Maybe you can find more information on the catalan company in Chios and Asia minor.................story is colombus family line was part of this catalan company.
They where replaced in the area by the
His family then went back to Barcelona, but by this time , the kingdom of Aragon gave their lands and titles to the duchy of Barcelona. moving forward, scholars state that columbus could not even speak or understand Genoese
After the berbers where cleared out of Spain..........the Castilian cortes of Isabella had many major issues with the catalan cortes of ferdinand , a division appeared ............ It got worse after Isabella died and Ferdinand tried to marry a Navarrese princess. Due to these bad feelings, the Catalans where the ones to hide Colombus/Colon identity by moving his family to Genoa ( early on ) and so prevent the Castilians to grap any glory that a "spaniard" discovered the new world.
the man was accomodated for 2 years by
Giustiniani De Banca family, maybe the biggest
Dogi of Genouates (Genovese) Democracy,
If he was a simple weaver's son do you believe he would be accomodated so long?
At Kerkyra -Corfu if you enter some pallazzos or Liston before the Francais occupation and your name was not at Libro d' oro, you could even face death penalty.
even today the term Ποπολαρος POPOLAROS which is Italian word is used there and means all classes except nobles.
he had Genovese citizenship and born and raised at Genoua, and also he used to dress himshelf as Genovese merchant,
But Italian nobility was given to him at 1494.
we could knew
Colompo's origin when the Ispanians gave Diego (his son) citizenship and nobility, after 1500,
but I do not know if it was in purpose, or they did not knew, etc etc.
Colompo's Religion,
At Chios island the Colombos had Orthodox priest,
But Colombo was Catholic,
How come this happened,
searching History of Church at balkans and East Roman we know that after the great Schism created many sub-groups
some of them are saved even today Like ΟΥΝΙΑ
UNIA which are typically with new calendar, but they follow the old calendar Greek Orthodox at shape language etc etc, but they praise the Pope,
after 1200 started a movement that is called
Ενωτικοι Unificates, which desire the reunion of 2 churches,
that effort created the 1438 council of Ferrara Florence (Συνοδος Φερραρας Φλωρεντιας),
pope Eugenios IV
After 1439 have turn to Catholicism for part of population from Balkans and East Empire, even to Syrrian Christians
Chios and Psara were among them,
as you see part of catholics in Greece are remnants of crusaders, emporion settlers, rulers etc etc.
and part is from that council, 1439
at that council also participated Γεωργιος Παλαιολογος or Colon le Jeune, or George the Greek,
and his team and ambassadors were the first to be baptised Catholics, although Markos of Ephesos and rest of 700 left due to 'et fillio' (Filioque).
that cost him an exile because he did not kept the union of the 700 mission,
that is why Georgios is known as the exiled Byzantine priest.
Colombo's relatives probably were also at that Council, if as some claim Georgios was not his father,