Example of East German 23andMe Ancestry Composition.
This person has ancestry from:
Birthplaces of grandparents (50% from present-day Germany + 50% from present-day West Poland):
1st grandparent born in: Kreis Oder-Spree, Provinz Brandenburg (parents also from the same area)
2nd grandparent born in: Kreis Spree-Nei?e, Provinz Brandenburg (parents also from the same area)
3rd grandparent born in: Provinz Oberschlesien, and parents from:
- first parent from Kreis Neustadt O.S. (areas west of the Oder River)
- 2nd parent from the city of Krapkowice/Krappitz (west of the Oder River)
[so her Silesian ancestors are from the area between Prudnik and Krapkowice, west of the Oder River]
4th grandparent born in: Berlin Neuk?lln, but parents were from:
- first parent from Netzekreis (Grenzmark, later in Provinz Pommern)
- second parent from anywhere in Pommern or also from Netzekreis*
*Netzekreis was anyway part of Pommern as of September 1939:
And 23andMe results (this person ordered v4 and later v5):
23andMe v4:
23andMe v5:
Eurogenes K36:
Amerindian -
Arabian -
Armenian -
Basque 3.37 Pct
Central_African -
Central_Euro 9.49 Pct
East_African -
East_Asian -
East_Balkan 4.41 Pct
East_Central_Asian -
East_Central_Euro 20.76 Pct
East_Med -
Eastern_Euro 15.19 Pct
Fennoscandian 12.21 Pct
French 8.13 Pct
Iberian 6.14 Pct
Indo-Chinese -
Italian 0.07 Pct
Malayan -
Near_Eastern -
North_African -
North_Atlantic 6.97 Pct
North_Caucasian -
North_Sea 12.09 Pct
Northeast_African -
Oceanian -
Omotic -
Pygmy -
Siberian -
South_Asian -
South_Central_Asian -
South_Chinese -
Volga-Ural -
West_African -
West_Caucasian -
West_Med 1.16 Pct
K36 Similarity Map:
K36 Latitude and Longitude: