I've had a rather ruined Easter because this second dose of the vaccine sort of knocked me on my back. The nurse told me that the Moderna vaccine is particularly known to cause flu like symptoms for about 48 hours. It's what all the staff at the hospital took and she said they all had a reaction to some degree or another.
Nothing earthshattering; some stomach upset, headache, and mostly just fatigue. The first 24 hours I slept about 16 hours.
I'm not whining, though, just reporting; it's worth it. In fourteen days I'm going to go out and celebrate no matter what Fauci says. He and the CDC and the WHO have been consistently wrong, as have all our political leaders, with a few exceptions. If I'm 95% likely not to come down with it and if I'm in that 5% and do but just, as the doctors assured me, just get some more flu like symptoms, I'll take the risk. I can't live like this anymore.
As soon as I can get a visa and sign up with group that includes an archaeologist I'm also going to Israel. I've been wanting to go for years and I'm not going to put it off for much longer, especially as they've kicked Covid right in the behind.