Serb and Croat genes

Looks like Eupedia have been mentioned in too many internet's pigsty. I won't make the same mistake twice.
Well, nordicists exist in your country also there, as there are in mine, and is in Croatia and other countries.

Nordicists are delusional, poorly educated intra-race racists. Prime material for the dust-bin. They behave like mindless children.
Nordicism was created to overcome the strong inferiority complex that nordic people suffered, because of the mediterranean superiority in achievments and history. So, they had to invent childish stories like the romans and greeks were Norwegians, that blondism is superior, etc.
So, in Italic and Iberian peninsulas were born the greatest empires that humanity observed, sometimes the nordicists invent things like the ancient Romans were Nordic, etc.. that ultimately lies.
Nordicism was created to overcome the strong inferiority complex that nordic people suffered, because of the mediterranean superiority in achievments and history. So, they had to invent childish stories like the romans and greeks were Norwegians, that blondism is superior, etc.

The excuse they invented for the fall of the Portuguese Colonial empire was because we turned mulattos. :LOL:
But I don't know what's the excuse for the fall of the Spanish Empire. Some of them try to push the trivial levels of sub-saharan admixture in Spain as reason of the fall. :LOL:

Poor things, we can't blame them, they are only unloved children (y)
The excuse they invented for the fall of the Portuguese Colonial empire was because we turned mulattos. :LOL:
But I don't know what's the excuse for the fall of the Spanish Empire. Some of them try to push the trivial levels of sub-saharan admixture in Spain as reason of the fall. :LOL:

Poor things, we can't blame them, they are only unloved children (y)

Most are dullards who seem psychologically disturbed. These clowns act like they are suffering from some type of brain damage. :useless:
Coon was a physical anthropologist. I haven't read much of his work, maybe a few paragraphs, but to discredit his work based on the idea that he's racist is not logic. That is my only view on the subject, to make asserts otherwise, and falsify what i have stated, is an extreme error in rhetoric.

I don't agree with Sprinkles on most subjects, but his logic here is sound. I'm saying this regardless of the fact that I didn't read anything Coon wrote.

Listen to this.
We also know that Darwin was a racist, at least by our standards now.
Does this fact discredit all his work?
Is theory of evolution and natural selection invalid?
Is Darwin:
Insecure racist idiot; poorly educated intra-race racist; a charlatan; who is racist, is biased, thus his works cannot be objective; racist fraud and delusional etc.
We also know that he was wrong in his geological hypothesis.
Hmmm, what that would leave us with? Creationism?

One could argue that mare description of differences between races is still good science and not racism. It could be used to improve medications and treatments. I'm pretty sure scientific racial profiling is used by white doctors curing people in Africa.
Unfortunately it can be also used to divide races, it could be used by racists to demean and abuse.
Racism starts with negative emotions towards other races, racial slurs, followed by apartheid politics or ethnic cleansing. In racism the most important is the intent and not pure science.

PS. I didn't write this to defend Coon or Darwin.
I don't agree with Sprinkles on most subjects, but his logic here is sound. I'm saying this regardless of the fact that I didn't read anything Coon wrote.

Listen to this.
We also know that Darwin was a racist, at least by our standards now.
Does this fact discredit all his work?
Is theory of evolution and natural selection invalid?
Is Darwin:
Insecure racist idiot; poorly educated intra-race racist; a charlatan; who is racist, is biased, thus his works cannot be objective; racist fraud and delusional etc.
We also know that he was wrong in his geological hypothesis.
Hmmm, what that would leave us with? Creationism?

One could argue that mare description of differences between races is still good science and not racism. It could be used to improve medications and treatments. I'm pretty sure scientific racial profiling is used by white doctors curing people in Africa.
Unfortunately it can be also used to divide races, it could be used by racists to demean and abuse.
Racism starts with negative emotions towards other races, racial slurs, followed by apartheid politics or ethnic cleansing. In racism the most important is the intent and not pure science.

PS. I didn't write this to defend Coon or Darwin.

I have already explained why much of Coon's work is worthless. What fundamental premise did the jack-ass start from? Read what I wrote and follow the logic...

Talk to Harvard and U. Penn and find out what they think of Coon.
I think it makes no sense now to compare Coon and Darwin for example...if Coon was a racist and delusional that doesn't mean we have to search for world's most famous scientists who perhaps were racists too to justify his work.
I think it makes no sense now to compare Coon and Darwin for example...if Coon was a racist and delusional that doesn't mean we have to search for world's most famous scientists who perhaps were racists too to justify his work.

Thank you Joro... (y)
Huh? Darwin defended racial segregation like Coon did... That's new to me. :eek:h:
i just wont to add a bit about croats.

You cannot judge whole Croatian ppl look from sport teams,because majority of them are from dalmatia or BiH(ppl from hercegovina who list them selfs as nationality:hrvatsko(croat)).
2.In north Croatia there are lost of ppl with Hungarian ancestry,and their surnames are Croatizated(sp),and there are lots of topic on Croatian forums about Croatians surnames which are of Hungarian origin.These ppl are still croats,as they have deep roots in croatia,and consider them selfs as ones,and are not 100% hungarian,but mixed.
I would say that in N.Croatia there is about 50% of ppl with hungarian/german/austrian origin,but predominantly Hungarian.

To conclude fizical look of south croatian/hercegovian croatian is different than north Croatian,but not by much,usually south croats are bit darker and taller.
Again some hyperactive teenagers with their wacked ideas:D
Where to start...everything that you have written is mostly crap.
Northern Croats are mostly Hungarians by would rather be that Hungarians largely assimilated Pannonian Croats before their arrival in late 9th century,and later migrations of Croatian sub-ethnic groups like Bunjevci in Ottoman times have played some role in Hungarian ethnogenesis.
Besides,anthropologically there are also clear differences.Hungarian have a lot of those types which are unique to them and which certainly differentiate them greatly from (northern)Croats,like Turanid,Ladogan,Mongoloid,East Baltid and various other types.

anyway,what you've written is mostly pure krap.
anyway,what you've written is mostly pure krap.

depends on a point of view,anyways i am not going to start argument here with you,because you are probably N.Croatian.

But i guess your right because Croats subjugated Hungary and settle it,so for a long period of time Hungary was Croatian province. (y)
I am North Croatian of Dalmatian origin,like many of us are.
I don't know what is your point,are you some Serb tractorist pretending to be Croat and with task of dividing Croatian people,or maybe even Hungarian with the same duty(although I haven't seen that yet)?
There are no great differences between northern and southern Croats,especially nowadays.
To conclude fizical look of south croatian/hercegovian croatian is different than north Croatian,but not by much,usually south croats are bit darker and taller.
Southern Croatia(Dalmatia) is mainly western-Med,and northern Croatia is Alpine/CM.
Southern Croatia(Dalmatia) is mainly western-Med,and northern Croatia is Alpine/CM.
Well, yeah, but that's maybe a bit oversimplified.
Dalmatia also has strong UP, Nordid and Dinarid presence, and northern Croatia has some Nordid strain too.After all, Zagreb residents were shown to be mostly dolicephalic according to last study.
Anyway, there is no particular rule, all kinds off types can be found.
The truth is that Croatians are more Paleolithic by comparison to other Balkan peoples and closer to Western Europeans genetically. Bosnians as well.

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