Politics Russian "Byzantinism" Putin wants the Throne?


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Russian President Vladimir Putin was visiting Karyes, the administrative center of the Orthodox enclave of Mount Athos. The above photo, of Putin standing at an ancient throne alongside Greek officials and Orthodox dignitaries (as is the local custom for greeting visiting Orthodox heads of state on Mount Athos), was described by various Russian news outlets, both within the country and abroad, as Putin standing at a place which had until now been reserved only for Byzantine

This article has a long story. It was originally appeared at News1, Israel. Then it was translated from Hebrew to Russian for Inosmi.ru. Then Carpatho-Russian translated it from Russian to English for SouthFront.

Putin is consistently working on creation of a new superstate, “Imperial Orthodox-Byzantine Russia”, designed to replace the Communist USSR which broke up 25 years ago. This power will become the center of a huge regional block including the countries neighboring Russia. This also concerns the Middle East, which the new Russia considers to be space where its interests in the sphere of national security are manifest.

Putin’s plans to create the new Russian imperial power are shown in very different spheres. Recently they affected Israel in connection with the events in Syria and partly in Iraq.

Russia is strengthening its presence also in Jerusalem: in Muscovy in Ein-Karem, in the Sergiyev Courtyard in the city center, and other Orthodox religious objects in the capital and its suburbs, as for example in the church of Alexander Nevsky in the Old City.

At present it is possible to note the following facts:

1.War in Georgia in 2008, with two areas with Russian population torn away — South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
2.War on Donbass in Ukraine where Russian population predominates, and where the region received the name Novorossiya.
3.Annexation of the Crimean peninsula on the Black Sea, seized from Ukraine.
4.Creation of the Russian outpost on the Syrian coast of the Mediterranean Sea (with the participation of Assad, Hezbollah, Iranians, and Shiites) in Tartus and in Latakia, facing the economic waters of Syria which are hiding a shelf with rich mineral deposits — oil and gas (in parallel with sections of the economic waters of Lebanon, Israel, Cyprus, and Egypt).

The events in Syria belong to traditional Russian strategy, according to which Russia must have presence at the “warm seas” in the south — the Black Sea, the Bosporus, the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles leading to the East Mediterranean, which Russia considers as operative space to ensure its national interests in the security realm. In the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea there is the Suez Canal leading to the Red Sea, and from there to the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.

The necessity of restraining Islamic anarchy also plays a role, as numerous Muslims live in the Russian Federation, and some of them, primarily Chechens, have joined ISIS. In Greater Moscow there live about three million Muslims.

The vacuum which has generated anarchy

The policy of the western states in the Middle East has created a vacuum which has generated anarchy. The most radical manifestation of this process is ISIS, with whom nobody is seriously fighting (a similar phenomenon was formed as a result of anarchy in the region about one thousand years ago under the name of the “Assassins”). This all led to political deadlock and loss of vision, which in turn has been expressed in the breakdown of the modern states created by Great Britain and France, with assistance of the USA, after the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Lebanon. The threat to the Hashemite kingdom in Jordan is also growing and getting stronger. This should also seriously disturb Israel.

Post-communist Russia under the direction of Vladimir Putin intends to inherit the identity and essence of the “Eastern Byzantine Empire”, which appeared as a result of the split in the Christian world into western Catholic and eastern Orthodox churches.

The stabilizing role which Byzantium played in the Middle East passed from it to the Ottoman Empire and then and also to the USSR. All these empires had the common “Byzantine Eastern” identity, even though the Ottoman Empire was a Muslim state.

The USSR existed in the conditions of friction with the West, first of all with the USA, as well as with post-colonial France and Great Britain. At the same time, operating in coordination with the western countries, the USSR managed to maintain secular national stability in the Arab Middle East. This was facilitated by Gamal Abdel Nasser, who was advancing a secular-nationalist pan-Arab ideology. This course was carried out in cooperation with Baathist parties in Iraq and Syria and in “Movement of Non-aligned Countries” bloc, representing the Third world freed from colonialism.

It must be noted that only the emergence in the Middle East of Putin’s Russia as the successor of the past USSR will lead to regional stabilization, due to the Byzantine heritage of Moscow. As appears from their recent statements, US Secretary of State John Kerry and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are beginning to understand this.

