Why Do We Need To Produce Sick Movies ?

Frank D. White

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State of Maine/So.Portland
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On cable TV here, we are being bombbarded with ads for Quentin Tarantino's new movie, HOSTEL. It appears to be mostly about cruel , graphic torture of innocent tourists. Seems to be made for the purpose of grossing people out. With all the violence in the world, it doesn't make sense to promote more of it to young minds. Do you think human mutilation and torture should be entertainment?


:? :clueless:
Ugh, I saw that commercial too--not exactly easy on the stomach, and they really didn't show much.

I've never particularly liked ultragory films--ultraviolence I don't mind so much as long as it doesn't turn into an anatomy lesson: "Oh, so that's what organs look like."

But I don't think removing such things is necessarily a good idea. Frankly, if people feel a need to watch this stuff, I'm worried what would happen if they couldn't. I've come to realize that supressing one's instincts and emotions can be a very bad thing, as these feelings tend to get stronger and harder to control the more you bottle them up.

That's why I don't take much stock in the argument that watching violent movies or playing violent video games increases violent behavior. I'm not saying it doesn't have an effect--but I think the emotional release of watching violent shows and especially of acting out socially unacceptale behavior in video games cancels out as much of a potential for actual violence as it creates.

For years now, whenever I'm really pissed off, I fire up my PS2 and play the "100 Kills Slash Mode" in Bushido Blade 2. I pick the point of view option and go running around a bunch of feudal-Japan looking rooms slashing up ninjas, women, old ladies, and kabuki actors, trying to get to 100 kills in the shortest possible time without getting killed myself.

Sounds horrible, I know (hey, at least the women and the old ladies have swords too) but it's an excellent cathartic release, and I haven't gotten' into a physical fight since I started playing it--unless you count sparring matches.

Of course, I also don't think they should bombard us with this stuff--there's a tendancy to make violence as graphic as possible and shove it in our faces, and I really don't like that...

...but then, I find the commercials about yeast infection treatments equally offensive, so maybe we just have to accept that alot of different people watch TV, and not all of the commercials are going to be suited to our tastes.
I love ultra violence and gore in entertainment, but there is a fine line that must be drawn when too much violence and gore can be a bad thing. To me Hostel looks like one of those films that has no point whatsoever other than having just pure gratuitous violence and that's it. If you're going to have violence like that, make sure the film or game actually has a plot, point, and the violence is balanced out where it's not too much, but not too little at the same time. Too bad movies like Hostel just don't have that. I love Quentin Tarantino's work, but this movie actually looks extremely pointless, over the top, and down right crappy. I only recommend it to those who actually go for that sort of thing.

Doc :wave:
Because people lost whatever shred morality that is left of us. :(
Why? Quite simple: people want it. Supply and demand, folks.
flashjeff said:
Why? Quite simple: people want it. Supply and demand, folks.
Nailed it! :yeahh:
Because I'm one of those who need those supplies. However if the movie has absolutely no direction, plot, has crappy acting then I dont consider that entertaining at all. :) And no watching gory stuff has never made me lose my morals.
No comments about Hostel as I havent seen the trailer yet...
I love a good gory movie, but it has to be a good gory movie, like Battle Royale. I agree with Reiku that watching such movies can be a release. There's nothing better for relieving stress than decapitating a few zombies. :cool:
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Speaking just for myself, I have no use for gory movies. I prefer movies that send chills down your spine instead of drowning you in gore. Stuff like all those old Universal monster movies from the 30's or the Hammer Studios films from the 60's and 70's. That's what I like instead of the unrelenting gore-fests like Saw and Hostel, neither of which I'll ever bother watching.
flashjeff said:
Stuff like all those old Universal monster movies from the 30's
I like those too!
flashjeff said:
That's a great film, and the sequel is pretty good too. Yes, it's gory. But it's also a good puzzle, with a great twist at the end. :cool:
Well another movie that bothers me just as much as Hostel is one that the won't even show in Ontario- Karla. The movie about the sex crimes that happened about 13-15 years ago. I'm sickened that people would actually go see that, and not think about the hurt they are causing the families that lost their daughters.
silver angel said:
I'm sickened that people would actually go see that, and not think about the hurt they are causing the families that lost their daughters.
I hate when they try to make money on someone's tragic experience; unfortunately, a lot of documentaries, even good ones, leave me the bitterness when I think about on the other side of the story.

As for Hostel, it looks interesting. It has nine different languages and no subtitles. I found out Eli Roth was the directer not QT, which makes it better.

I think that movies that have human mutilation and pointless despair as the main aspect of the film are just sickening. And now the people have the gall to put those screwed up commercials on news network (NBC) television.

So I'll say thanks to the creaters of The Ring 2 and Hostel and some other movies that have terrifying commercials. Thanks for giving my little sister nightmares. Keep the stuff in theatres, you don't have to put it in front of the rest of us.
misa.j said:
I hate when they try to make money on someone's tragic experience; unfortunately, a lot of documentaries, even good ones, leave me the bitterness when I think about on the other side of the story.

Well, where real life experiences of people becomes part of the public record, they become fair game for filmmakers looking to tell a story. Fair? No, but that's life.
those that look away from this stuff, just dont like to believe that its reality, fair game, but i like the look of the new film very entertaining, 'bout time a descent horror film came out.
It's only promoting violence to young minds if yound minds are permitted to view the movie by their parents. Not everyone has to see every movie that hits the box office.
flashjeff said:
Well, where real life experiences of people becomes part of the public record, they become fair game for filmmakers looking to tell a story.
It's fair when they are presented with accuracy and the consent of people who are involved.

I guess the way I watch movies and films really sucks, I just keep trying to find holes and don't believe everything that's on a screen.
Hmm, I've got some time to kill--so I'll wiegh in a bit here:
As far as movies based on real-life tragedies, I really don't have a problem with it--heck, Psycho was a great film. :D
Seriously though, the "We should silence this because it might be upsetting for those involved" line of thinking scares me. If we do that, the next step is removing anything anyone might find objectionable--which ends with removing everything. Read Ray Bradbury's "Farenhieght 451", you'll see what kind of a world that leaves us in.
(For the record, the only connection between "Farenhieght 451" and "Farenhieght 911" is that Michal Moore ripped off the title.)
As for scary VS gory...
...well, I like a good suspense--but honestly I just don't like being scared.
'Corse I don't like to throw up much either, so I've pretty much had to swear off horror fiilms for the forseeable future.
As for Tarantino...
...I used to like his stuff--but it seems like it's been all downhill since Pulp Fiction.

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