Nuclear Iran ?


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Is Iran attempting to arm itself with nuclear weapons ? Should they be allowed to do this ? Can they be stopped ?
According to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, "Nothing could imperil the world more than a nuclear armed Iran".
U.S. President, Barack Obama says "America will do what it must to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon".
Indeed if the words of Irans General Amir Ali Hajizadeh are typical of the majority of Irans thinking then you might indeed have concerns if sitting in Israel,when according to Reuters he stated if Israel took any action "they will hand us an excuse to wipe them off the face of the earth"! His statement is reminiscent of that given by the Ayatollah Khomeini some years ago when he too declared the "regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time"!
However according to Irans President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, "Iran is under threat from uncivilised Zionists" and accuses the West and Israel of "nuclear intimidation".
Would Iran, in your opinion, if they had the weapons, actually use them against Israel? There are also Arabs living there, not to mention many places regarded as "Holy" to the Islamic faith eg; the Dome of the Rock .
Would the world be, as Prime Minister Netanyahu says, in peril if or perhaps when, Iran obtains a nuclear weapon or are these leaders victim to the irrational "bogey man in the dark syndrome", similar to what many feared regarding Russia during the Cold War ?
If not the constant rhetoric towards Jews, Iran wouldn't have been disturbed in their venture for Nukes, on par with Pakistan and India.

I would say that it's highly unlikely they will use A bomb against Israel for the same reasons you mentioned. However there is no guaranty, especially if bomb is in hands of religious fanatics, or any fanatics. World didn't want to believe in Hitler's imperialist and genocidal ambitions, though he clearly voiced it out in his book, way before it happened.

Following my thoughts it is in best world's interest to make everything possible to block Iran (or any new country) from inquiring the A bomb, short of invasion or bombing it's nuclear facilities. Though, if I were a Jew in Israel, I'm not sure if I wouldn't be a proponent of more drastic action. Surely, I can understand Israel's insecurity in this matter. They've already had lost 6 million peeps, due to one crazy guy.
There is one country in the world that has the most nuclear weapons and that is still the USA.
And hope, the UK also has nuclear weapons, so just shut up!
There is one country in the world that has the most nuclear weapons and that is still the USA.
And hope, the UK also has nuclear weapons, so just shut up!

Yes, thank-you James for your constructive input into this thread.
Lets see if we can`t expand it a little. America has nuclear weapons, yes. Russia also has nuclear weapons and with America they entered into a treaty to reduce them. This, to me was good news as I don`t much care for these things and would like to see a reduction of them all round with no new countries obtaining them.
China, France, Britain.......but I don`t see the relevance of this in conjunction to the topic.
Do you feel Iran should be allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon James ? Would you sleep better at nights knowing yet another country had such?
You're familiar I hope (grin) with what Jesus said:
Who takes a weapon, will be slaughtered by that weapon.

And there is another thing Jesus said:
If you critisize the splinter in someones eye, don't forget the log in your own eye.

Halleluya, Amen!
I would say that it's highly unlikely they will use A bomb against Israel for the same reasons you mentioned. However there is no guaranty

Following my thoughts it is in best world's interest to make everything possible to block Iran (or any new country) from inquiring the A bomb, short of invasion or bombing it's nuclear facilities.
Surely, I can understand Israel's insecurity in this matter. They've already had lost 6 million peeps, due to one crazy guy.

Yes, while it is possibly unlikely, there is no guarantee for it, I agree with that totally. Also agree it would be in all our interests that they did not acquire it for if it came to the worse scenario it would involve more countries than Iran and Israel, we would all of us feel the consequences of it.
In fact Le Brok I would be against any more countries at all obtaining a nuclear weapon and I`d like to see a vast reduction of those already held.
Israel indeed lost millions of innocent people courtesy of that "crazy guy" , not to mention the countless other poor souls who passed through the camps, the mentally ill, Romas, Polish, Czechs, homosexuals and all tagged with different colours to mark out their "offence".
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Give me a break! What has the holocaust to do with a nuclear arms race! You are writing propaganda.
Israel should give up it's nuclear weapons, that's the only solution imo.
A war between Iran and Israel, will damage them both and will give more power to Turkey and Saudi Arabia
A war between Iran and Israel, will damage them both and will give more power to Turkey and Saudi Arabia

Lets hope Ha-Nasr for the sake of all those people across Israel and Iran that it doesn`t come to that. I know tensions are high between the two at the moment but I hope very much cool heads take hold even yet.
As for Turkey and Saudi Arabia, one thing I feel is certain is that should Iran obtain a nuclear weapon, they will both want to follow and that will make the Middle East even less stable.
Interestingly less than a year ago, The University of Maryland took a poll among Israeli Jews (granted it was only a sample of 510) asking if they would desire a nuclear free zone across the middle east, even if it meant Iran and Israel both giving up all right to such, and 35% were "strongly" in favour of it, with 29% in favour and 16% against.
Of course at the end of the day it comes down to the politicians and perhaps religious leaders , so I trust they act wisely for all concerned Ha-Nasr.
I really hope so, and i'm sure the younger generations of Israelis and Iranians are more open minded, all they want is a decent life, so i totally have a good feeling about the future.
I also don't understand why people fight for a small piece of a semi-arid land just because it's a "holly" place *_*
I really hope so, and i'm sure the younger generations of Israelis and Iranians are more open minded, all they want is a decent life, so i totally have a good feeling about the future.
I agree, and Iranian younger generation is well educated and open minded. I suspect the regime will fall there within 10 years, and Iran will have a chance to become one of best countries in the Middle East.
I also don't understand why people fight for a small piece of a semi-arid land just because it's a "holly" place *_*
Power of religion? Romantic stories told to children about Israel? Believing to be a chosen nation?
If not for the mentioned human qualities, they would be so much better off getting a piece of land in America, let's say in Canada. Probably by now that would have been the most prosperous province in Canada, lol.

Welcome to Eupedia Ha-Nasr.
@ James
Sounds like you are here not to argue but to insult. I'm getting a deja vu. Are you Reinaert?
I really hope so, and i'm sure the younger generations of Israelis and Iranians are more open minded, all they want is a decent life, so i totally have a good feeling about the future.

It`s nice to read such an optimistic view.
And yes, welcome to Europe Forum Ha-Nasr. :)
thank you guys for the warm welcome ^_^
The problem is not Iran, but the USA.
It's as simple as that.

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