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Hmm...Just some rambling musings of mine, whats it like getting old :? ...? I mean, most people would probably consider me being young still (20yrs old), and i'm beginning to feel "old" already, i've lost my teenage years already ...But is getting old really just a state of mind? Or do only young or semi-old people say that? What age do you consider to be old and no longer young? I've heard some people in japanese society consider 25 to be no long considered a young age...Did you become more pessimistic and bored with age or have you taken advantage of your age or did it open up more opotunities to you etc? Were the best times of your life you've had so far when you were young or when you started to become old?
Sorry if this is kinda a vague thread(well it is, i guess :blush: ), but part of me fears getting old right now, and another part just wants to speed the whole process up, and the rest of me is either in doubt of what old age really brings i guess. So i guess i just kinda want to hear what age brought you and how its changed your life or you as a person, for better or worse :? ?
Sorry if this is kinda a vague thread(well it is, i guess :blush: ), but part of me fears getting old right now, and another part just wants to speed the whole process up, and the rest of me is either in doubt of what old age really brings i guess. So i guess i just kinda want to hear what age brought you and how its changed your life or you as a person, for better or worse :? ?