President Bush Speach, Tuesday Night


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Any comments. My impression was negative

Where's the Beef !

p.s: i am tired of hearing about september-11, and Iraq. the two are different events.
President Bush Speach, Tuesday Night

Three years and 6 months left of him !
The line seems to be that Hillary Clinton will run and get the nomination for the Democratic Party. Remember you heard it here first.
JackInBox said:
Any comments. My impression was negative

p.s: i am tired of hearing about september-11, and Iraq. the two are different events.

can`t say anything about the spech, since haven`t heard one. But, as for different events, not exactly true. First one participated in a role of an 'excuse' for the second
Pachipro said:
The line seems to be that Hillary Clinton will run and get the nomination for the Democratic Party. Remember you heard it here first.
Sorry, I heard it from everyone else in the world first.

Except her name is really Hillary Rodham. You heard it here first.
Miss_apollo7 said:
Well, I am looking forward to what he has to say on Wednesday, as he will visit Denmark!!!
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (Yahoo! News ) - President Bush said in a Danish TV interview aired Thursday that adhering to the Kyoto treaty on climate change would have "wrecked" the U.S. economy. "Kyoto would have wrecked our economy. I couldn't in good faith have signed Kyoto," Bush told the Danish Broadcasting Corp., noting that the treaty did not include other nations ?\ including India and China ?\ that he called "big polluters."
"Kyoto would have wrecked our economy..."

Yeah, like the billions we're spending in Iraq isn't detrimental...
Kyoto would have wrecked our economy.

This is a really detrimental myth. Stricter environmental standards would mean moving to new generations of fuel-saving, energy-efficient technology, and moving up the technology chain, from PCs to DVDs, unleashes productivity and stimulates the economy in almost every sector, especially finance, R&D and manufacturing. The only losers will be the big oil companies that will see a plummet in profits as demand tapers and plunges. Now that would wreck Bush's family's and buddies' "economy".
"Kyoto would have wrecked our economy. I couldn't in good faith have signed Kyoto,"
Yeah, right. Is Americas' ecomony is on par with a third world country and couldn't cope with the changes needed? Hardly. Translation "All my rich buddies are making to much money and this would make them make slightly less money. Plus they all helped me become pressed...presyde.. prssent..uuh the leader in Americanland and I was told by daddy I had to pay them back."
Cynical, moi?
qwertyu said:
This is a really detrimental myth. Stricter environmental standards would mean moving to new generations of fuel-saving, energy-efficient technology, and moving up the technology chain, from PCs to DVDs, unleashes productivity and stimulates the economy in almost every sector, especially finance, R&D and manufacturing. The only losers will be the big oil companies that will see a plummet in profits as demand tapers and plunges. Now that would wreck Bush's family's and buddies' "economy".

Well said! I completely agree, it is no use to try and alter industries that rely on depleting fuel supplies. It's only delaying the inevitable. It's better to get a headstart on things so that we're are ready for when these resources run out - in 50 years.
President Bush Speech, Tuesday Night

The line seems to be that Hillary Clinton will run and get the nomination for the Democratic Party. Remember you heard it here first.

Heard this first, I heard this months ago. She runs, the Democratic will lose again. Too much baggage (Bill back in the White House; Jay Leno and Dave Letterman will love it), and North-Eastern liberal.

This is a recipe for another Democratic diaster.
Poorly phrased I admit. Sure it's common knowledge and has been since she ran for the Senate seat in NY. I was hopping to incite more debate on her running. I really don't know if it will be another Democratic disaster as daddy Bush and Bill have been real pals lately, which even the news media seems surprised at, and Hillary has been hanging with Sen. John McCain recently. Something just doesn't feel right about these supposidly "enemies" being so close lately.
Iron Chef said:
"Kyoto would have wrecked our economy..."

Yeah, like the billions we're spending in Iraq isn't detrimental...
But I thought Bush invaded Iraq for oil and to help U.S. financial interests!

Jeez, it's hard to know which anti-American rationale to believe anymore! [lol]
qwertyu said:
This is a really detrimental myth. Stricter environmental standards would mean moving to new generations of fuel-saving, energy-efficient technology, and moving up the technology chain, from PCs to DVDs, unleashes productivity and stimulates the economy in almost every sector, especially finance, R&D and manufacturing.
Except in places like China and India, which are EXEMPT from the strict environmental standards of the Kyoto treaty, even though they're the biggest particulate air pollution producers in the world!
lonesoullost3 said:
Well said! I completely agree, it is no use to try and alter industries that rely on depleting fuel supplies. It's only delaying the inevitable. It's better to get a headstart on things so that we're are ready for when these resources run out - in 50 years.
Forty years ago they were supposed to run out in 30 years (from then). At that rate, by 2045 we'll have enough energy reserves to last another 70 years! {lol}

Aside: Those when-we'll-run-out predictions are always based on "proven oil/coal reserves" known at the time.

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