WeGene results


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Ethnic group
Y-DNA haplogroup
mtDNA haplogroup
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These are my Wegene results.. I can't really post them properly because I can't copy and paste from another site at the moment.

99.97% Europe
54.44% French
17.52% Hungarians
12.58% Russians
10.91% Britons
4.50% Greeks
0.02% Other
0.03% Other
  • 99.97% Europe
    1. 40.67% Hungarian
    2. 38.63% Spanish
    3. 10.53% Finnish
    4. 10.12% English
    5. 0.02% Others

  • 0.03% Others

  • 99.97% Europe
    1. 46.15% Hungarian
    2. 33.90% Spanish
    3. 10.24% English
    4. 9.66% Finnish
    5. 0.02% Others

  • 0.03% Others

First one is my 23andme data uploaded here second is my AncestryDNA data, it's completely off for European descended individuals but for Asian ones it might be more useful

I wouldnt recommend spending any money on it, but if you're curious there's no harm in uploading with your 23andme or ancestrydna data. It's a Chinese site and plainly the English translations there are pretty bad. There are few neat features though but nothing too special
WeGene only accepts 23andme and Ancestry raw datas, other companies not. I personally prefer DNA Land.
Hello, I am interested at WeGene but the whole site is on chinese. Is there an English version or how did you inform yourselves about WeGene?
Google "Wegene login" the site will be informed that you are an English speaker.

Ancestry Composition




  • [COLOR=#4FB1F7 !important]99.97%

  • Europe
    1. 43.79% French
    2. ]32.76% Hungarian
    3. 23.41% English
    4. 0.01% Others
  • 0.03%Others
Amazingly, this result roughly correlates to my "Eupedia guess my ethnicity results" And of course since I'm almost half British, no surprise that British ended up on the Wegene list as well.
Google "Wegene login" the site will be informed that you are an English speaker.

Ancestry Composition




  • [COLOR=#4FB1F7 !important]99.97%

  • Europe
    1. 43.79% French
    2. ]32.76% Hungarian
    3. 23.41% English
    4. 0.01% Others
  • 0.03%Others
Amazingly, this result roughly correlates to my "Eupedia guess my ethnicity results" And of course since I'm almost half British, no surprise that British ended up on the Wegene list as well.

is that yours?

There is no German or Italian .............Hungarian and Sardinian are its subs
is that yours?

There is no German or Italian .............Hungarian and Sardinian are its subs

These results are mine. I suppose there is not enough components to do a European assessment.
Crazy results! Since when am I 28.13% Sindhi, lol?! I'm sure that Sindhi has to be purest Gedrosia (Iranian Neolithic) component (without Cuacasus), while Iranian has to be Caucaso-Gedrosia component

old results :


new updated results :




Sindhi + Iranian = 28.12% + 13.35% = 41.47% = Iranian Neolithic ?

Balkan = 39.42% = Anatolian farmers ?

Egyptian + Saudi = 14.54% + 4.51% = 19.05% = some ancient Anatolians + Levant farmers + Semites ?
These results are mine. I suppose there is not enough components to do a European assessment.

my new latest results

European 98.69%

  • Hungarian..........39.43%
  • Balkan...........25.94%
  • French..........22.15%
  • Sardinian..........10.08%
  • English.........1.07%
  • Finnish/Russian..........0.00%
  • Spanish..........0.00%
  • Ashkenazi..........0.00%

Middle Eastern 1.27%

  • Egyptian..........1.27%
  • Iranian........0.00%
  • Saudi...........0.00%

This is more accurate than DNAland for me

major changes from last time ( the beta system )

Balkan replaced Greek

Egyptian replaced the 2.22% Iranian

French increases by 9% , taken from Sardinian

the rest are basically the same

Hungarian represents , hungry, austria and Germany
Sardinia represents all italians as per what I was told
Unsure what Balkan means as there is a Greek and Albanian component
I wouldn't mind trying this - can someone give me pointers on what to do?
^thanks! much appreciated
Ok, so I've uploaded my data to this site. It looks like they will provide the analysis for free - does that sound right?

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