Dinaric type is a statistical concept and race-no-race question cannot shoot it off so easily;
Coon proposed for 'dinaric' a crossing result what is not a "race" but a relatively stable result in a population which consists in recurrent features like - among others very high stature, and some peculiar aspects of face and skull, with planoccipital brachycephaly and other traits like moedrately dark complexion + ... - we are not obliged to agree with Coon; that said a crossing between 2 preceding statistical phenotypes (from 2 different pops) very numerous in the new pop can produce 1-: heterozygotic (and intermediary) but statistically dominant association of features with illusion of a true new type (even more if some dominant genes are at play)>< 2-: with isolation + time: homozygotic dominant "new" features associating elements picked in the 2 preceding phenotypes where these last ones gave different parts of body and head (process of beginning of raciation at the phenotypical level):
1 is unstable, volatile at the individual level spite the global states stay almost the same from generation to generation - 2 is less volatile at the individual level, and associated features can be transmitted in a more stable way among generations -
uneasy to make my thought here - but the regions where 'dinaric' elements were identified as dense (the denser supposedly in South Dinaric Alps (more SouthWest): Montenegro, Sth Herzegovina, Sth Bosnia, some Ghegs tribes): Yougoslavia as a whole (less the North), Grisons in Switzerland, Tyrol, parts of Carpathians, all are peopled by tall people; when the mean statures decrease in Europe is seems as a whole the frequence of other specific traits decrease along.
Iberia is not a stronghold of 'dinaric' types, but the variation in stature can be very strong locally: when the Spain mean was around 1m64, regions were from 1m62 to 1m69 (Valencia) whatever the specific elements in cause here: rather 'atlanto med' by a simplistic definition: at this time "dinaric lands" of Yougoslavia were around 1m71 with some peaks to 1m74:1m76 in Sth Dinaric Alps; Tyrol about 1m70 ; Romanian Carpathians 1m70;only the dominantly 'nordic' types pops showed something around 1m71/1m74 at those times; today we could add between 10 and 12 cm to these mean statures.
Whatever the conception we have of race-no-race, we can say the elements of the 'dinaric' type (or "construction") is based upon genetical basis, whatever it is (homog/heterog).