US Elections Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

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Well, now you know how to respect the office but hate the person. I hope you will remember this lessen.
You are Talking about yourself.
I don’t hate anybody. [emoji56][emoji4]
I voted for Gary Johnson. He was our best candidate. I am so embarrassed to have Trump for president. I can't wait to leave this shitty country
Vote for a president of USA. 2016 election.

I voted for Gary Johnson. He was our best candidate. I am so embarrassed to have Trump for president. I can't wait to leave this shitty country
So You Hate America.
Good Luck and God Speed!
What is happening in these last years in the USA, in my opinion is what is called in history an Interregnum war. Maybe the term interregnum, technically is not the exact term, but basically this is what is happening there. They (Americans) are so powerfull that can allow to themselves even this kind of situation. But i think is time to give an end to this situation because the sino-russian coalition this time is really dangerous.
I voted for Gary Johnson. He was our best candidate. I am so embarrassed to have Trump for president. I can't wait to leave this shitty country

Did you leave? I bet not. We heard this when President Bush was elected too. If you're going to leave, leave already. Maybe Barbara Streisand will give you a ride in her jet. Oh, wait, she isn't leaving either?

Vote for a president of USA. 2016 election.

LOL, the last possible war that nobody could win. Not mentioning that, they both need each other to make their economies going. This general should check into mental institution.

I agree with you with that China and the US have strong economic ties, and so war is improbable. But not impossible.
The General just want to be Ready, and he was making the point that the US need more Military Resources.
If war ever happen it will be a Nuclear War.
You are Correct: No Winners, regardless who’ll claim Victory at the end. [emoji52]
Since when have nation states always been rational? All of this could have been said about Japan's activities in the thirties.

The job of the military is to prepare for possible threats, not to sit around saying of course they wouldn't attack: it's not in their real best interest.

Germany invading France in World War I and II didn't turn out to be in their best interest, but they did it anyway. The French were caught with their pants down, and Britain too, in the case of the second World War because they didn't listen to that "war monger", Winston Churchill. It didn't turn out to be in Japan's interest to bomb Pearl Harbor, but they did it anyway.

I don't ever want America to be in the same situation again.

The best way to deter aggression, whether in the case of nation states or on the school yard, is to make it very clear that you're prepared to defend yourself, and won't take any guff.
I agree with you with that China and the US have strong economic ties, and so war is improbable. But not impossible.
The General just want to be Ready, and he was making the point that the US need more Military Resources.
If war ever happen it will be a Nuclear War.
You are Correct: No Winners, regardless who’ll claim Victory at the end. [emoji52]
More?! US budget is as the 5 next largest powers all together, China included. US doesn't need more money or people in militer, it just needs to spend smart. For example, in defence that will shoot down every ballistic missile before it reaches US.
The media gave what happened in Florida and the dereliction of duty or at least gross incompetence of the FBI a few days, and now they're back to the Russia "conspiracy".

Leaving aside that at least so far this has nothing to do with the White House, my reaction to the sum total of the Russian "meddling" in our election is a big yawn.

Millions spent on fake internet identities t-rolling Hillary Clinton? They got robbed. There are people in this hobby who do that kind of stuff for free. No need to spend millions. A couple of hundred a week would do.

They spent some real money on some rallies, but one was for Trump and one for Hillary and one for Jill Stein. Yes, they seem to have wanted Trump to win, but probably not because he'd do them any favors, but because all by his lonesome he erodes faith in the democratic process and divides the country. The latter is their real goal, which is why they paid for rallies for everybody.

Another major point is that this is no surprise. They've been doing this since the 30s. I doubt they stopped in between. I'm sure they funded a lot of groups who were protesting in the 60s. They've probably played these games during a lot of elections. I bet they had a ton of fun when Goldwater was running. Who paid for that nuclear bomb commercial, I wonder.

In fact, we play them too, in other countries. It's called disinformation.


The horror expressed by the media when, in fact, they know all about this just makes me distrust them even more.

When they have some proof the Russians hacked the voting machines, or changed the voter rolls, or stole some boxes of paper ballots, something that could have actually impacted the election, let me know. I bet they ignored the rust belt upper Midwest too, which is where the election was really won, or lost, depending on your point of view. Everybody wrote them off.

This is small potatoes. Americans didn't need fake Americans on twitter stoking disunity in this country. The political parties and the media are quite good at doing that on their own. Just put Maxine Watters on screen and give her a mike, or Bill DeBlasio, mayor of New York, or members of La Raza. Give some more coverage to Ivy League perpetual students on aid who can't pass a course rioting over Halloween costumes. That'll do it for you. No need for fake accounts on facebook or twitter.

The Russians wasted their money.
Vote for a president of USA. 2016 election.

I’m going to Borrow this Thread for a Moment:
To all Italians outside of Italy:
Don’t Forget to VOTE !
All votes must be received by most Consulates by March 1st. Do it now, or they will not accept it.
Vote for a president of USA. 2016 election.

America - Grunt Style Ad !
Vote for a president of USA. 2016 election.

President Trump email Announcement:
He’s running again in 2020


You were there when our movement began. You were there when they said we were destined to lose. You were there when the Washington swamp tried to destroy our presidency.

—-, now I hope you will be there for my RE-ELECTION campaign in 2020 as we KEEP FIGHTING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Our big announcement comes on the day of a CRITICAL reporting deadline. Will you step up with a contribution of ANY amount to show you’re ready to fight for another BIG win in 2020?
Yeah, well, their weapons were usually garbage, so we'll see.

Bad news for the U.S. Trey Gowdie, the smartest, most capable lawyer and questioner in the Congress, imo, isn't running for re-election. Only the incompetents and the dishonest stay for long.
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