What Europeans think of each other

I think they are way too obsessed with the ideal of freedom, and way too proud of it! My international relations professor said that too much freedom can be a threat to democracy especially when it is used in the wrong way!

Who do you mean Minty?

And I guess your professor is right.

He seems to have read Ortega Y Gasset. :innocent:

In Spain

French: Stakeholders, unsupportive, chauvinists, do not use soap are poured perfume, moody.

It is rather a american cliche than a Spanish one. Spanish peoples have been immigrants in France from 19th century to the 80's, so it was the contrary : they were suffering from racism, a lot of "native" French saying that they were uncivilized, filthy, non integrable, the upper-classes children had not the right to play with their ones...

With the american way of life, their jokes about France have become now almost international.
It is rather a american cliche than a Spanish one. Spanish peoples have been immigrants in France from 19th century to the 80's, so it was the contrary : they were suffering from racism, a lot of "native" French saying that they were uncivilized, filthy, non integrable, the upper-classes children had not the right to play with their ones...

With the american way of life, their jokes about France have become now almost international.

With the pumps that pull the blowhards are made corkscrews Cadiz, females thorough in this land when they are born and have been calling for war! War! War!

You may be right.
It is rather a american cliche than a Spanish one. Spanish peoples have been immigrants in France from 19th century to the 80's, so it was the contrary : they were suffering from racism, a lot of "native" French saying that they were uncivilized, filthy, non integrable, the upper-classes children had not the right to play with their ones...

With the american way of life, their jokes about France have become now almost international.

It wasn't merely xenophobia. Your country treated the spanish republicans like garbage in concentration camps created by the french goverment... they were treated worst than criminals.


All because France was afraid of Franco and his friend Hitler. This makes me recall another usual french stereotype: Cowardice.

It is rather a american cliche than a Spanish one. Spanish peoples have been immigrants in France from 19th century to the 80's, so it was the contrary : they were suffering from racism, a lot of "native" French saying that they were uncivilized, filthy, non integrable, the upper-classes children had not the right to play with their ones...

With the american way of life, their jokes about France have become now almost international.
Well, northern spain is way richer than south France. The french have always wanted to be like Germans or British, and have always regarded spaniards with disdain, even tough during history the spanish Empire the stereotype of French being COWARDS was known then.
It is rather a american cliche than a Spanish one. Spanish peoples have been immigrants in France from 19th century to the 80's, so it was the contrary : they were suffering from racism, a lot of "native" French saying that they were uncivilized, filthy, non integrable, the upper-classes children had not the right to play with their ones...

With the american way of life, their jokes about France have become now almost international.

Given this and some other outrageous comments you have made, it is abundantly clear that you dislike Spaniards. How many other European ethnicities do you not like? I see something pathological here...
Well, northern spain is way richer than south France.

More exactly, northern Spain has become now richer than some southern french regions. Thanks to European integration. Before the 80's, Spain was almost a thirld-world country.

The french have always wanted to be like Germans or British

Not really. Basic germanophobia and anglophobia have not completely disappeared.
More exactly, northern Spain has become now richer than some southern french regions. Thanks to European integration. Before the 80's, Spain was almost a thirld-world country.
Same with Ireland or Iceland. But Spain was not even part of the Marshall Plan, and had an autarchy during dictatorship.

Not really. Basic germanophobia and anglophobia have not completely disappeared.
It is well known the admiration and almost of worship of France towards the "popular guys" (germany and Britain) and disdain towards spaniards. Maybe a complex ?? Because the spanish empire 'owned' the French.
More exactly, northern Spain has become now richer than some southern french regions. Thanks to European integration. Before the 80's, Spain was almost a thirld-world country.

World GPD in 1983:


Spain was the 12th largest economy in the world by then and we didn't get into the CEE until 1984/85. Our situation wasn't too much different before the 80's. All that despite not having the help of "Uncle Tom" ($$$$) after the great war... unlike your country.

Yes, yes, we were almost a third-world country definetly.
World GPD in 1983:


Spain was the 12th largest economy in the world by then and we didn't get into the CEE until 1984/85.

I won't make a battle of numbers, but a quick research shows Venezuela, Puerto Rico, front of Spain in the 70's.



I don't take the 60's. It would be too outrageous (Trinidad Tobago and Libya were before Spain).


Conclusion : like I have said, before the 80's, Spain was rather a third-world country. It is not a shame, it was not alone, but facts are facts. If Spain was so rich, millions of Spanish people would not have come in France to find work and money.
You're being ridiculously cherry picking now. (Puerto Rico became part of USA in 1898... and you weren't talking about the 60's in your prior message, Venezuela has oil but most of venezulan people don't really get that amount of money at the end of the year, check out their GINI and you will learn some things). Qatar has one the highest GPD per capita today but still that country is full of poverty.

So your statement "Before the 80's, Spain was almost a thirld-world country" remains a pile of bullshit. I sense that your butt hurt for some strange reason but I fail to see why. PMS?
you weren't talking about the 60's in your prior message

Sorry to quote myself :

Before the 80's, Spain was almost a thirld-world country.

The 60's should not be before the 80's ?

Venezuela has oil but most of venezulan people don't really get that amount of money at the end of the year

Do you think that it was so much different in the dictature of Franco ?

So your statement "Before the 80's, Spain was almost a thirld-world country" remains a pile of bullshit.

No. It is the truth according to the economical and sociological evidences : Spain was a country of departure of a lot of emigrants to France who wanted to flee the misery. But you are not obliged to admit the facts, above all if they hurt your national pride.