Who are the Greatest warriors in history

Greatest warriors in history?

  • Japanese Samurai

    Votes: 11 13.9%
  • European Knights

    Votes: 8 10.1%
  • Mongols

    Votes: 10 12.7%
  • Huns

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Janissaries

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Roman Gladiators

    Votes: 7 8.9%
  • Scottish Highlanders

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Vikings

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • Musketeers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other group of warriors

    Votes: 30 38.0%

  • Total voters

The combined power of the armored tank like elephants with archers, javelin throwers, and musketeers on top reigning down death on the enemy.
Who do you think are the greatest warriors in history? I can't decide which group of warriors are the best, since each group has their own strengths, weaknesses, codes of honor, tactics, fighting skills and weapons.

I think I'll go for Samurai because they are skilled and ruthless fighters.

I'm not going to include soldiers from modern history because their new warfare is far more sophisticated.

But...they were all skilled and ruthless. The Gladiators especially. I do admire the discipline of the Samurai though.

BTW, where are the Spartans?
This is a difficult choice, all of above have the same kind of weapons, but my interest is in Japanese history, so I choose for the Samurai, but if they were the best*that will nobody know*... to bad they were not tested by the Mongols, that would have been a nice fight, (sorry I watch it from a strong , not strong position not about deaths)the Japanese sword was probably one of the strongest (maybe the knight had stronger but heavier swords) and most easy(musketeers had an easier sword, but not as strong as the katana) to use weapons too (am i right)

were there any foreign samurai's in Japan?

I kind of miss the sword fights , now its only pressing some button, it's not fair anymore!!!!! at least the old fights were more fair!

Also I find the Ninja very strong, I mean they still use tactics from the Ninja nowadays. Nice thread you put up

Ninja weren't warriors. They were assassins. They were hired by anyone, loyal to none but their Ninja Clan.

Samurai despised Ninja thinking them sneaky and dishonorable. To a Samurai, anyone who would not face the enemy honorably...but instead killed through deception (or even while a target was asleep), was to be loathed.
I voted "Roman Gladiators". They came from all over the Empire and so represented the best fighters from among many different peoples. Add to that the facts that they got a lot of practice and were called on to fight for their very lives on a regular basis without the aid of a company of comrades.

Besides, "Gladiator" is one of my all-time favorite movies! :cool-v:
Mongols, most likely.
I would like to say Spartan phalanx and Roman legions (in the first century BCE and CE) instead of Roman gladiators. Both were extremely well trained, organised and disciplined. The Spartans were probably superior in training but lacked a diversified army with cavalry and ballistic weapons.

The Huns, Mongols or Vikings just went rampage on a terrorised population. The code of honour of the samurai is very useful in combat (it's not a strategy). European knights were vary variable, but overall disorganised and individualistic. Musketeers were not particularly brilliant. Anyone can shoot a gun.
Slavs warriors are greatest warriors of the world! They had grasped up half of Europe by the end of the 970 year. With prince(knyaz) Svyatoslav Igorevich they had destroyed Khazarian Kaganat when Europe walked under table. Visantia had paid tribute before the Christain came in their(our!) land.
They were brave and honour warriors. They protected the native land without fear of death. They were greatest warriors!

Who were the mongols? They were BIG heap of the weak warriors with Chinese equipment and fear in eyes. If you have big army, it doesn't means that you have good warriors.
I am Italian and was a student at SOAS, I think the Arabs of the meditereanea were underated. They actually expand from Bedoins Arab peninsula towards the north to sacked the Persians and Byzantines and settled in Spain and move towards India and steps of china less than 120 years, I think thats amazing Warriors .

After further readings the earlier arabs were not taught to surrender and can invade a large Army even tho they had smaller troops

Arabic speaking people invaded Spain, South Portugan, Sicily Mid East, Persia up to India and steps of China, I think its remakable! And they fought and even brought science to Spain and beyond, and thats a Bonus!

