Republican party anymore, for their idiotic stance on this issue. I have already filled out the paperwork to submit.
As of today, I am considered fully-vaccinated. Soon everyone else in my circle will also be vaccinated, and we will be able to have gatherings with no masks, for the upcoming holidays.
Moreover, I have decided that I am changing my party ID to Independent/Unaffiliated. I am still right of center, but I don't want to be associated with the Republican party anymore, for their idiotic stance on this issue. I have already filled out the paperwork to submit.

Congratulations to you, Jovialis, and also wife, family and friends for the immunization, now finally complete:good_job:
I've had a rather ruined Easter because this second dose of the vaccine sort of knocked me on my back. The nurse told me that the Moderna vaccine is particularly known to cause flu like symptoms for about 48 hours. It's what all the staff at the hospital took and she said they all had a reaction to some degree or another.

Nothing earthshattering; some stomach upset, headache, and mostly just fatigue. The first 24 hours I slept about 16 hours.

I'm not whining, though, just reporting; it's worth it. In fourteen days I'm going to go out and celebrate no matter what Fauci says. He and the CDC and the WHO have been consistently wrong, as have all our political leaders, with a few exceptions. If I'm 95% likely not to come down with it and if I'm in that 5% and do but just, as the doctors assured me, just get some more flu like symptoms, I'll take the risk. I can't live like this anymore.

As soon as I can get a visa and sign up with group that includes an archaeologist I'm also going to Israel. I've been wanting to go for years and I'm not going to put it off for much longer, especially as they've kicked Covid right in the behind.
I've had a rather ruined Easter because this second dose of the vaccine sort of knocked me on my back. The nurse told me that the Moderna vaccine is particularly known to cause flu like symptoms for about 48 hours. It's what all the staff at the hospital took and she said they all had a reaction to some degree or another.

Nothing earthshattering; some stomach upset, headache, and mostly just fatigue. The first 24 hours I slept about 16 hours.

I'm not whining, though, just reporting; it's worth it. In fourteen days I'm going to go out and celebrate no matter what Fauci says. He and the CDC and the WHO have been consistently wrong, as have all our political leaders, with a few exceptions. If I'm 95% likely not to come down with it and if I'm in that 5% and do but just, as the doctors assured me, just get some more flu like symptoms, I'll take the risk. I can't live like this anymore.

As soon as I can get a visa and sign up with group that includes an archaeologist I'm also going to Israel. I've been wanting to go for years and I'm not going to put it off for much longer, especially as they've kicked Covid right in the behind.

Congrats on getting it done with. My dad also took Moderna, and experienced similar side effects after the second dose. Drink a lot of water, and Gatoraid.
Congrats on getting it done with. My dad also took Moderna, and experienced similar side effects after the second dose. Drink a lot of water, and Gatoraid.

Well, I just passed the 48 hour mark and I'm still not ready to go dancing if you know what I mean, but I'm sure it will pass soon. :)

I'm more concerned because the whole upper part of my arm where I got the shot is really really red and swollen. If it doesn't subside soon I'm going to call them and see what they say.

My husband got the Pfizer shot and had none of this, but c'est la vie. I wasn't going to quibble about the brand, and still wouldn't. My babies were never happy after their vaccines either, but better than diphtheria or other horrific diseases.
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Thanks Duarte. :) I'm not about to miss out on any more days of living a full life than is absolutely necessary.

"Imagine being born in 1900": Reflection on the pandemic that has gone viral

The Spanish actor David Muro criticizes that the current generation complains about confinements while enjoying all the comforts that past generations did not have.

Although it seemed that all possible campaigns were already done to raise awareness about the use of masks, as one of the essential instruments to fight against the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, now a video, recorded by an actor to point out those who complain that - ‘its annoying use’ - has gone viral and in less than a week it has reached millions of views.

Its author is David Muro, an interpreter known for currently participating in the series 'Acacias 38', which is broadcast on Spanish public television. These are simple images in which, while walking through a deserted street, wearing his mask, he reviews the history of Spain.

The video was uploaded to Instagram, where more than three million people have already seen it, to later jump to other social networks, such as Twitter, where another couple of million have been able to access Muro's reflections.

The 'Acacias 38' actor begins his monologue by referring to someone who was born in 1900.

"When you are 14 years old the First World Warbegins and ends when you are 18, with a balance of 22 million dead", begins his presentation.
Then comes the first global pandemic of that century, the Spanish flu , which also kills millions of people. At the age of 29, that person survives the economic crisis that began with the US 'crash', which caused"inflation, unemployment, hunger." At 33, "the Nazis come to power" , at 36 "they give a coup in your country and the Spanish Civil War begins ", while when it ends, and that person is 39, the Second World War begins. .
At 52 the Korean War begins , at 64 the Vietnam War , which ends at 75. "A child born in 1985 thinks that his grandparents have no idea how difficult life is," he continues.

