What would the American government do if..?

My wife has her own California business, but I'm a pubic school teacher. She doesn't mind the taxes, but she does mind the confusing rules and papework.
My wife has her own California business, but I'm a pubic school teacher. She doesn't mind the taxes, but she does mind the confusing rules and papework.

Paperwork is about the same all over unfortunately. The biggest thing in this state (as well as every other state out there) is that if you have to provide health care for your employees you are SCREWED.

Did anyone catch GM's announcement the other day when they were slashing their profit predictions? If you read behind the lines basically what they said was this:

- We need a government bailout because we can't pay out our pensions even though every year the unions have given us salary concessions.
- Thanks for the medicare drug benifit, but we need more. Infact, we need socialized healthcare because the HMO's are ass-raping us.

I've been telling my friends this for 10 years and the free-market republicans always fail to believe me because of their unfaltering faith in the unregulated market. The sad truth is they are all going to lose their health care unless we switch to a national system. You can see the squeeze going on right now, within 10 years most major companies are going to drop health care as a benifit for all except tenured employees. Right now I can barely afford health care for my business and every year it goes up and up and up while the benifits get worse. It's a racket, thats all there is to it.

Oh also I noticed you mentioned the housing market - Yeah the prices are outrageous, but the nice thing is that if you own a house you are making money off it as you pay down principal. A friend of mine sold her condo that she bought for 135k about 8 years ago for 350k then used that money as a down payment on a 600k house and put 100k of it into investments. They're getting richer just by owning property. Lesson: Buy a house - NOW.
Mal said:
Paperwork is about the same all over unfortunately. The biggest thing in this state (as well as every other state out there) is that if you have to provide health care for your employees you are SCREWED.
Not necessarily. Many of the more recent factories and such have built in the South (Mercedes and Honda in Alabama, GM in Tennessee, BMW in South Carolina) because of the less stringent regulations. (Labor costs, directly tied to cost-of-living, are better here too.)

Mal said:
Not quite sure of what you mean by "defense". What should I be defending them about?
Because they're blue states too. After all, your comment was this:
Mal said:
I sort of wish they would actually - all they do is soak up northern states tax dollars and pollute our nation with their 19th century ideas
I responded with comments aimed at "northern states". All you've talked about in reply to me was California. Gee, I never knew California was a "northern state"! Well, okay, compared to your mother country, Mexico....

And hey, just what 19th century ideas were you talking about? Just how much of an expert of Southern culture are you and how did you get to that state of enlightenment? (Sabro knows this is a favorite subject of mine.)
Censport said:
Not necessarily. Many of the more recent factories and such have built in the South (Mercedes and Honda in Alabama, GM in Tennessee, BMW in South Carolina) because of the less stringent regulations. (Labor costs, directly tied to cost-of-living, are better here too.)
It has nothing to do with these mythical "regulations" you seem to know so much about. Your second guess was more accurate. They can pay lower wages because the cost of living is lower.

Because they're blue states too. After all, your comment was this:

Gunna ask you again here, I'll bold it so you can understand: defend them against what?. Against being a "blue state"?

I responded with comments aimed at "northern states". All you've talked about in reply to me was California.

However you want to classify it, it doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of the wealth in this country is generated by blue, liberal and northern states.

Gee, I never knew California was a "northern state"! Well, okay, compared to your mother country, Mexico....

Maybe you should bust out a map instead of relying on your southern "edumacation". California covers both sides of the mason-dixon line. You can call it north or south, it'd still be applicable. As a Californian however, we definately do not refer to ourselves as southerners. Which I'm sure you and your friends are all happy about.

Finally, as for this unmitigated crap:

Well, okay, compared to your mother country, Mexico....

Thanks for the racist, ad-hominem attack. I guess when ignorance is all you have, you go with your strongest point? For your information the United States IS my mother country you racist *******. My family has had American citizenship for 5 generations. The men in my family have fought, shed blood, and died in the Persian Gulf, Vietnam, Korea, World War 2, and World War 1 in order to protect your right to ignorantly insult my heritage. All your other comments I can accept, but that one crossed the line.

And hey, just what 19th century ideas were you talking about? Just how much of an expert of Southern culture are you and how did you get to that state of enlightenment? (Sabro knows this is a favorite subject of mine.)

