War Crime Trial Bush-Saddam-Blair


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Anyone of you have any knowledge of International Law?

I can see through open eyes, this an Illegal WAR.

Hi, I have moved your post to our chit chat section, as it is not Japan-related. And yes, this war contravenes all standards of international law, as it has not been sanctioned by the UN or started in self-defense. However, the US administration has argued that it is a legitimate "preemptive" act of self-defense against any future attack. I'm afraid we'll see a lot of "preemptive action" in future.
Yes but you also have to realize that UN laws need updating, even they realize that. if you look at it legalistically, Kosovo actually had less of a legitimization than Iraq. really all wars or UN actions that go into nations to undertake preventative intervention really dont have a legal basis in the UN charter. Thats why in the late 1980s when the UN actions for reviewing elections in Nicragua came up, it was nearly rejected because the UN would be interviening in the affairs of a sovrieng nations.

Premption actually has legal precident, tracing itself from incidents between canada and the United States in the mid 19th century.

Personally I have problems with war, but Im open minded about it. Before the conflict I said I didnt know if I supported war... it all depended on how the United States accomplished it. I was predicting a bloody conflict that would flame the fans of radicalism in the middle east. But that didnt happen... but still I have to see the US's job on reconstructing the nation and installing democratic institutions. the Jury is still out if I supported the war. I just don't know
noyhauser said:
Yes but you also have to realize that UN laws need updating, even they realize that. if you look at it legalistically, Kosovo actually had less of a legitimization than Iraq. really all wars or UN actions that go into nations to undertake preventative intervention really dont have a legal basis in the UN charter.

@ UN

I agree with you. Still, the fact that the UN system of conflict resolution has its flaws does not give any nation the right to disregard international law. Kosovo was a similar case, but there was a larger agreement on the fact that something had to be done, at least there was accordance among NATO members. I translate that as follows: larger agreement => higher legitimacy.

[Side-note: I have not supported military action against Yugoslavia.]

@ Preemption

I remember from my student days that self-defense is the right to counter an imminent danger or attack with appropriate force. Did Iraq truly pose an imminent danger to the US? I seriously doubt that. Would you shoot someone on the street, just because he might be carrying a weapon that could be used against you?

I was predicting a bloody conflict that would flame the fans of radicalism in the middle east. But that didnt happen... but still I have to see the US's job on reconstructing the nation and installing democratic institutions.

First of all, the conflict is not over yet, the Middle East is still "in shock and awe". It is simply too early to grasp all implications this war may have. Also, Iraq is not Japan. James Garner is no new MacArthur who will introduce the Iraqi people to the pantheon of free and democratic nations. There's no way to impose our Western model of democracy onto other societies (or has Afghanistan under Karsai turned into a role model for the region?).

Allow me one final remark: what really makes me furious about the conflict is the way the public is manipulated through disinformation. Where are the WMD? Where were the six divisions of highly motivated Republican Guards? Where's all the sophisticated weaponry?

One example: "The Fall of the Statue"

=> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article2842.htm
Whoa... whoa.. I wasn't aware that everything that is illegal is wrong. Bush and Blair are no war criminals.
This story is regarding Bush and war crimes and has a Japan reference. However it is in regards to Afghanistan. I hope this is not too far off topic. Maybe the lawyers in the article will issue an indictment for Bush for Iraq?

I got the following forwarded to me just yesterday and did an internet search to try to find more news stories on the topic and found your site by accident. I thus registered without a referal by anyone. If you wish to not allow me to post do to this I will not post anymore.

Jya ne.

Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Bush 'indicted' over war crimes

A group of Japanese lawyers unveiled documents Monday "indicting" U.S. President George W. Bush for war crimes allegedly committed against the Afghan people since the United States-led coalition began its antiterrorism campaign in Afghanistan in October 2001.

"This is an act that breaks international rules, such as the idea of (honoring) human rights, that have been formed over so many years," said Koken Tsuchiya, former president of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and head of the 11-member prosecutors' team in the tribunal. "We decided this case has sufficient reason to be brought to court."

A civic tribunal will be held in Tokyo, with the first hearing scheduled for July 21.
The charges against Bush, according to the indictment, include aggression, attacks against civilians and nonmilitary facilities and the torturing and execution of prisoners.
They said the indictment will be handed to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo next week.
The tribunal is being organized by Tokyo Zokei University professor Akira Maeda and others.

The Japan Times: July 1, 2003
