Some photoes about Pyongyang-The capital of North Korea

Did anyone see the recent North Korea piece on CNN? It featured some video secretly taken by an actual North Korean man, who risked torture and execution to take it.

The images in that video showed quite a different story compared to the above pictures...
m477 said:
The images in that video showed quite a different story compared to the above pictures...

The first set of pictures and the travellog I linked to all have pretty much the same photos - they were on sponsored tours and taken to pretty much the same areas. But you can tell in the Japanese travel journal that he/she knows there is more going on, but he/she won't be able to get a look at it...
I just got a picture of this :

This old cenotaph is for the Chinese People's Volunteer Army
It is hard to find another of this kind of cenotaph~

You can find Kim_Il-sung's cenotaph almost everywhere!

Hell, Kim_Il-sung
I just read an article of Korean War,It is Kim_Il-sung's fault to start this war without inform China at first!
drag China into the war is also a fault!...In fact ,a majority of Chinese officeholder refuse to join the war,but Mao_Zedong's will win...
At last, Chinese People's Volunteer Army help North Korea drive U.S force away. But only this cenotaph for the Chinese People's Volunteer Army which is smaller than the Kim_Il-sung's...
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Mandylion, that was a great link and indeed funny.

It just seems so barren and desolate, among other things. Many other things. Very strange. Spooky, even.