Philistine DNA!


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Paper just got released, hopefully some treats in store - after such a long time waiting for interesting aDNA papers it better be worth it!
The ancient Mediterranean port city of Ashkelon, identified as “Philistine” during the Iron Age, underwent a marked cultural change between the Late Bronze and the early Iron Age. It has been long debated whether this change was driven by a substantial movement of people, possibly linked to a larger migration of the so-called “Sea Peoples.” Here, we report genome-wide data of 10 Bronze and Iron Age individuals from Ashkelon. We find that the early Iron Age population was genetically distinct due to a European-related admixture. This genetic signal is no longer detectible in the later Iron Age population. Our results support that a migration event occurred during the Bronze to Iron Age transition in Ashkelon but did not leave a long-lasting genetic signature.
Looks like a pretty diverse group


[TD="class: table-left table-vmiddle"][/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vmiddle"] Analysis group [/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vmiddle"] Sampled tissue [/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vmiddle"] Mean coverage (fold) [/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vmiddle"] Carbon date [/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vmiddle"] Archeological date [/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vmiddle"] Total sequenced reads (×106)
[TD="class: table-center table-vmiddle"] Human DNA (%) [/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vmiddle"] Genetic sex [/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vmiddle"] mt [/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vmiddle"] Ychr [/TD]

[TD="class: table-left table-vtop"]ASH029.A0101[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]ASH_LBA[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Petrous[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]0.14[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]1622–1522[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]MBIIC–LBII[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]86.6[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]6.9[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]F[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]H66a[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"][/TD]

[TD="class: table-left table-vtop"]ASH033.A0101[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]ASH_LBA[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Petrous[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]0.11[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]1746–1643[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]MBIIC–LBII[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]84.8[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]2[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]F[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]N[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"][/TD]

[TD="class: table-left table-vtop"]ASH034.A0101[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]ASH_LBA[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Petrous[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]0.42[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]NA[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]MBIIC–LBII[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]81.9[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]13.7[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]F[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]U3b1a[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"][/TD]

[TD="class: table-left table-vtop"]ASH066.A0101[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]ASH_IA1[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Petrous[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]0.18[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]1371–1129[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Iron I–Post Ramses III[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]10.5[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]11.0[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]M[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]T2c1c[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]J[/TD]

[TD="class: table-left table-vtop"]ASH067.A0101[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]ASH_IA1[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Petrous[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]0.17[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]1379–1131[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Iron I–Post Ramses III[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]10.9[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]11.2[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]M[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]H92[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]R1[/TD]

[TD="class: table-left table-vtop"]ASH002/3.A0101[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]ASH_IA1[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Petrous[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]0.08[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]1378–1134[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Iron I–Post Ramses III[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]26.9[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]13[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]F[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]I1[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"][/TD]

[TD="class: table-left table-vtop"]ASH068.A0101[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]ASH_IA1[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Petrous[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]0.27[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]1284–1126[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Iron I–Post Ramses III[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]11.2[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]17.6[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]F[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]T1a1[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"][/TD]

[TD="class: table-left table-vtop"]ASH008.A0101[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]ASH_IA2[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Petrous[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]0.7[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]1257–1042[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Iron IIA[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]126.7[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]17.2[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]M[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]H2c[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]BT[/TD]

[TD="class: table-left table-vtop"]ASH087.A0101[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]ASH_IA2[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Petrous[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]0.22[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]NA[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Iron IIA[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]12.8[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]15.6[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]M[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]H4a1c[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]L[/TD]

[TD="class: table-left table-vtop"]ASH135.A0101[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]ASH_IA2[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Molar[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]0.09[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]NA[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]Iron IIA[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]13.3[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]3.9[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]F[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"]JT[/TD]
[TD="class: table-center table-vtop"][/TD]
I uploaded the samples to GEDmatch:

ASH002 - BT4403215
ASH2-3 - JB1709310
ASH003 - CN4862763
ASH8 - JS7388527
ASH29 - RT1944985
ASH33 - TA5202730
ASH34 - QU1303008
ASH066 - ZN1823578
ASH067 - YU8222286
ASH068 - KS9655052
ASH087 - TS4858801
ASH135 - ZY6893016
PCA based on Eurogenes K15 results:


^^^ Here their K15 results:

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 13.27
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 7.02
West_Med 15.92
West_Asian 22.27
East_Med 41.30
Red_Sea 0
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0.23

