R1b-U106 increased EEF in Scandinavians


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I was reading this blog post about the Nordic Bronze Age.

But this caught my attention.

It basically says that R1a conquered Scandinavia before than R1b, something that makes total sense, since this is the coldest climate subgroup of R1.

During Battle Axe Culture there were 75% Yamnaya, today's Scandinavians are 50%.

Which makes me think R1b-U106 existed in more temperate N. Germany for quite some time, and mixed with the descendants of southern agriculturalists before partially conquering(introducing themselves into) Scandinavia.

Possibly U106 became relevant during the Nordic Iron Age because of their contacts with the Romans.
I've read differently. I've read that a lot of the early Corded Ware carried R1b, but that later on during the Bronze age it was largely supplanted by R1a, for whatever reason. I might be mistaken though, or going off of outdated conceptions.

The article also posits that R1b-U106 was likely an early Corded-Ware lineage, along with basal L51 in general.

I'd link the article I read it from but my post-count isn't high enough. The website is called Indo-European.eu and the article I'm referring to should be the first one that shows.

There could have been later U106 coming from the later Single Grave, then Bell-Beaker, then Unetice cultures that had picked up some EEF, and brought it into Scandinavia in waves or whatnot, and culminating in the Nordic Bronze Age and the birth of the Proto-Germanic language and culture.
That's my speculation, anyway.
Wait, never mind. I didn't read your post carefully enough. I don't think our understandings or points contradict in any significant way.

R1b would have predominated among the earliest Corded Ware, but R1a probably would have been predominant in Scandinavian Battle Axe culture, so I think you're on the right track, and your further explanations pertaining to EEF and U106 make sense.