The complexities of bullying

Kinsao said:
Doc - obviously, I don't know how f***ed up you are... but, one thing, if you are, at least you are somehow aware of it. It's the people who are f***ed up and think they are totally ok who really scare me. :souka:

If it's any consolation, only going by what posts I read from you on this forum, seems that you are f***ed up and nice, rather than f***ed up and a bastard to boot... :relief:

Oh I can be a bastard trust me. I mean a REAL bastard if you set me off just right. People that I hate or hold a grude upon I'm a bastard to. I'm not talking like bully bastard, I'm talking cold hearted bastard. I can be really mean when I tease people, but it's only online in one particular forum when the noobs really start to piss me off with their chuckle-headed antics. Other than that I can be a really nice guy. It usually works like this: when you first meet me I'm cold and distant.

Earn my trust, and I can be the nicest guy in the world providing that you don't set me off in a horrible way (which takes a lot to do, ex. backstabbing me for your own benifit). Other than that I'm nice, but cold as well. It's just weird like that I guess. I don't know. One thing that is for certain, I am a great listener. If you ever have a problem, I'll listen and give advice to the best of my ability. I'm sure most people in my situation would never be like that, but then again I'm not like them. So yeah I guess you're right when you say I should be lucky. I guess I really am in that sense.

I find that Doc's way is the way most people who have suffered bullying turn out. Often seen as distant and introverted, a swine when annoyed and can give a cold shoulder like no other. It is a case that when you are bullied you don't like to give your trust in someone until you really know them. It's like "I've been hurt by people in the past. I'm not going to let you hurt me". A psychological distrust of people put there by the bullies of your early years.
I do not readily trust people, although over the years I have become less introverted. I know why, because of bullies, and have learnt to try and socialise more. I do have an evil temper, fortunately nobody has suffered at the hands of it since I was 15. The person who did was a bully. When I snapped all I can remember was the red mist and being pulled off this guy by 3 of my friends. The idiot bully never really did learn, although the physical bullying stopped, he would still name call, usually from a safe distance and with friends.
Strangely enough I have also been used as a listener by people in the past. Probably because I will never reveal a secret told to me unless the person wants it to be known at a later date. I've become an agony aunt (or should that be uncle) for a few people.
Well I've actually mellowed out quite a bit for the past few years. I'm still bit of a hot-head, but I'm not that easily annoyed anymore. I can also talk to people in a general converstation, given that I'm interested in the topic at hand. Still I won't accept you as one of my friends until you earn my trust. Still I think compared to what I was four years ago, I'm a hella a lot better now than I was then. At least now I care about people(however loving somebody is another issue entirely; intimacy issues I don't think that will ever go away). So what I'm trying to get at is that I kind of exaggerated in my previous post. I mean I can still be a bastard, it just takes a lot to get me to be that way. I am sarcastic though in a very bad way if you don't get my sense of humor. :(

You'll get mellower (is that a word?) as you get older, I have. I also cut out caffine when I was about 25, which really helped me improve my temper and moods. I find I can take people with a bit more tolerance than I used to, although I still look down on people I regard as idiots, I can now remain in the same room as them. I have been told by several people that they know when I don't like someone, apparently I talk down to them. I do not even realise I'm doing it, and if keep typing in people the wrong way and have to keep going back to correct it, I'm going to get annoyed with myself and probably break something :eek:kashii:
I cut out caffine when I lost the weight. I found out that it acted as a depressant for me rather than stimulant. Which is weird because alcohol makes me hyper which is why I stay away from it. Aparently it's because of my chemical makeup in my brain. Go figure. As for looking down on idoits, you and me both. I can't stand stupid people, espeically those who ruin something for everybody else. You can never have anything nice in this world because somebody will eventually ruin it.

So yeah I can relate to you on that one. I hate stupid people, and I'm talking about the ones who never learn from their past mistakes and keep doing the same damn thing over and over again like not holding your ticket and id up at the same time in an airport. I just got asked why I'm an ass at another forum. My response: Because I have a whole list of people who piss me off on this forum, and you're one of them. Meh, I'm a dick like that. Still that's about the only time I'm a jerk is on that one particular forum. Other than that I'm a nice guy. It's weird, and I have yet to figure out why too. :(

I can't trust people, and I have no idea why, because I wasn't really bullied when I was at school. Maybe I'm just weird like that :worried: I don't have a problem in being friendly with people, though, all the same. It's actually quite difficult to piss me off - mainly because I'll always be direct with people rather than keeping things bottled up. So I can put up with nearly anybody. But there's always quite a big distance even between me and my friends.

