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One just came across my feed, thankfully minus inane comments by stupid tourists.

It's really extraordinary and so are some of the others I sampled. It is literally like being there, well, except for the smells.

This is seriously bad as I'm going to be wasting a lot of time on them when I'm getting a jolt of nostalgia, or when I want to see what a foreign place is really like.

Here is one that came across my feed: it's Sorrento, where I've been five times, as a jumping off place for the Amalfi coast and Capri, two of my favorite places in the world. We'd go there when traveling with the kids when they got older, because you can get a perfectly nice room for a relatively reasonable cost. It was a consideration when we had to have two rooms.

Our hotel is on the first street to the left, directly across from the steps to the shore and the ferries, and at the beginning of the strictly pedestrian zone for the passeggiata at night.

I have only lovely memories.

Doing this for a place like Sorrento can get monotonous, because there's not much to actually SEE. It's a nice place to say, eat, travel around, window shop etc.

So, at 18:50 he gets to the old walls, greenery, and the more modern residential areas. At 30:16, hidden in the maze of ancient alley like streets: the cool, inviting Giardini di Tasso. I think the locals go there to get away from us, the pensioners, at least.Look at the little tables hidden in grottoes. At 46:45 the sea. At 49:57, you can see why living in places like this keeps you slender. Sadly, not as many tourists have the hardihood but it's so worth it. This is where it would be nice to live: behind ancient stone walls and big strong doors, with your own beautiful garden, yet within the city walls; 1:01 (04). It probably costs the earth. 1:06 (05) we stayed here on our first trip when we only had one toddler (so one room). They drilled an elevator shaft through the cliff to artificially flattened rocks in the sea. 1: 18 (48). This is where the ferries come in. You can get to all the towns along the Amalfi coast, Capri, and all the other islands in the Bay. I caution you that the stairs from the town are really steep, and there's a lot of them. Take a taxi if you're not up to it. We went by train to Pompeii from Sorrento as well and it's an easy train ride into Napoli for the museums.

This is his channel:

They're brilliant. I'm going to be "wasting" a lot of time on them.