Economy The US and European Economic crisis

Extremes of both are undesirable. The stock market as shown is quite unstable and collectivism leads to gradual decline or no growth economy. Mr. Griffin might be wrong on the 'isms' but he is right on the money on the Creature from Jekyll Island. Maybe the 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' was actually a warning. Wall Street is two-faced. There is the suave Dr. Jekyll and then there is the hideous Mr. Hyde as shown in the 1929 Stock Market Crash and the 2007 Recession (would have been a crash equal to 1929 if the U.S. Government didn't step in).

I hate it when people try to frame things as a choice between stalinism and cowboy capitalism. It's been repeatedly shown in countries like Sweden and Germany that the economy works well if you have a combination of regulated free enterprise and direct government involvement in essential services such as education, health care and utilities.
It is politics. Throw the mud and hope it sticks. Same thing with the churches. They show 'hell' to scare the heck out of the kids so when they grow up they are god-fearing. Psychology at work.
Money Masters and Politicians

Both parties in America are controlled by the Money Masters.

As explained in the video by Mr. Griffin, Democrats like to spend on social issue so creating debt with the Fed issuing bonds and treasury notes enable them to pursue their political goals. However the multiplying effect of having banks expanding their loans by ten and the Wall Street banks by 17 paper money would result in inflation as money does not match goods produced. The rich do not like inflation as it corrodes their wealth. Only the banks and Wall Street bankers siphon off enough money many times above inflation so they are NOT affected. Republicans representing the wealthy fight debt. Note the Rockefellers and Rothschilds back Democrats or Liberal Republicans as inflation doesn't affect them.
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The true history of the banking cartels and the Federal Reserve:

It appears that the Federal Reserve System is unconstitutional:

The Secret of Oz:

History Channel - Rockefellers:

Those who want to download YouTube videos there are many sites but for convenience I have provided two popular sites:

The CNET site


the tucows site.

There is a caution I must mention from my experience that you may have as a result get a lot of junk emails as they track your email address. I get a lot of junk as I downloaded a lot of freewares not knowing their tracking feature and the mailing list income they receive.

A lot of businesses started this way. Google itself is a mailing list company. The Google search engines get your email and somehow the email address from their gmail or tracking from using Google search engine provides them the mailing list. Sir Richard Branson also started as a mailing list provider i.e. he sent a lot of free stuff in the mail and got addresses and the mailing list.
Episode 2:
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Episode 3:
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Episode 4:
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