Which Of The Worlds Countries Have Never Been Conquered By Another Nation?

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You know, the percentage of genetic markers in the Mexican population is something that I remember very well...

Immediatly that I saw your post, I went to "Google" to look for the relevant articles to refute you... but then, I said to myself..

"What am I doing... ?!" :laughing:

The ones that are trying "all to hard" to prove themselves "Europeans" and "Celts"... right or wrong, are the Spaniards in this forum.

What is more... if you bring an article that say that we Mexicans are 10%, 5%, or 0% Europeans... be my guest.

You yourselves, are the one saying that we are not related at all...

I will not contradict you.

Regards. ;)
Im only posting genetic facts from a study. Im not inventing anything. If you want to deny science that's your problem.
Im only posting genetic facts from a study. Im not inventing anything. If you want to deny science that's your problem.

Maybe he also believes that dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans. :useless:
You know, the percentage of genetic markers in the Mexican population is something that I remember very well...

Immediatly that I saw your post, I went to "Google" to look for the relevant articles to refute you... but then, I said to myself..

"What am I doing... ?!" :laughing:

The ones that are trying "all to hard" to prove themselves "Europeans" and "Celts"... right or wrong, are the Spaniards in this forum.

What is more... if you bring an article that say that we Mexicans are 10%, 5%, or 0% Europeans... be my guest.

You yourselves, are the one saying that we are not related at all...

I will not contradict you.

Regards. ;)

Great atitude! :good_job:

Their tenacity, vigor and obsession of defending their whitens, westernism, celto-centrism, etc, is simply terrifying! :petrified:
The funny thing is they don’t see it even if the whole world is telling them that. They are their own worst ambassadors, and make Iberia look most backward, chauvinistic, racist and insecure part of Europe. "Good job" guys!
Maybe he also believes that dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans.

Look, I am posting this not because I give any value to be more European or Indian... it is posted just to show to any unwary bystander in these forum, what kind of people you really are...

This study compares genetic polymorphisms at the D1S80 and HLA-DQA1 loci in three Mexican Mestizo populations from three large states (Nuevo Leo´n, Jalisco, and the Federal
District). Allele frequency distributions are relatively homogenous in the three samples; only the
Federal District population shows minor differences of the HLA-DQA1 allele frequencies compared
with the other two. In terms of genetic composition, these Mestizo populations show evidence of
admixture with predominantly Spanish-European (50–60%) and Amerindian (37–49%) contributions;
the African contribution (1–3%) is minor. Together with the observation that in Nuevo Leo´n, the admixture estimates based on D1S80 and HLA-DQA1, are virtually the same as those reported
earlier from blood group loci, suggests that DNA markers, such as D1S80 and HLA-DQA1 are useful for examining genetic homogeneity/heterogeneity across Mestizo populations of Mexico. The inverse relationship of the proportion of gene diversity due to population differences (Gst) to within population
gene diversity (Hs) is also consistent with theoretical predictions, supporting the use of these markers
for population genetics studies. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 14:257–263, 2002. 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


I repeat... not bringing these, because I want to post gazillion threads that want to demonstrate the "Europe-ness" of Mexicans...

Quite different to the Spaniards and Portoguese in these forums, that are rude with Italians, because they make "bad company" as "dark skinned south Europeans"... not to speak how much rudeness and sufficiency they show against or Turks that happen to appear here.

But, oh well, is the lot of this forums... to have these people full of racial complexes, hurted in their inner pride and self-steem... to count how many more threads will be open for the sake of psychological needs...


No, I post this comment, just to gratify mylself that, once more, these poor, deeply wounded,... but rude people, is caugh again in their lies.

And now, stop talking trash about Mexicans...

You have to complete your daily quota of posts about the "amazing celtic Iberia, craddle of Human Civilization"...

@ Cambria Red, Wilhelm

Forget it lads, there's nothing we can do or say to help this guy. This mexican kid has a huge self-hating problem and is totally unable to accept the predominantly amerindian composition of his country.

He insists he feels proud about the aztec past of his country, but his animosity everytime we show him data about the genetic composition of his country suggest the opposite.

Instead of arguing our data with his own sources, he merely tries to project his own complex over us. This only makes his self-esteem problems to be more evident.

