23andMe Share your 23andMe Ancestry Composition


In the last list that I have put K11 the smaller values indicate to be nearer or are the greater values those that indicate to be closer?
If it’s the one with the pie chart:
The Greater Values are the Closest.
View attachment 10687
He had not explained me well. I mean this. Are the higher values closer or are the lower values closest?
View attachment 10687
He had not explained me well. I mean this. Are the higher values closer or are the lower values closest?

I can only see a spreadsheet. Those are NOT your Results.

It’s just a reference showing the Admixture percentage average for each population listed in the First Column. The Highest Values are the Closest. The Bigger the number, the higher is the Ancestry.

On other ORACLE results:
Least-squares method, Distance Population, Using to 1 to 4 population approximation:

The Lowest Values are the Closest.

(Google Translate)

Cuanto menor sea el número a la derecha, Más son similares a la población:


The smaller the number on the right, the more similar I am to that population.

It Does not necessarily mean that I belong to all these populations.

It means that these populations are the most similar to me
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From the last Friuili DNa paper which was 2012, these where the ydna
G2c , G2a, J2b and T1 are remnants of Early Hunter gathers before the arrival of farmers ...............surprised no C and H2 ydna found although these are usually found with G and T in neolithic times in Europe
I2b and I1 would be herders/farmers "black sea area" and I2a and E1b1b are anatolian farmers
R1a and R1b steppe migration
R1b ....20
E1b1b .....16
R1a ....13
I2b ....8
I1 ....6
G2c ...4
J2b ...4
G2a ...3
I2a ...2
T1 ....1
maybe we need to check the east tyrol paper and the above ydna come from friuli alps ( carnico alps )

I still retain a low percentage of Alpine DNA, and assuming is Y related, It might be possible that you and I, share a common ancestor in the last 6 or 7 generations.

Beyond this limit, those percentages would have disappeared in a Pugliese.
Unless is part Ancient Illyrian, and ... gets complicated. :)


I still retain a low percentage of Alpine DNA, and assuming is Y related, It might be possible that you and I, share a common ancestor in the last 6 or 7 generations.
Beyond this limit, those percentages would have disappeared in a Pugliese.
Unless is part Ancient Illyrian, and ... gets complicated. :)

7 generations ? .....ie, ~250 years ago
my line first entered veneto into https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fonzaso circa 1600 from trentino
I have genetic match/s in the area with the Toigo and Cemin families
actually the Toigo line is interesting as they are ydna L-M20
it would be good if you can make a link with myself ................note the furthest, most southern family member I know lived in coastal Marche
where did you run this report
7 generations ? .....ie, ~250 years ago
my line first entered veneto into https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fonzaso circa 1600 from trentino
I have genetic match/s in the area with the Toigo and Cemin families
actually the Toigo line is interesting as they are ydna L-M20
it would be good if you can make a link with myself ................note the furthest, most southern family member I know lived in coastal Marche
where did you run this report

I said a Y share, a Man. If not could be old Illyrian, or something else.
I didn’t run it myself, I bought it.
Is there going to be an updated version of the ?23andme Autosomal Composition? map? :)

Curiously I?m 15% German yet 23andme is scoring me as 16% ?Germanic/ Broadly NW European?
If these new updates are legit, the Anglo-Saxons and Frankish communities don?t appear to have settled in the England or France in huge numbers.
Nonetheless the new 23andme updates are impressive. :)

British Isles/Germany/French Canadian

  • British & Irish


    United Kingdom, Ireland

  • French & German

  • Germany

  • Spanish & Portuguese


  • Eastern European


  • Finnish


  • Broadly Northwestern European


  • Broadly Southern European


  • Broadly European

  • Sub-Saharan African


  • Congolese

Example of East German 23andMe Ancestry Composition.

This person has ancestry from:

Birthplaces of grandparents (50% from present-day Germany + 50% from present-day West Poland):

1st grandparent born in: Kreis Oder-Spree, Provinz Brandenburg (parents also from the same area)

2nd grandparent born in: Kreis Spree-Nei?e, Provinz Brandenburg (parents also from the same area)

3rd grandparent born in: Provinz Oberschlesien, and parents from:
- first parent from Kreis Neustadt O.S. (areas west of the Oder River)
- 2nd parent from the city of Krapkowice/Krappitz (west of the Oder River)

[so her Silesian ancestors are from the area between Prudnik and Krapkowice, west of the Oder River]

4th grandparent born in: Berlin Neuk?lln, but parents were from:
- first parent from Netzekreis (Grenzmark, later in Provinz Pommern)
- second parent from anywhere in Pommern or also from Netzekreis*

*Netzekreis was anyway part of Pommern as of September 1939:


And 23andMe results (this person ordered v4 and later v5):


23andMe v4:


23andMe v5:


Eurogenes K36:

Amerindian -
Arabian -
Armenian -
Basque 3.37 Pct
Central_African -
Central_Euro 9.49 Pct
East_African -
East_Asian -
East_Balkan 4.41 Pct
East_Central_Asian -
East_Central_Euro 20.76 Pct
East_Med -
Eastern_Euro 15.19 Pct
Fennoscandian 12.21 Pct
French 8.13 Pct
Iberian 6.14 Pct
Indo-Chinese -
Italian 0.07 Pct
Malayan -
Near_Eastern -
North_African -
North_Atlantic 6.97 Pct
North_Caucasian -
North_Sea 12.09 Pct
Northeast_African -
Oceanian -
Omotic -
Pygmy -
Siberian -
South_Asian -
South_Central_Asian -
South_Chinese -
Volga-Ural -
West_African -
West_Caucasian -
West_Med 1.16 Pct

K36 Similarity Map:



K36 Latitude and Longitude:


In case of Silesian ancestry (25%) I emphasized that it is from areas west of the Oder, because Barthel Stein wrote in year 1513 that Oder was important as ethnic border:

"(...) Zwei Volksst?mme, die sich nicht nur nach ihren Wohnsitzen, sondern auch nach ihren Sitten scheiden, bewohnen es; den nach Westen und S?den gelegenen Theil nehmen die Deutschen ein, den Theil nach Osten und Norden zu die Polen? beide trennt als eine ganz sichere Grenze die Oder von der Nei?em?ndung ab, soda? auch in den St?dten diesseits die deutsche, jenseits die polnische Sprach vorherrscht. Man erkennt zwischen beiden V?lkern einen starken Gegensatz. (...)"

Source: Barthel Stein, "Descriptio Tocius Silesie et Civitatis Regie Vratislaviensis", 1513.

In 1513 areas north & east of the Oder were mostly Polish (that applied also to parts of Lower Silesia east and north of the Oder), while west & south of it - mostly German.
Using the K36 Latitude and Longitude coordinates from both my 23andMe and Ancestry gives me wildly different points. My 23andMe puts me in south Hesse, near Frankisch Crumbach, not far from where the family of my great-great-grandmother Annie Appel originated in Seligenstadt. My Ancestry, on the other hand, puts me on the west side of Maastricht in the Netherlands. It appears to be due to the different proportions of Iberian vs. Italian; I have more Iberian in Ancestry, more Italian in 23andMe.
Mine (seems decent)
***European 99.7%
- Italian 85.5%
- Spanish & Portuguese 4.1%
- Greek & Balkan 1.5%
- Eastern European 0.4%
- Broadly Southern European 7.0%
- Broadly Northwestern European 0.5%
- Broadly European 0.6%
***Sub-Saharan African 0.1%
- Somali 0.1%
***Unassigned 0.1%

Mother (it didn't get better; at least in the previous version there was some coherence between my results and my parents')
***European 100%
- Italian 36.0%
- French & German 31.9%
- Greek & Balkan 2.3%
- Spanish & Portuguese 2.2%
- British & Irish 1.3%
- Eastern European 1.3%
- Broadly Southern European 15.4%
- Broadly Northwestern European 5.4%
- Broadly European 4.4%

Father (good; Italian % correctly increased and NW European % correctly decreased)
***European 100%
- Italian 51.7%
- French & German 17.7%
- Greek & Balkan 3.4%
- Spanish & Portuguese 1.8%
- Eastern European 1.3%
- Sardinian 0.6%
- British & Irish 0.2%
- Broadly Southern European 11.8%
- Broadly Northwestern European 5.9%
- Broadly European 5.6%
Mine changed again, slightly. My parent's are the same.

Results now...

***European 99.7%
- Italian 86.5%
- Greek & Balkan 1.6%
- Spanish & Portuguese 1.2%
- Broadly Southern European 8.8%
- Eastern European 0.2%
- Broadly European 1.3%
***Unassigned 0.3%

***European 100%
- Italian 36.0%
- Greek & Balkan 2.3%
- Spanish & Portuguese 2.2%
- Broadly Southern European 15.4%
- French & German 31.9%
- British & Irish 1.3%
- Broadly Northwestern European 5.4%
- Eastern European 1.3%
- Broadly European 4.4%

***European 100%
- Italian 51.7%
- Greek & Balkan 3.4%
- Spanish & Portuguese 1.8%
- Sardinian 0.6%
- Broadly Southern European 11.8%
- French & German 17.7%
- British & Irish 0.2%
- Broadly Northwestern European 5.9%
- Eastern European 1.3%
- Broadly European 5.6%
My AncestryDNA:
79 Italy, (Southern Italy - Puglia)
8 Greece & the Balkans, 5 Spain, 4 Sardinia, 4 Caucasus.