See my above comment in regards to your backwards 19th century ideas. And as for where my "enlightenment" about southern culture - my family originally hails from the Republic of Texas. Maybe you can learn something about the Tejanos and how they launched the struggle for freedom and democratic ideals in Texas at the beginning of the 19th century. Of course, having given their blood and sweat to help their "anglo allies" they were robbed of their land and basically written out of the history books.

I would like to think that we've come a bit farther than that in this these modern times, but unfortunately there are always a few idiots like you running around who bring me back down to reality.
Mal said:
However you want to classify it, it doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of the wealth in this country is generated by blue, liberal and northern states.
Ah, the evil rich. Hey, now it's my turn to say that! Funny how the conservatives have always been accused of wanting to "dump the poor", but when you consider yourself wealthier, you want to do exactly that!

Mal said:
Maybe you should bust out a map instead of relying on your southern "edumacation". California covers both sides of the mason-dixon line.
Maybe you should bust out a history book. The Mason-Dixon line never extended that far. Maybe you're thinking of the 38th parallel in Korea.

Mal said:
Thanks for the racist, ad-hominem attack. I guess when ignorance is all you have, you go with your strongest point? For your information the United States IS my mother country you racist *******. My family has had American citizenship for 5 generations. The men in my family have fought, shed blood, and died in the Persian Gulf, Vietnam, Korea, World War 2, and World War 1 in order to protect your right to ignorantly insult my heritage. All your other comments I can accept, but that one crossed the line.
Whoa, so you are of hispanic descent?!? Man, that was a stroke of luck! Actually, I was making no reference to you personally at all, but I'm not surprised that you took it that way. (Okay, I'll admit it was a bit of a trap.) So now you're going to deny that immigration is all but out of control in California? Because that's what I was talking about. Look at where a big chunk of your undocumented population is from and you'll see why they might consider California to be a "northern state". From the statements I've heard Vincente Fox make, he seems to believe the same.

And as for your comments of my ignorance, just because I don't have time to research a bunch of stats to debate you, doesn't mean I'm ignorant. It means I don't have time to research a bunch of statistics. Instead of looking up stats from California, why don't you leave California and visit some of these other states, as I have? Look at the closed factories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc., and look at the new ones in the South.

Mal said:
See my above comment in regards to your backwards 19th century ideas. And as for where my "enlightenment" about southern culture - my family originally hails from the Republic of Texas.
Dude, Texas ain't the south. It's Texas. And your comments say a lot more about you than they did about me. And hey- my family hails from Scotland. But I've never been there so I don't generalize the people. You know, like you've done me.

Mal said:
I would like to think that we've come a bit farther than that in this these modern times, but unfortunately there are always a few idiots like you running around who bring me back down to reality.
I find it ironic that someone so bigoted against the South and conservatives should say something like that. Not surprising, just ironic.
Ah, the evil rich. Hey, now it's my turn to say that! Funny how the conservatives have always been accused of wanting to "dump the poor", but when you consider yourself wealthier, you want to do exactly that!

Please explain to me how wanting to extend Social Security benifits, medicare benifits and lobbying for an increase in minimum wage is "Dumping the poor". Do you actually think about things before you write them?

Whoa, so you are of hispanic descent?!? Man, that was a stroke of luck! Actually, I was making no reference to you personally at all, but I'm not surprised that you took it that way. (Okay, I'll admit it was a bit of a trap.)

Stroke of luck? You're a disgusting individual.

So now you're going to deny that immigration is all but out of control in California? Because that's what I was talking about. Look at where a big chunk of your undocumented population is from and you'll see why they might consider California to be a "northern state". From the statements I've heard Vincente Fox make, he seems to believe the same.

Evidently cracking open a newspaper and seeing what the position of various parties are on issues such as immigration is do darn difficult for ya'll.


Speech from Pres. Bush where he declares wanting to give all undocumented workers legal status

Mexican President Endorses Bushs Plan and asks for more green card allocations

Republicans for Illegal Immigration (from a conservative news site no less!)

Now tell me which party is going to "do something" about illegal immigration again?

And as for your comments of my ignorance, just because I don't have time to research a bunch of stats to debate you, doesn't mean I'm ignorant. It means I don't have time to research a bunch of statistics.

