I guess he got tired of being called "little Marco".
I think he'll come to regret it. That one struck a chord with men, in particular, and I think it will be remembered when the dozens of insults Trump has hurled will be forgotten. Trump also won't let it go, always devoting a good couple of minutes to it in each speech, "defending" himself. That tells a lot right there. Any minute I expect Trump to come out waving a certificate from his doctor saying it's "HUGE"!
As far as gender is concerned, I couldn't care less whether a candidate is a woman or not. Younger women care even less. The gender problem revolves around Trump; he does terribly with women voters not because they want to vote for a woman, but because they hate
him. I know there are women who support him but there's a big gender gap in terms of men versus women where his support is concerned. Just speaking anecdotally, I don't know a single woman, Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, minority, white or whatever, who can stand him.
Ed. This is the context:
Rubio: “He’s always calling me Little Marco. And I’ll admit he’s taller than me. He’s like 6’2″, which is why I don’t understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5’2″. Have you seen his hands? They’re like this. And you know what they say about men with small hands? You can’t trust them.”
Of course he also said Rubio couldn't have gotten into the Wharton School of Business (I wonder if Trump was a legacy admission or his father bought at chair?), and made fun of the fact that he often drinks from a water bottle during debates.
Trump: “I have never seen a human being sweat like this man sweats. … It looked like he had just jumped into a swimming pool with his clothes on.” (Trump then
splashed water onstage yelling, “It’s Rubio!”)"
Now admit it, you can't look away. It's exactly like a reality TV show. You're laughing and then feel guilty about having laughed.
Bottom line, though, while he hurt Trump, he also hurt himself.