People of the Appennino Reggiano

If you want the technical term used by anthropologists to describe many of the looks I see here, you'd want "Subnordid", which is a Nordid type that is prevalent around the Alps region and differs slightly from Nordid types of further north in that it has higher Alpine components.
If you want the technical term used by anthropologists to describe many of the looks I see here, you'd want "Subnordid", which is a Nordid type that is prevalent around the Alps region and differs slightly from Nordid types of further north in that it has higher Alpine components.

Anthropologists don't use anymore these terms.
I can't believe all of those attachments are gone.

Tilde Lotti: Partisan, Communist Party Leader, Politician. She's a dead ringer for my father's mother...also a fearsome, but admirable woman.


Zucchero (Adelmo Fornacciari) is from Reggio Emilia, of course, although from the town so far as I know. He certainly has a look found in the mountains, though. We feel he's quite one of us, as he was born right over the mountains, and then raised in Forte dei Marmi. He came back to live in the area, having a home in Pontremoli. He can often be seen out and about, he and his daughter Irene.



See, this is what I was talking about on the other thread... the face shape, jaw line, chin, cheekbones, and in this case even the forehead. It's not at all uncommon in this part of Italy...Irene looks almost exactly like one of my cousins, except my cousin had copper red hair. It's my face too, just softened, thank God, with my mother's nose and very dark hair and eyes. (I also don't have all those freckles, double thank God, although Irene, lucky girl, doesn't seem to have such a big, flattish skull, and she has larger eyes. )

Am I nuts, or is there indeed a slight resemblance to Wynnona Judd?
My great-grandmother was from Montefiorino, a village in the tosco-emilian appennine, province of Modena. She looked like some of the people posted in this thread. Other individuals from that area:
Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, author and songwriter
Vasco Rossi, a very popular singer in Italy
Caterina Caselli, another singer, here in her young age (that area is full of musicians...!)
You're right...lots and lots of musicians and singers. That whole triangle from Genova to Emilia down to Toscana has produced so much of Italian music, I think. Look at our opera as just one example...Parma and Lucca. Even in personal life it's very important. I don't think it's a coincidence that La Scala is one of the most difficult opera houses in the world in which to perform. They're all critics. :grin:

The Appennino Reggiano again

Here are some from the Appennino Parmense. (I really should have included that in the title.) I've never seen much difference between them and the people of the Appennino Reggiano. They've intermarried a lot over the years.

We do have some pretty hideous skull shapes showing up...I get to say that, because they're my people.:LOL:


Some beautiful, darker varieties too, if one of the Parma blogs I read is correct. I don't know about the maternal line. No matter, I'm going to claim him anyway!

These are some of the ones that got lost from the first posts-both Parma and Reggio Emilia





Another music band from that area, Offlaga Disco Pax:
Good representation of the darker pigmented ones, I think, although usually they're more common down in the valley.

I absolutely hate this trend toward full beards. My son has now succombed...he looks like this!:annoyed:

It has the same orange tone compared to his hair. Why would anyone want to cover up a handsome face this way?
I told him that when he's home for Christmas I'm going to wait until he's asleep, and then I'm going to cut it off!:)
Well, I hope yours isn't orange, and that it's neater. :)

I emphatically don't like the fact that my son now looks like a "mountain man" or like he makes duck calls for a living. He's even taken to wearing plaid flannel shirts!

Oh well, maybe it's just a phase. He's also between girlfriends. When the next one shows up on the scene, she and I will have a word. He always listens to them more than to me. :rolleyes: Mothers have to be Machiavellian at times.

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