Main Entry: ig·no·rant
Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&-)r&nt
Function: adjective
1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>

Not being able to demonstrate knowledge of the topic at hand constitutes ignorance. If you have a position I dont agree with, thats fine. Back it up with facts and reasoned argumentation. Ad-hominem attacks and un-verifable statements are how ignorant people conduct political discourse.

Instead of looking up stats from California, why don't you leave California and visit some of these other states, as I have? Look at the closed factories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc., and look at the new ones in the South.

I was born in Flint Michigan. Two of my 3 aunts worked for B.O.C. and Ford. My Uncle worked for Fisher Body. Two of my cousins worked for G.M. I am far more versed in the political and economic situations around the plant closings in those states than you assume. Not surprising though, you seem to assume alot about people based purely on the fact that they hold opinions you don't agree with. If you actually believe that it had anything politics, you are sadly mistaken. Maybe you should question why our Republican Governor, John Engler, captain tax-cut himself, who came to power at the beginning of the countries 90's economic boom, served an incredible three terms in office, was unable to ressurect the hemmoraging automobile industry in Michigan. All this despite passing 32 tax cuts, most of them aimed at businesses.

Hey, I liked Engler. I voted for the guy. I don't think Jesus Christ himself could have brought those jobs back to Michigan. If a Republican super-star like John Engler couldn't revive the industry there, I think the only safe conclusion you can make is that political party affiliation means a hell of a lot less than global economics. When that amount of pressure is brought to bear against anyone, its like trying to bail out Lake Superior with a bucket.

Dude, Texas ain't the south. It's Texas. And your comments say a lot more about you than they did about me. And hey- my family hails from Scotland. But I've never been there so I don't generalize the people. You know, like you've done me.

Please, remove the crown of thorns. You launch into ad-hominem attacks and then expect anyone to care that your feelings are hurt?

I find it ironic that someone so bigoted against the South and conservatives should say something like that. Not surprising, just ironic.

Actually the word you are looking for would be "hypocritical" not "ironic". Also you misuse the word "bigoted". Bigoted implies an intolerantly held opinion based on prejudice. Prejudice itself is defined as an adverse opinion formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge.

Therefore, I claim I am not bigoted. I have sufficient knowledge of the situation and can definately detail rational logic that leads me to my opinions. I simply do not like southern culture and similarly I do not like what passes for modern "conservatism" in this country. You may dislike my opinion, but please don't claim persecution and bigotry. I know the victimhood culture amongst white southerners is at an all time high, but this is just plain silly.

If you want to debate for instance, the difference between modern conservative Presidents like George Bush and more progressive conservative presidents Like Teddy Roosevelt or Dwight Eisenhower, I'm all for it. Infact, I'd welcome the debate. Frankly I find what passes for "conservatism" in this country actually very radical. Some of the tenents espoused by its supporters fly directly in the face of what the party actually stood for even a mere 30 years ago. I don't think this is a mere coincidence either. It directly corellates to after the civil rights act of 1964 when the reprehensible dixie-crats left the Democratic party for the GOP. It's quite possible those former Democrats are actually bringing the party down, seeing as many of them managed to carve out substantial footholds in the partys power structure, as well as bringing their troglodyte like supporters into the fold.

Btw, I shall leave you with a quote from quite possibly the last Republican Presidential nominee to actually be a Republican:

When you say 'radical right' today, I think of these moneymaking ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take the Republican Party away from the Republican Party, and make a religious organization out of it. If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye.

- Barry Goldwater

Oh Barry, how right you were.
Last edited:
Wow, such heat! And I didn't have anything to do with it.

I think we make too much out of the "Blue State"- "Red State" thing. Chances are your state is some shade of purple. The more urban the more blue, the more rural, the more red. Except for Minnesota. No one understands Minnesota.
Mal said:
Please explain to me how wanting to extend Social Security benifits, medicare benifits and lobbying for an increase in minimum wage is "Dumping the poor". Do you actually think about things before you write them?
How many times am I going to have to post your quote before you stop trying to change the subject?

Originally Posted by Mal
I sort of wish they would actually - all they do is soak up northern states tax dollars and pollute our nation with their 19th century ideas
Sure sounds like you're wanting to dump the states you now consider to be poor and soaking up your money. No mention of Social Security, etc. You're in a corner now. Whatcha gonna do?