Great atitude! :good_job:

Their tenacity, vigor and obsession of defending their whitens, westernism, celto-centrism, etc, is simply terrifying! :petrified:
The funny thing is they don?€™t see it even if the whole world is telling them that. They are their own worst ambassadors, and make Iberia look most backward, chauvinistic, racist and insecure part of Europe. "Good job" guys!

Interesting. You have totally described what Carlitos does in this forum... but curiously you seems to hang along very well with him. :thinking:

But then again, we all know you use to hang along very well with Sirious2b aka mexiCarlitos and all his troll accounts.

Ciao LeTroll. ;)
Great atitude! :good_job:

Their tenacity, vigor and obsession of defending their whitens, westernism, celto-centrism, etc, is simply terrifying! :petrified:
The funny thing is they don’t see it even if the whole world is telling them that. They are their own worst ambassadors, and make Iberia look most backward, chauvinistic, racist and insecure part of Europe. "Good job" guys!

:good_job: :good_job: :good_job:

This study is from 2002, the one I posted is from 2009. But for some strange reason you and LeTroll have totally ignored it.

I repeat... not bringing these, because I want to post gazillion threads that want to demonstrate the "Europe-ness" of Mexicans...

Yeah, keep repeating that to yourself.

Quite different to the Spaniards and Portoguese in these forums, that are rude with Italians, because they make "bad company" as "dark skinned south Europeans"... not to speak how much rudeness and sufficiency they show against or Turks that happen to appear here.

But, oh well, is the lot of this forums... to have these people full of racial complexes, hurted in their inner pride and self-steem... to count how many more threads will be open for the sake of psychological needs...

As I said earlier, you can only lie and project your own complex over us, because you don't have anything intelligent to say for arguing against our data about Mexico being predominantly amerindian. Thanks for making my point once more and take care of your self-esteem problems.

Look, I am posting this not because I give any value to be more European or Indian... it is posted just to show to any unwary bystander in these forum, what kind of people you really are...


I repeat... not bringing these, because I want to post gazillion threads that want to demonstrate the "Europe-ness" of Mexicans...

Quite different to the Spaniards and Portoguese in these forums, that are rude with Italians, because they make "bad company" as "dark skinned south Europeans"... not to speak how much rudeness and sufficiency they show against or Turks that happen to appear here.

But, oh well, is the lot of this forums... to have these people full of racial complexes, hurted in their inner pride and self-steem... to count how many more threads will be open for the sake of psychological needs...


No, I post this comment, just to gratify mylself that, once more, these poor, deeply wounded,... but rude people, is caugh again in their lies.

And now, stop talking trash about Mexicans...

You have to complete your daily quota of posts about the "amazing celtic Iberia, craddle of Human Civilization"...

You have not even read your own study. It doesn't say Mexicans but Mexican Mestizoes. Obviously a mestizo has more european input. The one study that I presented was about the overall admixture of mexicans from Los Angeles regardless of being mestizo or pure Indian. :good_job:
I obtained my satisfaction... :laughing:

Now, you could post "the most recent studies" :laughing: that say that we Mexicans are 0% Spaniards.

(For what anybody cares... :laughing: )

But honestly... this text of @LeBrok is epic...

"Their tenacity, vigor and obsession of defending their whitens, westernism, celto-centrism, etc, is simply terrifying! :petrified: The funny thing is they don't see it even if the whole world is telling them that. They are their own worst ambassadors, and make Iberia look most backward, chauvinistic, racist and insecure part of Europe. "Good job" guys!"

I think I will print it and put it in the wall in front of me... My stomach still hurts of so much laughing.... :D
Great atitude! :good_job:

Their tenacity, vigor and obsession of defending their whitens, westernism, celto-centrism, etc, is simply terrifying! :petrified:
The funny thing is they don’t see it even if the whole world is telling them that. They are their own worst ambassadors, and make Iberia look most backward, chauvinistic, racist and insecure part of Europe. "Good job" guys!

My, my, my, you must have the aluminum foil cap on today. Supporting lies engendered by delusional insecure minds over and over. Again, how old are you? Stop with the hate, it makes you look even more foolish than you already are.

