Possible new cro magnon haplogroup?

I noticed a Rothlisberger in the F Y-DNA Project. I wonder if that's Ben Rothlisberger's line.
I guess I'm not the only Eupedia contributor that plays the "I wonder what haplogroup that person belongs to?" game. It's an addicting endeavor...
If there are indeed still people who belong to haplogroup F in N-W Europe, they would be descended from some of the earliest Homo Sapiens to reach Europe, perhaps between 40,000 and 30,000 years ago. But Cro-Magnons were not a single, homogeneous and continuous ethnicity. There were several migrations from the Middle East (and possibly North Africa) to Europe between 40,000 and 12,000 years ago. These probably included chronologically haplogroup F, IJ, I, and E1b1b. Hg I managed to replace most of the older F and IJ lineages. E1b1b remained mostly in the Mediterranean region, explaining the difference between the robust northern types (I) and the gracile Mediterranean types (E1b1b).
Sapiens are only R1A haplogroup to be etymologically correct. Hence the obvious indo-euroPean spelling.

R1B haplogroup is the Actual HuMan, and no one else. This is the only mongoloid.

This is why history must be etymologically geneological.

Q and R1A are the only survivors of the ice-age.
R1A M417 has cromagnon.

Haplogroup i1 came to Europe first time 3000BC because they didnt know where to run and hide from the Red.
let's be carefull when speaking about phenotypes: even in North Africa (Maghreb) very ancient skeletons were robust and tall, but, closer to us in time, mesolithic maghrebian types presented two types: a tall and partially gracilized ("eurafrican", not so far from 'capelloids', and after that a (or more than one?) small, well gracilized type, today the mix of all of these last ones, with regional variations
Sapiens are only R1A haplogroup to be etymologically correct. Hence the obvious indo-euroPean spelling.

R1B haplogroup is the Actual HuMan, and no one else. This is the only mongoloid.

This is why history must be etymologically geneological.

Q and R1A are the only survivors of the ice-age.
R1A M417 has cromagnon.

Haplogroup i1 came to Europe first time 3000BC because they didnt know where to run and hide from the Red. Haplogroup R1A was in europe 600.000 years ago and the there was no i1-haplogroup in Europe.
Sapiens are only R1A haplogroup to be etymologically correct. Hence the obvious indo-euroPean spelling.

R1B haplogroup is the Actual HuMan, and no one else. This is the only mongoloid.

This is why history must be etymologically geneological.

Q and R1A are the only survivors of the ice-age.
R1A M417 has cromagnon.

Haplogroup i1 came to Europe first time 3000BC because they didnt know where to run and hide from the Red.
Sapiens are only R1A haplogroup to be etymologically correct. Hence the obvious indo-euroPean spelling.

R1B haplogroup is the Actual HuMan, and no one else. This is the only mongoloid.

This is why history must be etymologically geneological.

Q and R1A are the only survivors of the ice-age.
R1A M417 has cromagnon.

Haplogroup i1 came to Europe first time 3000BC because they didnt know where to run and hide from the Red.
i know med shares alleles with north European but north european also shares alleles with south west asian too it is because they are all in the Caucasian family so i don't how what u are trying to say about med and north european

and what do u mean by med is the most remote component in west eurasia i know that is is not centered anywhere it is pretty much equally spread out in europe, mid east, and north Africa it is most popular in europe

and u say that there is a good chance it was in Mesolithic southern europe but Mesolithic south europeans came from the same source as Mesolithic north europeans so that means the common ancestor of Mesolithic south europeans and north europeans did not have med the only way the south Europeans could have gotten it was inter marriage with non

and if med was a austomnal group that came to europe in paloithci or even mesloithci time sthen why dont finnish and sami have any med their ancestors have probably lived in scandnvai fro about 10,000 years and since sami have 50% mtDNA V which orignatated in spain and 50% mtDNA U5b their subclade originated in Spain sami and finnish migrated to Scandinavia from spain in the Mesolithic age over 10,000ybp but they have no med austomnal DNA

also finnish and sami are the only Europeans who's ancestors where not really affected by the neolithic age farming spread in their area very late like 4,500-5,000ybp sami ancestors stayed as hunter gathers till about 4,000-3,000ybp and sami and Finnish are the closest modern relatives to Mesolithic 7,000 year old Spaniard and to hunter gathers in swedan

Sami and Finnish are like the last true Mesolithic Europeans it is true that originality all Europeans had just north European globe13 austomanl DNA Mesolithic south Europeans did have some med because we have a genome from one and he had some med but they got that from non European inter marraige

since med is over 30% in most of Europe it sounds crazy that originally it was 0% how did it spread all over Europe and become so popular and how come in Europe it is more popular than it is in the mid east or north Africa where did this med austomnal group originate austomnal DNA groups are not always reliable maybe the med is a mixture of different groups i don't know but it is extremely confusing

i think the best way to figure out where all modern DNA comes from is ancient bones and i think in the next 10 years most ancient DNA mysteroius will be figured out but of course we will never know all of the answers
Hahahahahaha you obviously cant translate Finn, Finsk, Finja. European is a bloodline name of R1A. Finjo is a title.

Therefor haplogroup -N and O being cousin to Q and R1A haplogroup must have different achievements.
Hahahahahaha you obviously cant translate Finn, Finsk, Finja. European is a bloodline name of R1A. Finjo is a title.

Therefor haplogroup -N and O being cousin to Q and R1A haplogroup must have different achievements.
None of your posts has sense. How old are you? What books have you read?
If I 've time one day...