I find people trust me a lot lot more than I trust them, for the same reason as with Doc - cos I'd never, ever betray someone's secret or look down on them because of it.
Mycernius said:
I have been told by several people that they know when I don't like someone, apparently I talk down to them. I do not even realise I'm doing it, and if keep typing in people the wrong way and have to keep going back to correct it, I'm going to get annoyed with myself and probably break something :eek:kashii:

I do the same, but I often know I'm doing it and find it hard to stop myself. People can be so dumb! Life would be a lot easier if more people had their brains in gear. That's one reason I like this forum - most people think about what they are saying and most times people are supportive. Although I have seen hints of bullying even here.
Well i guess with bullying its like with dogs: Have you noticed that little dogs bark so much? All the time? Yeah? Well thats also why people bully because they feel inferior so they gotta bark a lot to feel big and bad and stuff... I think thats part of Sigmund Freuds crazy thinking...well i think he might be right
Bullying: differences of bullying between boys and girls

Wow, I forgot about this thread! :sorry:

Anyways, I think I realized something, have you ever saw the way boys bully and the way girls bully?

I noticed something about bullying with other girls. For some reason it seems that girls bully withing their inner circle. Hence the cliques, you mostly see girls in cliques, at least from what I've noticed. And it seems when girls are bullies, it's not unusual that the victims used to be the girl's friend. The point I'm trying to make is that, when boys bullies, they usually bully someone they don't know. But when girls do it, it's someone that is close to them.

From personal experience, my "friends" are the ones who made me feel the worse.
That's why I always like the old saying, "you keep your friends close, but you keep your enemies closer." To me it seems that to find the very best of friends one is all you'll ever truly need. However, a group of them it seems they drag you down more than actually helping you. At least that's the observation I've made with cliques anyway.

Doc :wave:
And other insecurities, those bullied victims would use anything to make up for their self-esteem.
Oscar 2022: The joke and slap seem like time travel ...

Very interesting text by Brazilian columnist Nina Ramos published today on UOL, Brazil's largest internet site:

”It's not possible that anyone still thinks the comedian Chris Rock's "joke" at last night's ceremony is normal.... For those who don't know about the biggest confusion at the Oscars of recent times: the presenter, known for his politically incorrect humor, made a joke with actress Jada Pinkett Smith, who suffers from alopecia, a disease that causes hair loss. He laughed and made fun of her appearance on her face. Unbelievable. No, this is not funny. The name of this is bullying and aggression. Then the unthinkable: Will Smith, Jada 's husband , walked up to the stage, slapped Chris in the face, walked back to his seat, and yelled, "Get my wife's name out of your mouth!"... Anyone over 40 knows it well, because grew up in a world where it was normal and acceptable to make fun of people's physical "flaws". Nobody had the courage to say that the kind of humor that laughs at the short, the "fat", the "glasses", the "toothed" and so on was wrong.... In classrooms, bullying ran rampant (and that word didn't even exist). TV and movies were no different. Some women spent their entire lives playing the role of "the ugly" in TV comedies, where they were insulted in every way. In the circus and also on TV, jokes with dwarfs, fat people, people with disabilities were normal. At the same time, it was normal for men to "go out on a limb" at parties, often because of women. These attitudes (rotten humor and "men's" fights) are widely portrayed in movies like "Porky's" (anyone remember?) The time has passed. A lot has changed. We learn expressions like bullying, trigger and mental health. And what happens at the 2022 Oscars? A return to those toxic times.... I think in fact that kind of humor that laughs at the pain of the other has already given. He arrives. It's not acceptable. Most of us carry pain caused by this type of "joke" to this day.... is there anything older than a fight where the woman is the pivot while the men fight?".... - Jada looked at the two of them in disbelief. And, as much as many see Will's act as a heroic proof of love and protection, I imagine she must have suffered double: she heard a joke about her illness, heard the laughter, and, in the end, she comes to "take care" of her husband who lost control.... That's how it's been for years. Certain things, unfortunately, do not change. But some urgently need to transform: one of them is the humor that laughs of another person…”
I have to disagree a bit, Duarte. Yes, bullying is terrible. I remember being made fun of because my mother spoke with an accent and would call me by the real, Italian version of my name and because I always had my head in a book instead of coming out to play. It was more serious where my children were concerned. My son was bullied because he was very small in elementary school and not terribly good at sports, and it got physical at times, and my daughter was bullied and lies were spread about her because, frankly, she was too pretty, and the boys always followed her around.