"We are going to be grateful that we are alive"

Then the actor takes a leap to the present, when we find ourselves "with all the comforts of a new world , in the midst of a new pandemic," he says. And he points out how people complain because they have to comply with confinements of several weeks , although they do so with electricity, telephone, Internet or hot water, among other improvements.
Today we complain because we have to wear masks”
, he concludes, to end by advising: "We are going to thank you and I that we are alive and that we will do everything necessary to protect and help each other."

I am a big supporter of vaccine passports, I think it is necessary to determine who is a liability, and who is not. I actually like the idea of a "two-class system", because people who do not take it should be marginalized for their ignorance, and cowardice.

The Biden administration has said that it is working to create a set of standards for the many private companies making their own versions of passports — but will not make or require its own federal version.

People who do not take the vaccine should be forced to pay a premium on their health insurance as well. It is not fair to others that they will require more medical resources, because of their poor choices.
Good job,
The anti-vaxxers are ignorant cowards, who are a threat to those around them. It would be a good thing for punitive policies to be taken against them.

Anti-vaxxers are ignorant cowards? I think it's the other way around. The true cowards are our hysterical elites and those who succumb to their propaganda of fear about Covid.

As for punitive policies, first, you need to remember that in the USA all the vaccines are on Emergency Use Authorization. Therefore, by law, they cannot be made mandatory.

As for other forms of coercion, I strongly suggest that you and the many others here who think like you consult this video =

And as for ignorance, maybe you might learn a thing or two by reading this article. Clearly many of the early "adverse" reactions have been examples of autoimmune dysfunction ---->
There are already very serious vital problems with covid vaccination! https ://
Anti-vaxxers are ignorant cowards? I think it's the other way around. The true cowards are our hysterical elites and those who succumb to their propaganda of fear about Covid.
As for punitive policies, first, you need to remember that in the USA all the vaccines are on Emergency Use Authorization. Therefore, by law, they cannot be made mandatory.
As for other forms of coercion, I strongly suggest that you and the many others here who think like you consult this video =
And as for ignorance, maybe you might learn a thing or two by reading this article. Clearly many of the early "adverse" reactions have been examples of autoimmune dysfunction ---->

Every major scientist says the mRNA vaccine is safe. Even Trump took the vaccine, so it should not be a political flashpoint.

Do not spread misinformation on this website.
I've had a rather ruined Easter because this second dose of the vaccine sort of knocked me on my back. The nurse told me that the Moderna vaccine is particularly known to cause flu like symptoms for about 48 hours. It's what all the staff at the hospital took and she said they all had a reaction to some degree or another.

Nothing earthshattering; some stomach upset, headache, and mostly just fatigue. The first 24 hours I slept about 16 hours.

I'm not whining, though, just reporting; it's worth it. In fourteen days I'm going to go out and celebrate no matter what Fauci says. He and the CDC and the WHO have been consistently wrong, as have all our political leaders, with a few exceptions. If I'm 95% likely not to come down with it and if I'm in that 5% and do but just, as the doctors assured me, just get some more flu like symptoms, I'll take the risk. I can't live like this anymore.

As soon as I can get a visa and sign up with group that includes an archaeologist I'm also going to Israel. I've been wanting to go for years and I'm not going to put it off for much longer, especially as they've kicked Covid right in the behind.

I also have had both doses of the Moderna vaccine but my only adverse reactions were pain at the injection site for couple of days.
I am a big supporter of vaccine passports, I think it is necessary to determine who is a liability, and who is not. I actually like the idea of a "two-class system", because people who do not take it should be marginalized for their ignorance, and cowardice.

People who do not take the vaccine should be forced to pay a premium on their health insurance as well. It is not fair to others that they will require more medical resources, because of their poor choices.

Totally agree particularly for cruise ships and planes.
I haven't taken public transportation since this began. Now that I'm fully immunized I wonder if it's safe.
I haven't taken public transportation since this began. Now that I'm fully immunized I wonder if it's safe.

I would feel more comfortable now. But I think once herd immunity is reached, it will be much safer. I wouldn't ride the subway in the city though, but that's more for the threat of crazy homeless attackers.
I would feel more comfortable now. But I think once herd immunity is reached, it will be much safer. I wouldn't ride the subway in the city though, but that's more for the threat of crazy homeless attackers.

I was thinking more of trains and buses. I'm not taking off my mask anytime soon, though.
Every major scientist says the mRNA vaccine is safe. Even Trump took the vaccine, so it should not be a political flashpoint.
Do not spread misinformation on this website.

First, it is the approach of our media to make this a political flashpoint. They do so by appealing to the vanity of NYers who define themselves against the (supposedly) unwashed rubes of the American heartland, who mainly supported Trump. Therefore, we have this neat little binary of the Trump base consisting of anti-vaxxers versus the enlightened cosmopolitans who support the govt, the media, big tech & big pharm on all points.

However, if Jovialis were actually to read the links I provided, he would see that The Defender is a publication of RFK Jr's Children's Health Defense and that the video is by Alliance for Natural Health International. Yes, believe it or not, there are still a few principled men of the Left standing. Men who uphold true science and do not kowtow to our corrupt ruling class.

What you call spreading misinformation, I call informed debate.