Mal said:
Stroke of luck? You're a disgusting individual.
What are talking about? I floss!

Mal said:
Evidently cracking open a newspaper and seeing what the position of various parties are on issues such as immigration is do darn difficult for ya'll.
Now tell me which party is going to "do something" about illegal immigration again?
You get busted so you try to change the subject again. *yawn* So does immigration have to do with the Mason Dixon line? And where did I say that either party was doing jack about illegal immigration?

Mal said:
Not being able to demonstrate knowledge of the topic at hand constitutes ignorance. If you have a position I dont agree with, thats fine. Back it up with facts and reasoned argumentation. Ad-hominem attacks and un-verifable statements are how ignorant people conduct political discourse.
While you own your own business and pay others to work while you engage in thorough political discourse on the internet, my employers pay me to work. I only get online during my lunchbreaks, and I'm not going to waste all of my lunch on the likes of you.

Mal said:
Actually the word you are looking for would be "hypocritical" not "ironic". Also you misuse the word "bigoted". Bigoted implies an intolerantly held opinion based on prejudice. Prejudice itself is defined as an adverse opinion formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge.
Okay, so you're a hypocrite. But I still think you're a bigot. An arrogant bigot, at that.

Mal said:
Therefore, I claim I am not bigoted. I have sufficient knowledge of the situation and can definately detail rational logic that leads me to my opinions.
You mean you open mind your mind just enough to back up your opinions. And your impression of Southern slang (in bold, above) was the worst I've seen in a long time.

Mal said:
I simply do not like southern culture and similarly I do not like what passes for modern "conservatism" in this country. You may dislike my opinion, but please don't claim persecution and bigotry. I know the victimhood culture amongst white southerners is at an all time high, but this is just plain silly.
For someone who cried "victim" first.... And I never claimed to have hurt feelings or consider myself a victim. I was just showing how you've revealed yourself as a major Alpha House.

Mal said:
Btw, I shall leave you with a quote from quite possibly the last Republican Presidential nominee to actually be a Republican:
Great, another left-wing idealogue trying to set the parameters for the other party. There's one in every crowd. So if you're don't live by JFK's example (strong anti-Communist, pro-capitalism and economic growth), you're not a real Democrat, eh?

Btw, my parents are "Goldwater Republicans". Are you suggesting they should've voted for Kerry/Soros?
Cernspot said:
How many times am I going to have to post your quote before you stop trying to change the subject?
Mal said:
I sort of wish they would actually - all they do is soak up northern states tax dollars and pollute our nation with their 19th century ideas

You really need to learn how to read. No where in there did I say, "We should kick those damn southerners out of the Union!". All I did was affirm (jokingly even) that if they really wanted to go, I wouldn't miss them. Sorry if that hurts your sensitive feelings. I didn't think "I sorta wish they would" was such a damning invection either, guess you learn something new every day? (This is sarcasm, thought I'd point it out to you - you look like you need all the help you can get).

You get busted so you try to change the subject again. *yawn* So does immigration have to do with the Mason Dixon line? And where did I say that either party was doing jack about illegal immigration?

What? You brought up immigration, not me. I just took the opporunity to illustrate that politicians at the federal level are just as much to blame for these problems as anyone local here. Infact, its arguable that since they provide the resources and manpower to monitor the border, they're pretty much solely culpable. Your assertation that this is somehow just California's problem or that California is responsible for illegal immigration is patently false. Thats how this works you see. You make false accusation, I respond with facts to prove accusation is false. I'm not surprised you took it as an inditement of your political beliefs however. Evidently most Americans are the same way, that is - too stupid to seperate ideology from public policy. How do you think it is that any political party can run on an issue platform and then attempt to enact legislation that is almost completely opposite of whatever they ran on? They're not stupid, they're just counting on every one else being complete idiots.

While you own your own business and pay others to work while you engage in thorough political discourse on the internet, my employers pay me to work. I only get online during my lunchbreaks, and I'm not going to waste all of my lunch on the likes of you.

First off, you have no idea what my work ethic is. But obviously since I own a business I am a slacker who just drives the poor working man to do my bidding while I play on the internet. Only taking breaks to wallow on my bed covered with money of course. Being the capitalist pig that I am "wallow" is the only appropriate word here I think - I'll have to debate it with my bourgise friends while we rub ourselves with gold coins festooned between the bosoms of nubile virgins after our next Illuminati meeting.