Did it upset me? Of course, it did, much more for my children than for myself. My parents sent me to an all-girls Catholic school where the nuns would have made life hell for any girl who did that sort of thing, and where academics were really prized, but the nearby ones were closed when my children were in school,and dealing with the school and the parents was frustrating and it was never really resolved. I think it contributed to my son's shyness to this day.

However, I watched the clip of Chris Rocks' comment, and I think Will Smith over-reacted. It was a one sentence statement that she rocked the G.I. Jane look. It's a typical stand-up comedian's jab at the people in the front row sort of thing. I've seen it dozens of times, and it's rarely mean spirited enough to cause real hurt. Perhaps he didn't even know it was caused by a medical condition; I certainly didn't. Even if he did, it was a compliment in a way, because she did indeed rock it. Also, if you look at the clip, Will Smith was laughing when he first heard it; it was his wife who looked annoyed. Did she goad him into it? I don't know.

Regardless, I think Will Smith totally over-reacted; it was unprofessional, low-class behavior, and it took away a special moment for some winners. It's not as if Chris Rock physically assaulted her or even made some wildly inappropriate sexual comment. As I said above, I doubt he knew she has alopecia, and was probably just making a mild joke about her fashion choice. A quiet word back stage, followed by what I'm sure would have been an on screen apology, would have been the way to go.

Maybe I'm off base and seeing it incorrectly because I really don't like this woman. I can't imagine publicly announcing that I'm having affairs with other men while married. That would seem to me a sure fire way to get your husband to over-react in these kinds of situations. The whole relationship seems completely toxic to me.

Of course, the American public now has another reason to not watch this broadcast. It's all movies no one has seen or wants to see, awards given for the sake of diversity instead of outstanding talent, and displays of how far these people are in their beliefs and values from the people they pretend to want to entertain. In my view they're just virtue signaling to each other. The result is that the American public just doesn't give a damn about it anymore. I don't even watch the pre-show for the dresses anymore.
I'm torn on this one...Comedians walk the fine line of what is and isn't going to be acceptable humor, I think Chris Rock should have known better than to comment on Jada Pinkett's hair, you don't know the cause, she could have a medical condition it could be due to Cancer best to keep that joke to yourself. I think initially Wil Smith was ok with the joke, but you could see it really hurt her feelings and his macho instinct took over when he saw how it affected her. He lost his cool but he could have close fisted Chris Rock but instead had the restraint to slap him... I think the Comedy at the Oscars has been a little more on the distasteful side in recent years, then again it is all kind of an old timey spectacle that is losing its appeal especially with the youth...pretty sure its only Genx and older that still watch them :D
And I suppose I'll share my Bully and Bullying, I briefly bullied a scrawny lil 6th grader when I was in 8th grade and boy did I get hit with Karma in the 9th grade, suddenly I was a scrawny lil runt that got beat up on by other 9th and 10th graders...I had to learn how to scrap...eventually I got pretty good at it, even had one big scrap in the lunch room that had the whole lunch room cheering us on...spent time in the off campus detention for that one...Well you definitely need to learn to fight back, I actually earned respect from all those that decided to fight me...if you are a little guy and are facing a much larger adversary...punch them right in the throat that'll teach them :)
I have to disagree a bit, Duarte. Yes, bullying is terrible. I remember being made fun of because my mother spoke with an accent and would call me by the real, Italian version of my name and because I always had my head in a book instead of coming out to play. It was more serious where my children were concerned. My son was bullied because he was very small in elementary school and not terribly good at sports, and it got physical at times, and my daughter was bullied and lies were spread about her because, frankly, she was too pretty, and the boys always followed her around.

