when did east meet west first time ?

bicicleur 2

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there has been much ado about this article http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/281/1783/20133382.abstract about the discovery of both wheat from southwest Asia and millet from China on the same site, some 2400 BC.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majiayao_culture claims : 'a group of Neolithic communities who lived primarily in the upper Yellow River region in eastern Gansu,' ... and 'The culture existed from 3100 to 2700 BC. The earliest discoveries of copper and bronze objects in China occur at Majiayao sites.' but there are no sources mentioned.
I don't know about any devellopment of early metalurgy inside China.
This suggests trade from the west through the Ganxi corridor.

when did first people discover the Dzungarian Gate, the Tarim Basin and the Ganxi corridor enabling first contacts between east and west via this route?


Professor Franchetti talks about possible first contact in his lecture.

the wikipedia article, which doesn't mention sources, mentions arrival of bronze and copper objects in northwest China a few centuries earlier than the era prof Franchetti is talking about
prof Franchetti that before this discovery pastoralist were supposed to have arrived at Begash area not earlier than mid 2nd millenium BC
China has a bad record of not preserving things. All those warlords were only interested in power. The first Chinese Emperor had all written records destroyed. He wasn't very nice! He had all bronze weapons of his opponents melted to build statues and so on. So that how things are with all ancient people.
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