Are you sure you're not a god hating, commie lib-er-al?

Okay, so you're a hypocrite. But I still think you're a bigot. An arrogant bigot, at that.

You're entitled to your opinion. I was just hoping to "edumicate" you on the meanings behind words that you seem to be misusing. By the way, "arrogant bigot" is redundant.

You mean you open mind your mind just enough to back up your opinions. And your impression of Southern slang (in bold, above) was the worst I've seen in a long time

Yes, damn me for being able to back up my opinions with reasoned debate! Obviously if I truely had an "open mind", my way of thinking would be 100% in-line with yours. Certainly no one would dare question the validity of your opinions! That must be why you don't feel the need to be able to back them up, or even detail how you came about them. Politics by faith! Amazing!

Great, another left-wing idealogue trying to set the parameters for the other party. There's one in every crowd. So if you're don't live by JFK's example (strong anti-Communist, pro-capitalism and economic growth), you're not a real Democrat, eh?

This actually makes me chuckle. I have never had anyone refer to me as a left-wing idealogue before. I think I have mentioned one small bit about my voting history, if you scroll up a bit you may be able to spot it.

I'll give you another hint - I'm not registered with the Democratic Party.

I'm sure the truth of the situtation is too terrible for you to fathom, so I'll leave it at that and not come right out and say my registered affiliation.

Anyway, politics is not a football game junior. You don't vote just so that your team can win. Well, actually alot of people of all political stripes do just that. I guess I should say that you shouldn't vote just to win. Too many people in this country delegate their civic duty to a party apparatus. I think they are just worthless, lazy bastards myself. But hey, thats why we have the saying "You don't get the government you want, you get the government you deserve."

Btw, my parents are "Goldwater Republicans". Are you suggesting they should've voted for Kerry/Soros?

I don't tell people how to vote, it goes against my principles.
Mal said:
First off, you have no idea what my work ethic is. But obviously since I own a business I am a slacker who just drives the poor working man to do my bidding while I play on the internet. Only taking breaks to wallow on my bed covered with money of course. Being the capitalist pig that I am "wallow" is the only appropriate word here I think - I'll have to debate it with my bourgise friends while we rub ourselves with gold coins festooned between the bosoms of nubile virgins after our next Illuminati meeting.
The poor working man needs a good whipping before you play on the internet, every good outstanding capitalist knows that. That is slacking. Mind you there are some poor working class people who like a good whipping. I'll not go into that :blush:
You've got all the nubile virgins at your meetings. Damn the Masons, they promised we would have them. All we've got is not so nubile virgins :eek:kashii:
10 Most Bitchin' Reasons California Becoming Its Own Country Would Be So Cool

Four words: Vice President Nancy Pelosi.

State and local legislatures already extremely comfortable setting foreign policy.

Our own armed services. Eastwood, Schwarzenegger, Stallone or Willis in charge?

Opening weekend foreign distribution movie figures go way up.

You want a war. I got a war for you. We invade Florida for orange juice supremacy. Then take on Wisconsin for that whole cheese deal. Then France. For the wine? No, for the hell of it. Because now it's in our blood.

Our own intelligence agency. Imagine the allure of an assignment to one of our undercover cells in Reno.

Can extradite and convict Enron CEO, Ken Lay, at our own war crimes tribunal.

We charge a fee on every foreigner trying out as a contestant on "Wheel of Fortune." Call it a stupid tax.

Bechtel (a California based concern) builds a Great Wall right down the middle of Lake Tahoe. Screw the corner. Straight line. North to south.

We outlaw Fox News as a foreign propaganda tool.
And Here In Maine........

a member of our legislature submitted a bill for the State of Maine to split in half. Part to go back to being Massachusetts and part to be Maine. The Northern part of the state feels the southern half is out of touch? I have a feeling it might get voted down?


You know I bet if California was its own country, we would probably vote in Barbara Boxer for president. For some reason I've never been able to discern, she's wildly popular across the state. Heck I think she even beat her Republican challenger in his home district and in quite a few other Republican dominated areas (Like my current home, San Jose).

Personally I don't like her too much, she's too reckless at pursuing social agendas for my taste. I'd much rather have Dianne Feinstien who I see as more of a moderate. Oddly enough Boxer always polls better than she does, even in the conservative areas.

