Hi everyone,I am Riccardo from Italy, 35 years old.Trying to find out more about my family has been quite an interesting idea circulating in my mind for the pastfew years or so.Well, to make things short, I did the full 111 markers test STR / SNP at FTDNA,and the result is rather obscure...We can trace our family's past until 1580, when it's known they were settled in the city of Parma in Northern Italy (coming from Spain.. or so it's a circulating voice in our family)After a few years, they moved in the Rome area, where we still are to this day.Considering what interests me the most, the Y Chromosome, it says the Haplogroup is T M70.After joining in the T Haplogroup project in FTDNA, the result of my DNA is at the very bottom, in an uncoloured (and still "Predicted?")area, named --- "Gamma-9-X Predicted L131+"The other 2 guys from that list is, one from Spain and one from Kuwait.Could someone please help me understanding my father's Y Chromosome background?Thank you so much!p.s. [...the composition of my Autosomal DNA (that, IIUC, should be also considering my mother's side?) shows:- 71 European (Southeast Europe 49% + West and Centr. 18% + British Isles 4%)- 20% Middle Eastern (16% Asia minor + 4% West Middle East)- 8% of Sephardic Jews (settled in Spain)- less than 2% Eastern Europe (maybe noise)...]