(Maybe mine will change again.) :)

Unofficial Update (subject to changes):

Italy - 75
Greece/Albania - 22
Near East - 3


... oops, wrong thread :)

A bit hard to reconcile with this :

Screen Shot 2019-09-06 at 9.02.11 AM.jpgI got mine today. The update, that is. 0.5% Native American, eat your heart out Elizabeth Warren! Since I have half Micmac Acadian Metis ancestors in my Ancestry tree, as well as a woman of the Ottawa tribe, I can trace it to one specific great-great-grandfather, on whose branch of the tree they dwell.
I got my update too. The Italian, which had decreased to 45.5%, has increased again, to 51.4%. No more Balkan/Greek, British/Irish increased, and still no identified French region. I wonder why, when my family has been in North Eastern France since the 1600's and probably further back. Especially puzzling when I see other testers being assigned specific French regions.

Mine changed again, slightly. My parent's are the same.

Results now...

***European 99.7%
- Italian 86.5%
- Greek & Balkan 1.6%
- Spanish & Portuguese 1.2%
- Broadly Southern European 8.8%
- Eastern European 0.2%
- Broadly European 1.3%
***Unassigned 0.3%

***European 100%
- Italian 36.0%
- Greek & Balkan 2.3%
- Spanish & Portuguese 2.2%
- Broadly Southern European 15.4%
- French & German 31.9%
- British & Irish 1.3%
- Broadly Northwestern European 5.4%
- Eastern European 1.3%
- Broadly European 4.4%

***European 100%
- Italian 51.7%
- Greek & Balkan 3.4%
- Spanish & Portuguese 1.8%
- Sardinian 0.6%
- Broadly Southern European 11.8%
- French & German 17.7%
- British & Irish 0.2%
- Broadly Northwestern European 5.9%
- Eastern European 1.3%
- Broadly European 5.6%
What are they doing? My trio-phased results changed... again! And became worst (from 86.5% Italian to 44%).

(Parents' are the same.)

***European 99.4%
- Italian 44.0%
- Spanish & Portuguese 5.9%
- Greek & Balkan 5.2%
- Broadly Southern European 10.6%
- French & German 21.0%
- Broadly Northwestern European 6.7%
- Eastern European 0.4%
- Broadly European 5.5%
***Trace Ancestry 0.4%
- Broadly Western Asian & North African 0.3%
- Broadly Northern East African 0.1%
***Unassigned 0.2%

Not sure why they're changed so frequently.
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What are they doing? My trio-phased results changed... again! And became worst (from 86.5% Italian to 44%).

(Parents' are the same.)

***European 99.4%
- Italian 44.0%
- Spanish & Portuguese 5.9%
- Greek & Balkan 5.2%
- Broadly Southern European 10.6%
- French & German 21.0%
- Broadly Northwestern European 6.7%
- Eastern European 0.4%
- Broadly European 5.5%
***Trace Ancestry 0.4%
- Broadly Western Asian & North African 0.3%
- Broadly Northern East African 0.1%
***Unassigned 0.2%

Not sure why they're changed so frequently.

my new one ....................my italian went down from 54.7% to 45.1%

European 99.5%

Southern European 68.4%
Italian 45.1%
Veneto, Italy

Spanish & Portuguese 4.4%

Greek & Balkan 3.4%

Broadly Southern European 15.5%

Northwestern European 20.9%
French & German 18.5%

British & Irish 0.4%

Broadly Northwestern European 2.0%

Eastern European 0.7%

Broadly European 9.4%

Trace Ancestry 0.4%

Broadly Western Asian 0.4%

they have the message
Your Ancestry Composition results were updated because you connected with your biological parent. With a parent connected, we are able to provide more accurate results due to a process called phasing. Learn more about this process on our help pages
my phased split from parents from 23andme

Blue from father ..........red from mother
European 48.2%

Italian 16.8%
Spanish & Portuguese 3.7%
Greek & Balkan 0.0%
Broadly Southern European 9.8%

French & German 10.7%
British & Irish 0.0%
Broadly Northwestern European 3.1%
Eastern European 0.0%

Broadly European 4.0%

European 51.3%

Italian 28.3%
Spanish & Portuguese 0.7%
Greek & Balkan 3.4%
Broadly Southern European 5.6%

French & German 4.7%
British & Irish 0.4%
Broadly Northwestern European 2.0%

Eastern European 0.7%

Broadly European 5.3%
my phased split from parents from 23andme

Blue from father ..........red from mother
European 48.2%

Italian 16.8%
Spanish & Portuguese 3.7%
Greek & Balkan 0.0%
Broadly Southern European 9.8%

French & German 10.7%
British & Irish 0.0%
Broadly Northwestern European 3.1%
Eastern European 0.0%

Broadly European 4.0%

European 51.3%

Italian 28.3%
Spanish & Portuguese 0.7%
Greek & Balkan 3.4%
Broadly Southern European 5.6%

French & German 4.7%
British & Irish 0.4%
Broadly Northwestern European 2.0%

Eastern European 0.7%

Broadly European 5.3%

Boy %s of Inherited Ancestry from Parents.

They added NW Europe to the Father after the Phasing.


It seems that the Mother passed more genes to the Child than the Father.

(23andme ... results are from last year)