Well, for one thing Greece and the Balkans might have experienced the Enlightenment, which would have made a tremendous difference to intellectual life. Church and State might have been less entangled, for another, and a civil law might have developed, not every religious group being largely governed by its own laws, which led to even more separation and distrust of non-co-religionists.
Italy didn't escape totally unscathed. After the fight for the free communes and the recovery during the Middle Ages and the glory that was the Renaissance, Italy was torn asunder and despoiled again by foreigners: the French, the Hapsburgs with their Spanish and German troops etc., although the lack of unity, the constant warfare and jockeying for position of the different city-states and the appeals of some of them to foreign countries, let it all happen. As for the South, since the fall of Rome with a few exceptions it had been ruled by foreigners who were even more rapacious than our foreign rulers or aristocrats in the north, imo, and the Papal States were far less developed than the more northern communes because of the Papal refusal to allow modernization.
Nor did religion always make the difference. Sicily flourished under the Muslims of that period; they were good caretakers of the land, much better, imo, than the Bourbons. In different eras, however, they stifled learning and modernization in the areas they ruled.
European history is complex; including the on-going struggle for the control of the Mediterranean. What would that history have been like if France wasn't so often allied with the Ottomans?
There are many, many, such what might have been.
Italy even divided to city states, Venice, Genoua Firenze etc etc is the mother of Renaisance,
by providing new art codes, they change the world, the differences among pappal and state laws and needs, the Hebrew communities and the forced laws for them, created our modern Banking system
there is an economical system called merchandilism, no matter Dutch make it science, Venice and Genoa start it,
Merchandilism is the step before Adam Smith's theory, or maybe the spring to Adam Smith and enlighment,
East Roman empire due to 3 dogmas,
1 holy roman empire will never die
2 Mercenairies are better than locals,
3 ''I have to die before I die, So when I trully die, I won't die''
the last is the moto of denier monks, from Kappadokia to Benedecto and Amalfi Italy at least 1/4 young males went to monasteries to live,
Italy is priviledged to be mother of Renaisance, France and Dutch for enlightment, Germany England and North from Reformation, and Spain has its own awaking with Maurs.
that era Balkans feed with their blood the Ottomans,
more than 256 revolts are written in modern Greek history, but most where for taxation, or change the local ruler, etc,
It needed Revolution Francais so people could see that a rebellion can make a nation indepedented and shelf governed,
so the priviledges given to Serbia after AustroHungarian and Ottoman wars, and the dream of Greeks, and a kind of betray by Orlov and charine Aikaterine the Great, stars a new era in Europe.
the Neo Greek enlightment.
some here may not realise it. how serious is Greek revolt in modern European history.
But Neo-Greek enlightment
BROKE the Holy alliance, and the by mercy of God monarchies.
even this offcourse was 'under the hat' of Holy alliance few years after by a 'Gods Mercy king' and needed against riots for
@Angela lets not hide behind our fingers,
it was the power of monasteries and the effect on population that weaken Byzantion.
it was the power of Popes that enter Italy in to political tornadoes so not to be a primary European enlightment country,