What we are saying about Iberia is the truth. If you don't like it move to an alternative universe.
Great atitude! :good_job:

Their tenacity, vigor and obsession of defending their whitens, westernism, celto-centrism, etc, is simply terrifying! :petrified:
The funny thing is they don’t see it even if the whole world is telling them that. They are their own worst ambassadors, and make Iberia look most backward, chauvinistic, racist and insecure part of Europe. "Good job" guys!
I could say the same about you and all the trolls :

Their tenacity, vigor and obsession in deniying the celts of Iberia, their westernism, is simply terrifying! :petrified:
I obtained my satisfaction... :laughing:

Now, you could post "the most recent studies" :laughing: that say that we Mexicans are 0% Spaniards.

(For what anybody cares... :laughing: )

But honestly... this text of @LeBrok is epic...

"Their tenacity, vigor and obsession of defending their whitens, westernism, celto-centrism, etc, is simply terrifying! :petrified: The funny thing is they don't see it even if the whole world is telling them that. They are their own worst ambassadors, and make Iberia look most backward, chauvinistic, racist and insecure part of Europe. "Good job" guys!"

I think I will print it and put it in the wall in front of me... My stomach still hurts of so much laughing.... :D

Delusional minds reinforcing one another. Now it's my turn to laugh until my stomach hurts. :laughing:
I could say the same about you and all the trolls :

Their tenacity, vigor and obsession in deniying the celts of Iberia, their westernism, is simply terrifying! :petrified:

Isn't DENYING AND MANIPULATING REALITY part of what defines certain types of mental illness? On this thread and some others we have prime examples of such. Talk about off-the-wall... :laughing: SOCIOPATHIC!
You have not even read your own study. It doesn't say Mexicans but Mexican Mestizoes.

Plus, that study is made on the population of only three states: Nuevo Leon, Jalisco and the Federal District. That's a joke if you consider the population density map of Mexico:



And the fact that the amerindian component is stronger the nearer you are to the south.


(For what anybody cares... )

Yes, surely you don't care... you look so relaxed, self-confident and soooooooo NOT caring for it. :smile:
Yes, keep posting your maps... (population density?) and such... you think that I will respond to your trash.. but no.

I will not put any image or link here (why have you not yet started to post your overexposed photos about collection of white spaniards, really beats me).

Whoever feels little curiosity about the theme, just have to go to YouTube an type "racism, Spain", "whites, Spain", and the like, to have its tube flooded with tons of garbage about the incredible obsesson of Spaniards with skin color and how much hurt are they for not being accepted as they want in Europe... I really don't now right now, what happened first: If you really are so dark skinned for western european standards... or the Trolls already know how to make you throw foam from the mouth, and tease you where it really hurts to you.

Really, I even saw Videos with traditional Irish music, and supposed "recreational drawings" of "ancient Celtic civilization of Spain"... you are pitiful.

(Shame on me, I almost fall from the chair from pure laugh.)

I wonder how could you live like that at all.

Pity, is what I feel for you.
Whoever feels little curiosity about the theme, just have to go to YouTube an type "racism, Spain", "whites, Spain", and the like, to have its tube flooded with tons of garbage about the incredible obsesson of Spaniards with skin color and how much hurt are they for not being accepted as they want in Europe...
Youtube is flooded with latinos with a huge inferiority complex like you who are obssesed with spaniards, plenty of videos calling us all the time moors, arabs and such. Really boring. And we don't need to be accepted as european because we actually ARE european already.

I really don't now right now, what happened first: If you really are so dark skinned for western european standards... or the Trolls already know how to make you throw foam from the mouth, and tease you where it really hurts to you.
dark skinned for western european standars ? Not quite :

Really, I even saw Videos with traditional Irish music, and supposed "recreational drawings" of "ancient Celtic civilization of Spain"... you are pitiful.
Pitiful ? You are insulting our history, and all the folk, traditions, customs and culture of Iberia, are you aware of this ? No, it's not irish music you ignorant idiot, it's our own culture. But you are an ignorant idiot who doesn't know anything about us and you think it's Irish culture.

(Shame on me, I almost fall from the chair from pure laugh.)
Well, laughing at others's cultures is really insane.