Did it upset me? Of course, it did, much more for my children than for myself. My parents sent me to an all-girls Catholic school where the nuns would have made life hell for any girl who did that sort of thing, and where academics were really prized, but the nearby ones were closed when my children were in school,and dealing with the school and the parents was frustrating and it was never really resolved. I think it contributed to my son's shyness to this day.

However, I watched the clip of Chris Rocks' comment, and I think Will Smith over-reacted. It was a one sentence statement that she rocked the G.I. Jane look. It's a typical stand-up comedian's jab at the people in the front row sort of thing. I've seen it dozens of times, and it's rarely mean spirited enough to cause real hurt. Perhaps he didn't even know it was caused by a medical condition; I certainly didn't. Even if he did, it was a compliment in a way, because she did indeed rock it. Also, if you look at the clip, Will Smith was laughing when he first heard it; it was his wife who looked annoyed. Did she goad him into it? I don't know.

Regardless, I think Will Smith totally over-reacted; it was unprofessional, low-class behavior, and it took away a special moment for some winners. It's not as if Chris Rock physically assaulted her or even made some wildly inappropriate sexual comment. As I said above, I doubt he knew she has alopecia, and was probably just making a mild joke about her fashion choice. A quiet word back stage, followed by what I'm sure would have been an on screen apology, would have been the way to go.

Maybe I'm off base and seeing it incorrectly because I really don't like this woman. I can't imagine publicly announcing that I'm having affairs with other men while married. That would seem to me a sure fire way to get your husband to over-react in these kinds of situations. The whole relationship seems completely toxic to me.

Of course, the American public now has another reason to not watch this broadcast. It's all movies no one has seen or wants to see, awards given for the sake of diversity instead of outstanding talent, and displays of how far these people are in their beliefs and values from the people they pretend to want to entertain. In my view they're just virtue signaling to each other. The result is that the American public just doesn't give a damn about it anymore. I don't even watch the pre-show for the dresses anymore.

Bullying at school is really terrible and is common in schools all over the world. For example, the suicide of preteens and teenagers who are victims of bullying in South Korea and Japan is almost a public health problem. I recently watched a Korean horror series on NETFLIX called “All of Us are Dead”. It is set in a high school. I don't recommend anyone to watch it because it's a Zombie Apocalypse type movie recorded in video game rhythm. It's bad, at least for my taste. However, removing the exaggeration and absurdities of the plot, the story set in a high school shows the bullying practiced by bullies and popular students against other students, basically discriminated by their social condition. The rawness and reality of some bullying scenes are shocking because they show a reality that is a problem in that country and in many others. As for Oscar, I'm not in favor of any kind of violence. Smith could have slapped Cris Rock with gloves in the speech in which he, Smith, received the statuette, pointing out the humorist's indelicacy and the discomfort caused to Jade, whose face in the act of the joke clearly shows her discomfort with the situation. It should be noted that this was not the first time that Chis Rock was unkind to the Smith couple, and again, in an award ceremony of great repercussion. At the 2016 Oscars, the couple was also the target of at least two nasty lunges from the aforementioned comedian. In other words, the feud is old and, yesterday, Cris Rock's joke was the last straw. Those who say what they want always run the risk of hearing what they don't want.
I think it's all about how much you are willing to put yourself out there. If a celebrity has personal family issues and keeps them private... anything should be off limits.
If you let it all hang out, people will make fun. So, when it comes to the joke Rebel Wilson made about Jada's boyfriends... it's fine. We didn't ask to know anything about all that.
Of course, the American public now has another reason to not watch this broadcast. It's all movies no one has seen or wants to see, awards given for the sake of diversity instead of outstanding talent, and displays of how far these people are in their beliefs and values from the people they pretend to want to entertain. In my view they're just virtue signaling to each other. The result is that the American public just doesn't give a damn about it anymore. I don't even watch the pre-show for the dresses anymore.

I actually think the Oscars will benefit from this for years to come and milk it again and again in future presentations of the Academy Awards. People will tune in expecting some types of encores.

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