The new equation in the Middle East

Russia has come forward in the world arena in its new “Orthodox-Byzantine-Imperial” cloak. It can construct a new equation to restore stability in the Middle East. Such a development of events will in turn lead to weakening the Islamic messianic fanaticism expressed in ISIS. This phenomenon corresponds to Messianic Judaism and messianic Protestantism-evangelism in Christianity. This process will take place in cooperation with the West. The main participants will be Russia, the West, and the Sunni Arab countries which have not fallen into anarchy. They have a community of interests which is expressed in aspiring anew to stabilize the post-colonial Middle East, which is collapsing before our eyes. For this purpose it is essential to strengthen the system of authority, which is distinct from western democracy which cannot be inculcated in this region. A further purpose of the program is to put an end to a flow of refugees and illegal immigrants fleeing from the bleeding Middle East to Greece, or to Italy from Libya. The flow of illegal immigrants from the Middle Eastern states seriously threatens the demographic and cultural stability of Europe.

New stabilization of the Middle East will be carried out according to Ottoman-Byzantine eastern principles, instead of western. These methods are time-honored, tested and rolled out over a thousand years. These include creation of autonomous structures and provision of collective security to a mosaic of religious and ethnic groups in the Middle East within stable state formations under the Russian-Byzantine aegis. The system of “religious communities and millets”, somewhat like cantons, worked remarkable well in the region for generations. Great Britain, having accepted the mandate for Palestine, also used the same principles, adopting relevant laws on communities which are still operative in Israel, Palestinian Authority, and Jordan. A return to this system will benefit various religious, ethnic, cultural, and clan communities in the Arab Middle East. These include Kurds, Palestinians, Druzes, Alawites (in Syria), Alawites (in Turkey), Yezidi (fire worshipers living in Iraq, against whom genocide is occurring currently), Assyrians, numerous Christian communities of the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic orientation, Turkmens, Bahai, and many others.

This assumption leans on the fact of a community of interests of Russia and the USA. Washington aspires to reduce its own intervention in the affairs of the region and presence in the Middle East. This tendency is associated with the global priorities of the USA, requiring rapid transfer of the American attention to the Far East.

Stabilization and initialization

The information mentioned above means that stabilization will occur on the basis of a restart of the Middle East. There are no two ways about it. Vladimir Putin plays a key positive role in this process. He has already demonstrated an ability to show restraint in the question of a Syrian chemical weapon. He will likewise direct and counterbalance the activity of Iran and its satellite in the agancy of Hezbollah, in accordance with Russian interests.

Putin has been involved in the stabilization of Syria, and China in the fight against ISIS. Beijing has its own interest in eliminating ISIS associated with the presence, in the ranks of this group, of fighters from among the Uighur, the Chinese Muslim minority. There is also interest in Germany, which is striving with all its efforts to stabilize Syria and Iraq for the sake of terminating the flow of refugees from these states to European countries. One more state interested in the same process is France. The French citizens, both those of Muslim origin and those newly converted, are fighting on behalf of ISIS. In addition, France has a a link with the region since the times of the mandate to Syria and Lebanon, which it received after the First World War.

The Russian-Byzantine relationship, based on intuition and understanding, in this case is more preferable than the rigid western approach based on a black-and-white picture of the world.

“Byzantism” corresponds better to the necessity to construct a complex policy in a region abounding with ethnic, cultural, religious, national, and tribal groups, so as to stabilize it.

Only a synthesis and a common denominator between western thinking with its limitations, and the Byzantine approach based on the principle of “union of cultures”, can become the solution for the chaos and the anarchy which have generated dangerous tendencies and created the conditions for the flourishing of messianic ideas in Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

The situation in Syria

Taking into account of the above, Vladimir Putin is acting properly, presenting the world with the fact of the creation of a Russian outpost in Syria. It is possible that he will act the same way in Iraq and in Benghazi, which is the location of the lawful government of Libya which is at war with local detachment of ISIS.

A new formation of the imperial periphery of Russia provides for the conclusion of strong bonds between Moscow and as-Sisi’s Egypt, Greek Cyprus, and Tsipras’ Greece, as well as the former Yugoslavian republics, Bulgaria, and Romania.

Russia also plays a leading role in the BRICS group which includes besides itself Brazil, India, China, and the Republic of South Africa, a powerful bloc which has become a counterweight to the USA, Europe, and Japan.

