Sumerians and Native Americans could be related?

Veddoids and Dravidians have African origins, just like every Human! Sure they seem closer by the fact they evolved less as a whole than other Eurasians. Less evolved concerning their allover auDNA doesn't mean they are by force less developped in intelligence... But it doesn't mean that they come recently from your tenacious "black" Africa. Other Eurasians are brothers or cousins of these Veddoids, just with more mutations compared to or common ancestors. Don't wring poor B. Sergent's words please.
Concerning Sumerians, I hope your map is not covering a period of 5000 years, what would suppress any value to it! I suppose it concerns today pop's... And Sumerians of old times were not inhabiting only the most southern part of Mesopotamia.
And don't forget there was a gradient concerning types in ancient Egypt; Southern Egyptians were not exactly what were Northern Egyptians, concerning the basic pop. And we cannot put too much confidence into the pictures of ancient times which surely had some stereotypic bias. Also it would not be bad to abandon the word 'black' which doesn't signify a lot in itself.
Veddoids and dravidians were not just Africans in origin they keep also the customs ( bearing sedan chairs for the kings or noble or upper people in Yatra Ratra festival just like in Africa , wearing loincloths just like in africa ( sarongs ) , trusting in sacred serpents , circumcision in remote dravidian peoples , trust in mother earth as mother goddess)

Concerning sumerians the map is about genetic presence since 50000 years till present , it doesn' t concern only modern pops because there's no australoid people in Irak and Qatar anymore and it covers all regions populated by sumerians such as Gerrha in saudi arabia

Concerning egypt , we can put too much confidence into the pictures of ancient times because it was reality seen by ancient egyptians:
ancient egyptians were brown as the pountites their ancestors also ancestors of somalis ( ethiopid phenotype ) while berbers and semites were white and nubians deep black ( nilotid phenotype )
ancient egyptians are brown

pountites are brown like the ancient egyptians

ethiopian girl ( ethiopid phenotype )

Nilotid phenotype
Coptic guy of same color berbers and semites according to ancient egyptians
I'm sorry,but I fond NO reference for datation in the links concerning the map of 'veddoid' input and NO date for the Gurna study. So how do you know it's speaking of ancient pops?
I'm sorry,but I fond NO reference for datation in the links concerning the map of 'veddoid' input and NO date for the Gurna study. So how do you know it's speaking of ancient pops?
the veddoid presence map is about veddoid presence since 50000 years in the world , it talks about ancient peoples
the Gurna genetic test , itself , is about genetic test on sons of ancient egyptians , Gurna being an ancient ancient egyptians city , it shows ancestors of Gurna people and ancient egyptians people so were blacks firstly in predynastic and pharaonic era and tha-t berbers , semites and others mixed with this substrate to create today egyptians corroborating evidences of Shomarka Keita
This said,I don't know what is your point precisely. Veddoid is a relatively modern pop having kept a lot of "archaic" physical features. That they came from Africa, it's very possible and even the mainstream dogma, as our proper ancestors (we, today Europeans) came from Africa in this same dogma. So speaking of 'veddoid' in Africa 50000 years ago is going a bit far.
Gurna or Kurna or... is a central-southern place of Egypt. Were they pure black skinned people or something more or less SSA-like, I don't know but at this lattitude it isn't surprising, so I accept this without doubt.
Now we have still the question of who built the first pyramides? It's said that the first pyramid has been built around 2600 BC in Saqqada near Memphis in nothern Egypt, so in a place where 'europoid' people were dominating the mix of pop's. At this time already there was a big difference between pop's of southern and northern Egypt, ATW that doesn't tell me whah aspect had the pharaon Djeser who made build this pyramid.