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 12.10
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 16.76
West_Asian 21.66
East_Med 35.91
Red_Sea 12.67
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0.31
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 0.51
Sub-Saharan 0.07

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 11.25
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 17.99
West_Asian 18.67
East_Med 34.30
Red_Sea 16.29
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 1.51
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 2.95
Atlantic 1.35
Baltic 1.53
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 9.65
West_Asian 14.92
East_Med 51.65
Red_Sea 14.05
South_Asian 1.15
Southeast_Asian 0.38
Siberian 0.38
Amerindian 0.27
Oceanian 1.71
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 4.63
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 11.88
West_Asian 19.90
East_Med 50.35
Red_Sea 13.24
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 10.62
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 12.19
West_Asian 11.12
East_Med 43.27
Red_Sea 15.69
South_Asian 2.56
Southeast_Asian 0.56
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0.34
Northeast_African 3.64
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 10.87
Baltic 0.87
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 6.16
West_Asian 17.85
East_Med 50.50
Red_Sea 12.65
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0.15
Northeast_African 0.93
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 0.56
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 7.42
West_Asian 19.82
East_Med 51.96
Red_Sea 16.57
South_Asian 1.22
Southeast_Asian 0.07
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 2.40
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 8.10
Atlantic 8.08
Baltic 2.82
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 30.25
West_Asian 15.68
East_Med 27.10
Red_Sea 6.89
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0.13
Siberian 0.06
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0.89

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 10.07
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 21.17
West_Asian 18.85
East_Med 46.19
Red_Sea 3.01
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0.71
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 0
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 17.21
West_Asian 13.54
East_Med 46.88
Red_Sea 18.11
South_Asian 0.86
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 1.67
Amerindian 0.68
Oceanian 0.14
Northeast_African 0.91
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 0
Baltic 0.92
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 21.06
West_Asian 16.03
East_Med 41.78
Red_Sea 14.91
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 1.49
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 3.81
Sub-Saharan 0
ASH068 seems Sicilian-like

And ASH002 is within Ashkenazi range. I know one AJ guy who plots very close to ASH002 in that K15 PCA.


I think that only these three Philistines were siimilar to European populations (if not counting Cypriots and Jews):

ASH002 - similar to Southern Italians
ASH067 - similar to Insular Greeks
ASH068 - similar to Southern Italians

ASH066 apparently also had high % of WHG but what would be a good model with Euro admix for him in Global25?
ASH067 with R1 is likely to be R1b-Z2103 or R1a-Z93.

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of this part of the early Philistine genome because we don’t have enough samples of ancient DNA from this period in Europe, Feldman says. But the statistical models run by the geneticists show that the most likely scenario is that these individuals derived around 43 percent of their ancestry from people in Bronze Age Greece, and the rest from the original Levantine population of Ashkelon. Other, less likely models, show similarities with the genome of modern Sardinians or with people from Bronze Age Iberia, the study says.

“In the future, as we get more samples from across the region, we will be able to speak more precisely about the source than we can do now,” says Master, the lead archaeologist on the study. But the genetic modeling, coupled with the archaeological evidence already tips the scales heavily in favor of the Aegean hypothesis.
It looks very similar to Lebanon and Jordan samples of the same period to my own untrained eye. They kind of cluster close to them on the PCAs.

Seems likely that whomever the sea peoples were they left a short lived genetic trace in the Levant.
Personally after reading your quote my money is on the sea peoples being remnants of the armies continuing to pillage after the sack of Troy. They had the ships and they were gathered, maybe they decided to continue waring and pillaging whatever was beyond Asia Minor going all the way to Egypt.
PCA based on Eurogenes K15 results:


^^^ Here their K15 results:

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 13.27
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 7.02
West_Med 15.92
West_Asian 22.27
East_Med 41.30
Red_Sea 0
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0.23

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 12.10
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 16.76
West_Asian 21.66
East_Med 35.91
Red_Sea 12.67
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0.31
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 0.51
Sub-Saharan 0.07

