Dear all,
surely I'm a sensitive type, but trusting is good, not trusting is better, especially now that I'm confined to the red zone.
If anyone writes that the Codogno hospital is responsible for the spread of Covid-19, the idea that Italy was the bearer of the disease, if not the only one responsible for this mess, is simply implied. And that's what the media in the world have let through, including the ineffable CNN, which in its map of a few days ago felt compelled to make China disappear.
I don't think it was a random choice.
I brought up Germany because the study in question comes from a German university that talks about an infected in their country, and is earlier than that of Codogno. Although the most important focus of contagion has certainly developed here (many people pass through the Po Valley for work and / or tourism and certainly this has not helped to contain the phenomenon), it is not said that the first prize it's up to us.
The search for "patient 0" leaves the time it finds with such a contagious disease, it's a fig leaf, especially when we talk about areas connected commercially and economically to each other such as China / Far East and Europe.
Do I really have to believe that only the peasants and workers of Codogno in Lombardy or those of Vo 'in Veneto had contacts with China and suddenly became the main attraction of all the other states and tourists of the world infected? In continental Europe do they all live and work under a glass bell and meet their Chinese colleagues only via Skype? Or rather, in some parts of the world do authorities count contagions in another way - and sometimes they stop looking for cases of the sick - so as not to ruin economic records or disturb the financial markets?
Thinking badly is a sin but you always guess it: let's say that at this moment it is much easier to step on Italy's feet and reprimand it than to call into question the main mess that originated in China, where the authorities in the early times of the epidemic were not exemplary states for clarity.
After which I am the first to argue that our current Italian rulers in Rome are a historical and civil disgrace for incompetence and looseness, always prone to requests coming from party secretaries and bureaucrats or from some foreign interlocutors who are a little too interested in our business, but much less ready for the needs of their governed. As when, precisely the regions of northern Italy in previous weeks had requested to monitor with greater rigor the entrances of all those - Chinese, Italian or any other nationality - who came from areas affected by the virus and possibly impose quarantine, but there was denied because it would have been considered a racist and fascist measure (!). In order not to make a temporary "rudeness" to a few individuals, a colossal quarantine is now imposed on almost all of northern Italy, after delays and hesitations of all kinds and the whole of Italy itself is now isolated from other countries. In my home all this is called stupidity and perhaps even betrayal.
Being judged infector after trying to activate all possible health procedures at the local level, indeed even finding obstacles from the central government is not a great satisfaction. But we will make it right and there will be a lesson. After all this hangover of mock brotherhood and universal solidarity, it is good to take up a bit of concreteness and mutual mistrust every now and then.
As for the governor of Puglia, I believe he has done very well to admonish and take legal measures against all those fools who, upon the news of the closure of the northern regions, poured into the South at their places of origin, risking to propagate throughout the Peninsula the virus. I would advise him, however, to measure the words better, since he wanted to label Covid-19 as "northern" (Lombardo, Veneto, Emiliano ...). I hope it was just a Freudian lapsus and not a deliberate flurry of misplaced political controversy. He must remember that if the public health of the north collapses (and we are very close) the Apulians and many others who often have to go back here for specific medical treatments will also stop benefiting from it.