I wonder how could you live like that at all.
Well, it's our culture, and we are proud of it, unlike you.

Pity, is what I feel for you.
You are again insulting our culture and traditions. Pitiy is what I feel for you really, imbecile.
Yes, keep posting your maps... (population density?) and such... you think that I will respond to your trash.. but no.

I will not put any image or link here (why have you not yet started to post your overexposed photos about collection of white spaniards, really beats me).

Whoever feels little curiosity about the theme, just have to go to YouTube an type "racism, Spain", "whites, Spain", and the like, to have its tube flooded with tons of garbage about the incredible obsesson of Spaniards with skin color and how much hurt are they for not being accepted as they want in Europe... I really don't now right now, what happened first: If you really are so dark skinned for western european standards... or the Trolls already know how to make you throw foam from the mouth, and tease you where it really hurts to you.

Really, I even saw Videos with traditional Irish music, and supposed "recreational drawings" of "ancient Celtic civilization of Spain"... you are pitiful.

(Shame on me, I almost fall from the chair from pure laugh.)

I wonder how could you live like that at all.

Pity, is what I feel for you.

"Overexposed photos". To you EVERY photo of an Iberian is overexposed. What planet are you from, fella? :useless:
"Overexposed photos". To you EVERY photo of an Iberian is overexposed. What planet are you from, fella? :useless:

Not of the same planet as you.

(Don't you say that yourselves? :rolleyes2: ).

You know something... I have been in Europe, but never in Iberia (I don't know what happy coincidence spared me from that).

I really never had much interest of you... I took you for "granted". I congratulate myself on that.

Now, knowing you, I am not really "disaponted", only a bit "surprised".

I don't say that there are also some stupid Latinos that somehow feel some affinity for you. I knew of some cases that went there, happy to finally know "the motherland" ( :D ) and you treated them like sh*t.

I say: "Keep the good work".

For no matter how much you want to force your "celticity", "pure bloodness" and other weeds, down other peoples throats... they will take it for what it is: A desperate attempt to scape from your own selves... and you know the status of Spaniards in the popular mentality of western european countries.

Do you think that your delusions are going to change that? Or, that real elements of prestige and power, such as "economy" are going to be subordinated to that?

I hope that when you awake, we will be not there.

And now, I will make the renewed attempt to ignore you, Iberians.

Not of the same planet as you.
(Don't you say that yourselves? :rolleyes2: ).
You know something... I have been in Europe, but never in Iberia (I don't know what happy coincidence spared me from that).
I really never had much interest of you... I took you for "granted". I congratulate myself on that - Now, knowing you, I am not really "disaponted", only a bit "surprised".
I don't say that there are also some stupid Latinos that somehow feel some affinity for you. I knew of some cases that went there, happy to finally know "the motherland" ( :D ) and you treated them like sh*t.
I say: "Keep the good work".
For no matter how much you want to force your "celticity" and other weeds, down other peoples throats... they will take it for what it is: A desperate attempt to scape from your own selves... and you know the status of Spaniards in the popular mentality of western european countries.
Do you think that you delusions are going to change that? Or, that real elements of status and power, such as economy are going to be subordinated to that?
I hope that when you awake, we will be not there.
And now, I will make the attempt to ignore you, Iberians.
You of all people should not be referring to others as delusional. Without doubt, you have some serious psychological issues when it comes to Iberians. Time to take a hard look at yourself and stop fabricating outrageous falsehoods about people from Iberia.

You displayed an incredible level of ignorance in a previous post by suggesting that Spaniards "borrow" from the Irish culture - music in particular. You can't be freaking serious. Clearly, you know nothing, ABSOLUTELY nothing, about the cultures of Spaniards and Portuguese. Celtic music is part of ancient Iberian folk traditions, from regions like Gallaecia (Galiza and N. Portugal), Asturias, Leon, Cantabria and the Beiras. Celtic instruments are even played in areas like Extramadura and Catalonia. This style of music is part of a rich corpus of indigenous socio-cultural practices that is thousands of years old, not "borrowed" from some other culture or population group. It is a component of the Iberian habitus and contributes significantly to our ethnic identity.

Ask any reasonably educated Irish person if we borrow from their culture and he will laugh in your face.
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