Muscles and Brauns

But like all, they went down, everything that goes up has to come down

By the way Assasins comes from Syria Hashashins

I cant believe no one mentioned Arabs who was clearly all over Spain, Portugal, Southern France, Sicily, NOrth Africa ( and brough berbers ), Persia, Causcasus , steps of China and north India and Sindh.

They hold on to Spain for 900 years

Even the Vikings were reported to respected them.

Thats not amazing and I dont know what to say
My personal favourites, the guys I'd want to have my back if I was fighting hand to hand and blade to blade, are, in no particular order:

Norsemen, especially Wolfshirts or Bersekers.

Poor Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon.

The Scottish Knights and Infantry of the Wars of Independance.


Scottish Border Reivers.

And if the Bad Guys had archers, I'd want either English and Welsh Longbow men or Mongol/Hun horse archers on my side as well!

Has anyone been watching Deadliest Warrior on Spike?
just a reaction to the statement above:
winston churchill said that the filipino warrior is the greatest warrior. For with their fierce resistance it saved australia from the japanese and gave the allies enough time to prepare against the japanese. That all done with few modern weapons and with their bolos and sticks. There are documented skirmishes where a single eskrimador disarmed and killed several japanese soldiers and faced a katana weilding samurai officer, which he disarmed and killed with his kali stick, and many other war stories. It is also said that ( i havent seen the actual document/article) that Miyamoto Mushashi the greatest samurai was outclassed by a kali warrior. Being a warrior i think is different from being a soldier. warriors strive for individual glory or the glory of their warrior society, soldiers are DIFFERENT. For individual merit and prowess in combat, few if any can match a real master of Kali, and its practitioner the Filipino warrior.

Since I currently train in Kali(among other Arts)I have to agree with you as tot he fighting ability of the Filopeno warrior. The term "running amok" comes from the Filopeno warrior's battle-fury.:good_job:
I would say Greeks under Alexander the Great, as warriors/leader combo. They only stopped winning because they got home sick. They also won a battle against elephants in India. If they didn't return home they possibly would have tested the Samurai's skills, as Alexander was on a quest looking for the end of the earth.

Lots of awesome warriors, leaders and armies through the history. We know who was great but will never know who was the best.
I wouldn`t call Roman Gladiators "warriors". They were just slaves. They didn`t fight for the idea.
My vote is Vikings or Mongols.
Vikings or Mongols did'nt "fight for the idea" either. They fought for loot and personal glory.

This discussion is about fighting ability, not morality. By those standards, the Roman Gladiators were Warriors.
They hold on to Spain for 900 years

LOL. Arabs hold on to Spain for 900 years?? Please, get a clue.

Muslims (not arabs) ruled the Kingdom of Granada for 800 years...

...Until they were expelled by the Catholic Kings (without putting a fight btw:innocent:)


In the rest of the Iberian Peninsula (not Spain) they ruled for a very shorter period:

...and they never conquered the whole Peninsula as you can see in the last pic.
I am Italian and was a student at SOAS, I think the Arabs of the meditereanea were underated. They actually expand from Bedoins Arab peninsula towards the north to sacked the Persians and Byzantines and settled in Spain and move towards India and steps of china less than 120 years, I think thats amazing Warriors .

After further readings the earlier arabs were not taught to surrender and can invade a large Army even tho they had smaller troops

Arabic speaking people invaded Spain, South Portugan, Sicily Mid East, Persia up to India and steps of China, I think its remakable! And they fought and even brought science to Spain and beyond, and thats a Bonus!

Muscles and Brauns

But like all, they went down, everything that goes up has to come down


Actually, most of the muslim invaders in Iberia were not Arab but Bereber.
You are talking exclusively about the Iberian Peninsula invasion Wilhelm.

But dnabuff was talking about the muslims invasions in Persia, India and China too... and there the arabs didn't take berbers from Magreb for their army.