Spanish middle class, desapears...

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Reaction score
Mexico City
Ethnic group
Amerindian + German + French + Spaniard + Black + others

The Middle Classes in Spain has dwindled by 15% in the last decade...

Financial corruption and the unability to see themselves objectively, besides of living parasitically from German and French transfers, have made them a weak society...

Then, @Lynx come to these forums to shows its racism and prepotence, and decree, that

"Turks are not Europeans and should not be allowed to enter in the EU".

What a bloody cheek.
You're talking trash out of frustration... stop embarrassing yourself.

How childish can you get? :useless:

You made Maciamo close your two previous threads... are you looking for a ban? :useless:
You have changed the roles, lynx opens many threads on Spanish America, I have been told by privately that he has a physical disability there trying to hide his veiled racist, for that reason is in the forum at any time since the Spanish state pays you miss a long illness.
Posting articles about other countries is not racism, mexiCarlitos. Posting personal opinions based on lies and hate, yes. And that's what Sirious does. Your butt hurts.

Keep entertaining me trolls.
You have changed the roles, lynx opens many threads on Spanish America, I have been told by privately that he has a physical disability there trying to hide his veiled racist, for that reason is in the forum at any time since the Spanish state pays you miss a long illness.

Speaking of disabilities or ailments of any one individual or the possibility of their existence is going too far.
Speaking of disabilities or ailments of any one individual or the possibility of their existence is going too far.

No, lynx is very democratic in that regard and constantly accuse someone of having a different identity and nationality to the real.

Having a physical handicap should not be taboo or discriminatory reason, Spain has invested a lot of money for people with disabilities are fully integrated, fully ACPET the Spanish people with physical or mental disabilities, we see it in the most natural, decades or centuries ago is true that people with disabilities were hidden from society, are now integrated.
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