Slavs first wrote with Runes?


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[COLOR=#000000 !important](Courtesy Masaryk University)

BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC—The AFP reports that a fragment of inscribed cow bone unearthed in the southern Czech Republic has been dated to around A.D. 600, indicating that Germanic runes were employed in the region before the invention of a Slavic alphabet in the ninth century by the Christian monks Cyril and Methodius. The runes inscribed on the bone are in the Elder Futhark script, which was used by German speakers in central Europe from the second through the seventh centuries, according to Robert Nedoma of the University of Vienna. The last seven of the 24 signs in the Elder Futhark script were inscribed on the bone fragment. The international team of scientists who analyzed the bone concluded that it may have been used as a teaching tool.

[COLOR=#000000 !important](Courtesy Masaryk University)

BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC—The AFP reports that a fragment of inscribed cow bone unearthed in the southern Czech Republic has been dated to around A.D. 600, indicating that Germanic runes were employed in the region before the invention of a Slavic alphabet in the ninth century by the Christian monks Cyril and Methodius. The runes inscribed on the bone are in the Elder Futhark script, which was used by German speakers in central Europe from the second through the seventh centuries, according to Robert Nedoma of the University of Vienna. The last seven of the 24 signs in the Elder Futhark script were inscribed on the bone fragment. The international team of scientists who analyzed the bone concluded that it may have been used as a teaching tool.
LOL. Is Cyrillic alphabet now called slavic alphabet [emoji1787][emoji1787]

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Aren’t there examples of Elder Futhark that are much older that have been found in areas much further north?
You must be joking when you write such nonsense ?!
This is propaganda for fools only.
First of all, these runes do not come from any Germans or any north people.
We have them in the linear scripts from Crete and then it is absurd those who use a foreign alphabet even today to claim that they gave runes to Slavic people, who in fact created several alphabets, and that at the territory where the oldest written signs in the world were found. The Linears A and B, the Glagolitic, they all have parallels with the oldest written signs from the Balkans.
Once at the university I taught on the history of the language that they seemed to belong to the old-time Norwegian tribes like "vandals"
I thought the first Runes were by Vikings.