What music are you listening to?

Bye Bye Malcom

may you Rock In Peace

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I'm in a Fabrizio DeAndre mood today. Been listening all day as I work:

Love That Comes To Me, Love That Flees

"Those days lost chasing the wind, asking for a kiss,
and wanting another hundred
one day you will remember them
love that escaped me you will come back
one day you will remember them
love that escaped me you will come back

and thou that through eyes of another color
say to me the same words of love
in a month in a year you'll forget them
love coming to me you will flee
in a month in a year you'll forget them
love coming to me you will flee
Coming from direct sunlight or frosty beaches
lost in November or the wind in summer
I loved you always, I loved you never
love coming, love going
I loved you always, I loved you never
love coming, love going


Ballad of Lost Love:

Remember? Violets were blooming
with our words
"We'll never, ever, ever leave each other".

I would like to tell you now the same things
but how quickly, love,
do roses fade, likewise for us

the love that pulls your hair out
is lost by now,
nothing is left but some listless caresses
and a little tenderness.

And when you find in your hands
those flowers faded in the sun
of a now far away April,
you'll regret them and weep

but it will be the first one you'll meet in the street
that you'll cover in gold for a kiss never given,
for a new love.

And it will be the first one you'll meet in the street
that you'll cover in gold for a kiss never given,
for a new love."


Oh boy
a fantastic night

it moved 3 times the last 2 hours,
and 5 the last 5 hours

I felt it at first floor, 4 meters above ground,
night of Earthquake


so lets shake tonight !!!!

Shake us mama, shake us, all night long, mother Earth,
Minute 1:52 LOL ! what a grandma dance!

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