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 11.25
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 17.99
West_Asian 18.67
East_Med 34.30
Red_Sea 16.29
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 1.51
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 2.95
Atlantic 1.35
Baltic 1.53
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 9.65
West_Asian 14.92
East_Med 51.65
Red_Sea 14.05
South_Asian 1.15
Southeast_Asian 0.38
Siberian 0.38
Amerindian 0.27
Oceanian 1.71
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 4.63
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 11.88
West_Asian 19.90
East_Med 50.35
Red_Sea 13.24
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 10.62
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 12.19
West_Asian 11.12
East_Med 43.27
Red_Sea 15.69
South_Asian 2.56
Southeast_Asian 0.56
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0.34
Northeast_African 3.64
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 10.87
Baltic 0.87
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 6.16
West_Asian 17.85
East_Med 50.50
Red_Sea 12.65
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0.15
Northeast_African 0.93
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 0.56
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 7.42
West_Asian 19.82
East_Med 51.96
Red_Sea 16.57
South_Asian 1.22
Southeast_Asian 0.07
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 2.40
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 8.10
Atlantic 8.08
Baltic 2.82
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 30.25
West_Asian 15.68
East_Med 27.10
Red_Sea 6.89
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0.13
Siberian 0.06
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0.89

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 10.07
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 21.17
West_Asian 18.85
East_Med 46.19
Red_Sea 3.01
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0.71
Northeast_African 0
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 0
Baltic 0
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 17.21
West_Asian 13.54
East_Med 46.88
Red_Sea 18.11
South_Asian 0.86
Southeast_Asian 0
Siberian 1.67
Amerindian 0.68
Oceanian 0.14
Northeast_African 0.91
Sub-Saharan 0

North_Sea 0
Atlantic 0
Baltic 0.92
Eastern_Euro 0
West_Med 21.06
West_Asian 16.03
East_Med 41.78
Red_Sea 14.91
South_Asian 0
Southeast_Asian 1.49
Siberian 0
Amerindian 0
Oceanian 0
Northeast_African 3.81
Sub-Saharan 0
Well it looks like some of these are 1/2 Mycenaean (like) 1/2 Levant so perhaps a Mycenaean population mixed heavily with the locals. Im willing to bet these greek settlers are the source of the Southern European ancestry in European Jews
Well it looks like some of these are 1/2 Mycenaean (like) 1/2 Levant so perhaps a Mycenaean population mixed heavily with the locals. Im willing to bet these greek settlers are the source of the Southern European ancestry in European Jews
The paper states that the Philistines dissolved into the local population without a trace which indicates European Jews acquired this source outside the Levant.

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The paper states that the Philistines dissolved into the local population without a trace which indicates European Jews acquired this source outside the Levant.

Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

I haven't yet had time to read the whole paper. However, if they had no "Judean" sample of, say, the pre-Maccabean period, how could we know that with any certainty? The Samaritans and Jews were bitter enemies not only because of religion but because the Jews believed the Samaritans had "foreign" ancestry. The Canaanites and later Phoenicians were not necessarily exactly the same as the Jews.
Everything I know of the Sea Peoples indicates that they were "groups" of people, not necessarily from one place. Plus, as they moved south and east they would change genetically.

One of those samples looks extremely Sardinian to me, and they have been connected to the Sea Peoples. Others could have come from southern Italy. Others could have been from the Aegean. I honestly don't know if at that period there's was a whole bunch of difference between these people.

The really intriguing bit is the yDna "L".

I'll really read the paper in depth later and compare to my books on the Sea Peoples.
It looks to me like a southern euro migration which formed the Philistine culture. This washed out into the Levantine pop after a few hundred years. Were they fleeing the destruction in southern Europe or were they the people causing the destruction?

There was a R1b1b in the mix, need to look more closely at possible subgroups.

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I haven't yet had time to read the whole paper. However, if they had no "Judean" sample of, say, the pre-Maccabean period, how could we know that with any certainty? The Samaritans and Jews were bitter enemies not only because of religion but because the Jews believed the Samaritans had "foreign" ancestry. The Canaanites and later Phoenicians were not necessarily exactly the same as the Jews.
If you look at an ancient map of the Philistines and Judea, Ashkelon is surrounded by Judea. Maybe those Levantine Philistines samples are not Jewish but where did they come from? Either Judea or the northern kingdom of Israel. So basically they would be identical to Jews of that period.

My thinking is there were two possibilities for Jews to obtain South Euro admixture in the Levant, the first would be through the Philistines. This would affect the south Levant only and not Lebanon. But this paper says this is not it the case.

The second is by Alexander the great and the later Greeks after the 4th century BC. But wouldn't that affect Lebanon and western Jordan as well? We are not seeing Greek admixture in Lebanon so it is unlikely that it did for the Jews.

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