What music are you listening to?

Music from Caucacus (Kavkaz) region of Russia - where my haplogroup (G) most likely originated :)

Castillian Alfonso X "El Sabio" cantiga; Rosa das Rosas...
Tempus est Iocundum "Codex Buranus, 179"

A traditional Armenian tune - first heard it as part of the soundtrack of The Lark Farm, a pretty moving movie :


A Palestinian one :


And a Malian one :


"The Lark Farm" was a really good movie, although it was, as you say, very sad. Lovely music too.

That Palestinian song is hauntingly beautiful as is the singer and her voice.

"How do you recognize the husband at the Western Wallachian wedding?"


Boldness,initiave and spontaneity are the middle names of a Wallachian man,since he will always jump like a salmon against the stream.
You got a very impressive, positive ,attitude and tremendous energy in that song,very pleasant btw.
As for the drinks,we usually arrange with our old men to take the wine,which is considered youthful, and leave the brandy to them.
Simon and Garfunkel: Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard...

Love that song!

I love everything they ever did, but "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" may be my favorite. The studio version is polished and perfect, and very few people could harmonize together like these two, but for emotional punch, Art Garfunkel singing this live in New York City can't be beat in my opinion: heartfelt, and no ear piece, no audio tune, just pure singing ability. That concert has to be one of the best live, outdoor performances of all time.


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