Well, I gotta say that when I started this forum I knew nothing about genetics. Now that I am a little more enlightened on the matter I would never create such a forum.
My question was pretty much ignorant (and I know that a person who asks must be ignorant or he wouldn't have doubts in the first place.
That being said, I asked that about three years ago so like everything my opinion on the matter of the vikings in Portugal topic is much more refined as is my English.
My opinion nowadays and I must say that I do not speculate like three years ago. The matter about vikings in portugal is now clearer to me and to everyone who keeps an eye on scholarly news.
The Vikings did found a colony between the rivers Cavado and Ave in northern Portugal, we know that because they left material remains (very little remains but still it's there), about the anthropoligal view that I used in the first place to ask my question, it is still the same, my family is pretty much what stereotipicaly northern europeans look like ( pale skin, light eyes and light hair).
About the viking genetic influence on the portuguese population, it must be minimal except in the area where we know the vikings settled but still very little, I believe we could equate the viking admixture with the arabic admixture (since most moors were local or northern african) and as for calculators, they still need to be greatly upgraded to be at least comprehensive (for me the best one so far was 23andme but the only way we can have a trustworthy admixture calculator is to have thousands of samples for each supposed admixture.
Now, to end this bad excuse for a forum I would like to say that if it were now I would never ask such a trivial question and I guess that is the reason that I don't comment often because most of the times I don't have anything pertinent to add to a certain discussion or I prefer to see what more experienced people in terms of genetics have to say i.e. older forum members that have probably "studied" genetics for more than a decade now.
Not to bore you people anymore I will expose my conclusion. I believe that the portuguese population is mostly of iberian neolithic stock which later received the bronze age invaders i.e. indo-europeans including the celts then romans mostly from what is today italy then germanic invaders, then mostly berber north african invaders whose influence in the iberian genotype is still up to debate since we cannot know for sure if the north african present in today iberians is mostly neolithic or if the arabian invasion impacted that admixture heavily, in that regard my opinion is both although I have my reservations regarding the influence of the berbers in the iberian gene pool since most muslims ran away to north africa, then after that no major shifts on the genotype ocurred only with some influence from the rest of europe mostly in cities like porto and the presence of jewish or new christian conversos.
I wish I have not been too dull but I get carried out talking about history since it is a passion of mine. So thank you for reading this, I guess