What languages do you speak?

I know English, some Spanish & French. My step Mom is trying to teach me Russian lol.

I can read some Koine Greek and Hebrew from studying the Bible over the years.
I do speak HTML, CSS, Javascript, R, Python, and other programming languages pretty well too. :D
English and German fluently. (Also, a conlang with vocabulary taken from Latvian, Welsh, and Egyptian, but I'm not sure anyone will think that counts.)

English, ukrainian, french and russian :)
Really? How well do you speak Russian?
Speak: Greek, English, French, Norwegian, Spanish, Italian
Understand: Swedish, German, Catalan (only written), Portuguese (only written), Danish (only written)
Speak: Russian, Circassian (Adyghe)
Understand: Russian, Circassian (Adyghe), English and Germany.

The area of ​​interest: is polysyntheism of Russian, English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Latin based on the Circassian (Adyghe) language.
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english, spanish, and some haitian creole
I speak: Portuguese, Spanish, English and Italian
I understand: French
Which languages can you correctly pronounce?

Finnish, Swedish and English (at least much much better than world known Finnish rally, or Formula 1 drivers :LOL:)

Which languages do you understand?

Finnish, Swedish, English. Norwegian and German if they speak slowly.

Which languages do you speak fluently or at a native speaker's level?

Finnish and Swedish.
I mainly speak English, but I also speak a lot of French.

I speak a little bit of Japanese, German, Greek, and Italian.
Galleg (french ) and Brezhoneg (Breton ) , saozneg ( english ), alamaneg ( german ).
I speak Polish as a native, additionally English (fluent), German (less than fluent), Japanese (forgot most of it because of non-use)
I undestand: Slovak, Czech, Russian and Ukrainian if they speak slowly
For east-slavic languages the main barrier is the cyrylic script
Maybe I can understand more slavic languages, but never tested that with natives ;)
Which languages can you correctly pronounce?
English, German, French, Russian with an accent, Korean, Japanese, Latin (all thanks to tongue twisters that I practiced for fun).

Which languages do you understand?
English, German, French, Russian.

Which languages do you speak fluently or at a native speaker's level?
English, German, French.
Which languages can you correctly pronounce? English, Italian, French, German
Which languages do you understand? Spanish, I learn Spanish by great method of playing video games on resources like spanishpod101 etc.
Which languages do you speak fluently or at a native speaker's level?English, German, French
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