Avigdor Lieberman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, understood the significance of these processes and the importance of “Byzantism”, and hence tried to include Israel in this system of unions so as to protect Israeli national and regional interests. But in this regard, Benjamin Netanyahu prefers not to engage in strategy and is keen on tactical attempts of static rather than dynamic management of the conflict. He conducts himself in the style of Golda Meir, who led the country to the Yom Kippur War in 1973, as mentioned in the report of Agranat’s commission of inquiry.
where did you find this,

that created a huge argue among Greek politicians, clerics, even the denial of greek president to salute Putin,

the story has like this,
mt Athos is an autonomous area under East Roman empire laws from 700 AD, but also part of Greek democracy,
Although it is a multilingual community and multinational, has one leader the Nova Roma patriarch,
but at each monastery they may have their patriarchs too, the second throne as it is called,

now the case of Putin and St Panteleimon monastery which is mt Athos basic monastery but Russian speaking, to deny the 2 thrones predicted also the failure of panorthodox congress of Crete, a semi indipedent church belong to Jerusalem Pope, that was programmed to gather all Orthodox churches.

Anyway to avoid troubles the Greek goverment ignore Putin, except the stupid prime minister who accepted to be insulted,

Truth is that Putin is about to gather many small Christian churches with him, and surely is expanding to middle East and USA,
he believes that is a true succesor of East Roman empire, and defender of 'true christians' all over the world,

A new Tsar is born.

this visit of Putin to most Greeks is considered as an offence,
There was several authors writing on the subject,i found this online it is written by whom was published at begining.
The Byzantism in Russian society is not new thing,as a country partly they developed from that culture,they almost succeeded if it wasn't for the Crimean war on them by French and British,maybe Istanbul would have been Russian today lol.
They wanted and perhaps still want subservient Turkey.
They often mix Byzantism,Eurasianism etc
Putin just use that as something for political gains,pan-Orthodox council failed i think because the Russians among others don't want that to be called by patriarch who was subject to the sultan,from a city Constantinople (Istanbul) in Turkey,Eastern empire is dead,they want to lead in that question.
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As appears from their recent statements, US Secretary of State John Kerry and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are beginning to understand this.

Regardless of what Merkel understands or not, willingly or not, she is not only splitting Eurasia but also Europe. If she understands it now, it is already too late. She worked ten years to thoroughly destroy the historic chance of an independent Europe with an allied westernized Russia (Paris-Berlin-Moscow). Now it has become impossible for Putin to continue his initial european/western path (2000-2006) without ridiculing himself or admitting to Duginists. Russian nationalists and Duginists gained strength, because almost every Russian was convinced since Ukraine that Europeans are neither benevolent nor reliable.

Europeans have isolated themselves, thinking they isolated Russia. The old split between Catholic/Protestant and Orthodox Europe will regain importance, which should mostly cause trouble in the Balkans as usual. Moreover, if right-wing populism continues to rise in Europe, some countries will move towards US/UK, others towards "Byzantine", some remain neutral or just seek refuge from german domination. Economic pressure will push also some non-orthodox christian countries towards Russia. Ultimately, some european countries may become a "meat shield" during a possible hot conflict between NATO and Russia. I don't see anything good for Europe, unless a miracle happens. Also Putin doesn't look too happy in this throne, but he will get over it, lol. I hope the responsible key persons will be honored appropriately in history books.
Regardless of what Merkel understands or not, willingly or not, she is not only splitting Eurasia but also Europe. If she understands it now, it is already too late. She worked ten years to thoroughly destroy the historic chance of an independent Europe with an allied westernized Russia (Paris-Berlin-Moscow). Now it has become impossible for Putin to continue his initial european/western path (2000-2006) without ridiculing himself or admitting to Duginists. Russian nationalists and Duginists gained strength, because almost every Russian was convinced since Ukraine that Europeans are neither benevolent nor reliable.

Europeans have isolated themselves, thinking they isolated Russia. The old split between Catholic/Protestant and Orthodox Europe will regain importance, which should mostly cause trouble in the Balkans as usual. Moreover, if right-wing populism continues to rise in Europe, some countries will move towards US/UK, others towards "Byzantine", some remain neutral or just seek refuge from german domination. Economic pressure will push also some non-orthodox christian countries towards Russia. Ultimately, some european countries may become a "meat shield" during a possible hot conflict between NATO and Russia. I don't see anything good for Europe, unless a miracle happens. Also Putin doesn't look too happy in this throne, but he will get over it, lol. I hope the responsible key persons will be honored appropriately in history books.
The truth is that there is clash of ideas and civilizations right now,many are opposite to eachother.
For Putin western path perhaps he had his idea "from Lisbon to Vladivostok" but the problem is how to incorporate or to cooperate with Russia within western Europe,truth there is a lot of interests among eachother,but what about their ideas?Not all will want Russia as partner within Europe, probably since we know them as big bad Soviets.
You are right that there is division among European countries or EU as a whole on certain things and ideas.
At least conflict in Europe is the least we need,unfortunately about Balkans you might be right if that happen.We should not forget the Chinese which are rising pretty much economicaly,as i see at least in the Balkans they came with a lot of investments even some company bought a sea port Piraeus in Greece,some call it new silk road should pass from there trough Balkans to Europe,this geo politcal games and clashes i hope will not end up bad for us.
The truth is that there is clash of ideas and civilizations right now,many are opposite to eachother.
For Putin western path perhaps he had his idea "from Lisbon to Vladivostok" but the problem is how to incorporate or to cooperate with Russia within western Europe,truth there is a lot of interests among eachother,but what about their ideas?Not all will want Russia as partner within Europe, probably since we know them as big bad Soviets.
You are right that there is division among European countries or EU as a whole on certain things and ideas.
At least conflict in Europe is the least we need,unfortunately about Balkans you might be right if that happen.We should not forget the Chinese which are rising pretty much economicaly,as i see at least in the Balkans they came with a lot of investments even some company bought a sea port Piraeus in Greece,some call it new silk road should pass from there trough Balkans to Europe,this geo politcal games and clashes i hope will not end up bad for us.