The mind reels :eek:
Hi Frank....

Don't the people of Maine stop to realize the carnage that could take place .... if Southern Maine were to secede ...........?

With Concern,

Mal said:
All I did was affirm (jokingly even) that if they really wanted to go, I wouldn't miss them.
It's interesting that you stated these sites were suggesting seccession from the US. I haven't heard that at all, and I live here. But then you're in California and have time to surf the web, so maybe you're the real expert.

What I have heard is a lot of disappointed (read: whiny) Democrats talk about moving to Canada, New Zealand, Ireland and France all because their presidential candidate lost. Some even held protest marches during the inauguration (Now that's sure to make someone look stupid. "I'm protesting because the candidate I supported lost by 4 million votes!") Now I have heard a lot of people here saying "Fine, let 'em go. We won't miss them." But I haven't heard anyone talking of seccession. After all, why would we? Our guy won!

Remember the map that came out after the election? Not the one showing more red counties than blue ones, we already know you won't look at it, but the one showing the blue states as part of Canada and the rest as "Jesusland"? Who was wanting to secceed then?

So you wouldn't miss Southerners and we wouldn't miss y'all. (Hey, Mr. Southern Culture Expert: It's "y'all", not "ya'll", as you've used. "Y'all" is a contraction of the words "you" and "all". What the hell is "ya'll" supposed to be, proof of your ignorance?) Like that's a surprise. We've got better food (though it'll shorten the life span), prettier women (Does the term "Southern Belle" ring a ....?), real men, better concealed-carry laws (better for me, worse for criminals), better weather than most of the blue states, and a cheaper cost-of-living.

Mal said:
First off, you have no idea what my work ethic is. But obviously since I own a business I am a slacker who just drives the poor working man to do my bidding while I play on the internet. Only taking breaks to wallow on my bed covered with money of course. Being the capitalist pig that I am "wallow" is the only appropriate word here I think - I'll have to debate it with my bourgise friends while we rub ourselves with gold coins festooned between the bosoms of nubile virgins after our next Illuminati meeting.
Well at least you're honest about it.

Mal said:
Are you sure you're not a god hating, commie lib-er-al?
Damn sure.

Mal said:
You're entitled to your opinion. I was just hoping to "edumicate" you on the meanings behind words that you seem to be misusing. By the way, "arrogant bigot" is redundant.
Is it? Not according to Webster's:
Main Entry: ar瓶o蛭ant
Pronunciation: -g&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin arrogant-, arrogans, present participle of arrogare
1 : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance in an overbearing manner <an arrogant official>
2 : proceeding from or characterized by arrogance <arrogant manners>
synonym see PROUD
- ar瓶o蛭ant浜y adverb
Main Entry: big賓t
Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
- big賓t鋲d /-g&-t&d/ adjective
- big賓t鋲d浜y adverb
I would offer another, but I've already called you an a**hole. You didn't catch it even with your family's distinguished military history.

Mal said:
Yes, damn me for being able to back up my opinions with reasoned debate!
What is it with blue state residents and their victimhood? Hire Cochran and sue me already!

Mal said:
I don't tell people how to vote, it goes against my principles.
Riiiight. You just try to undermine their current candidates by trying to set their definitions and standards for them.
Mal: Please explain to me how ... lobbying for an increase in minimum wage is "Dumping the poor".
Since you own your own business, you might understand that a dramatic increase in minimum wage (What is it now, $5/hr? I think Clark wanted to raise it to $7/hr.) results in a lot of working poor losing their jobs because their bosses refuse to pay an employee more than they think they're worth. They just shift the workload to the remaining workers. Happens all the time. In Detroit's case, they shifted the work down south and overseas. Yeah, gotta love those labor unions.

Inflating wages to a level that a market can't support leads to job losses, inflation, economic stagnatation and sometimes recession, and a larger burden on the welfare system.

Or do you not remember Jimmy Carter being president?
Good to see the forum hasn't lost any of its political variance.

But let's keep this kinda on topic before it degenerates into another liberal Vs conservative fight.


Feel like arguing the merits of the your political persuasion? Start another thread. I'll even chime in.

I think California could benefit from splitting into two states- North and South. Four senators instead of two. Separate school systems, government agendas...

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