I witnessed during the past 16 years how and when the ideas started to diverge significantly. I also witnessed which side started this development.

I agree with you and understand there are fears from the soviet past, but not every country shares these fears. It is mostly a matter of PR to deal with fears. Interestingly after most east countries have become members of EU and NATO, some of them increased their fears, when it was actually NATO who crossed the well-known red line. I'm sorry that I keep ranting over and over again.

The space "from Lisbon to Vladivostok" (Paris-Berlin-Moscow was just the beginning, Warsaw and others would fit in perfectly) would be an appropriate counterweight to China and perhaps also to the Silk road. But if Europe and Russia confront each-other like now, this leaves no room for both, geostrategically. Apparently some people had placed their bets on a collapse of Russia. "Byzantinism" is a new strategy to handle this new situation. Orthodox Christianity comes in handy, given that most of Europe isn't orthodox anyways.

Also a common fallacy is to assume that Russia and China are close allies. They approach each other due to the common threats only, but they always had conflicting interest and clashes, also during communism. Three years ago China had prepared deals with Ukraine for food supply where Crimea was involved. Chinese and Russian interest seem to have clashed here. I don't know what happened to these deals now.

Having said that, I agree with you mostly.
Putin is like Erdogan

few decdes before Santam and kantafi etc had declared them shleves as defenders of Islam,
Today that title belongs to Erdogan,
Putin was to be declared as lord protector of Christianity,

but in EU the stupidity of religious affairs among christians are not even discussed,
they are promoted rather by ultra nationalistic parties like in Ukraine, than by popes or patriarchs,

the new shuna age had started after 1948,
the new crusaders age not yet, but soon, although desert storm can seem like one,

I feel lucky, cause balkans this time are outside, except the known ones,
this not a war for balkans, they will be left ouside, except some small short events,

I trust pagans, and their profecies.
I witnessed during the past 16 years how and when the ideas started to diverge significantly. I also witnessed which side started this development.

I agree with you and understand there are fears from the soviet past, but not every country shares these fears. It is mostly a matter of PR to deal with fears. Interestingly after most east countries have become members of EU and NATO, some of them increased their fears, when it was actually NATO who crossed the well-known red line. I'm sorry that I keep ranting over and over again.

The space "from Lisbon to Vladivostok" (Paris-Berlin-Moscow was just the beginning, Warsaw and others would fit in perfectly) would be an appropriate counterweight to China and perhaps also to the Silk road. But if Europe and Russia confront each-other like now, this leaves no room for both, geostrategically. Apparently some people had placed their bets on a collapse of Russia. "Byzantinism" is a new strategy to handle this new situation. Orthodox Christianity comes in handy, given that most of Europe isn't orthodox anyways
I agree with you.
But i have my doubt on them too at least from past,whether they used Pan-Slavism,Byzantism or whatever as any empire watch their interests,apart from that you will be left alone to the contrary,or be a "traitor" if want any kind of independence.
They were helping too in many situations,so did we in past,historicaly we were connected,but... things need to be overcomed.
The idea "from Lisbon to Vladivostok" or Paris-Berlin-Moscow should been discussed seriously and separated from this.
Also a common fallacy is to assume that Russia and China are close allies. They approach each other due to the common threats only, but they always had conflicting interest and clashes, also during communism. Three years ago China had prepared deals with Ukraine for food supply where Crimea was involved. Chinese and Russian interest seem to have clashed here. I don't know what happened to these deals now.
True that the Chinese will watch this from sidelines and will take what they can.
In this situation "economic sanctions" it is Europe and Russia that are losing mostly.