Politics Will Russia Attack Ukraine?

I am greatly committed to free speech, more than most people here. I say this from experience. However, corporate censorship is a reality that people who think in any overly formalistic way appear unable to grasp. Corporate censorship is more pervasive and more sophisticated than state censorship.

So, yes, I believe in free speech. But I don't imagine that Putin is its greatest enemy.

George Soros apparently supports Ukraine (why not Russia?):


Do you think that Jewish American - Barbara Lerner Spectre - "predicted" current events (Zelensky at the center of events)?:


"Jews [like Zelensky & Co. ???] are gonna be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make (...) and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation Europe will not survive."

^^^ Leading Role:


George Soros publicly showing his support for Ukraine can only harm Ukraine's cause. Because he is too controversial.

Even though his words make sense (this time).
Only time will tell. Certainly Europe has turned against Russia as of today. This reflects the power of the mass media and the corruption of its current leaders (no less corrupt than American leaders). But soon reality will make itself felt. The era of "narratives" has been brought to an end.

Reality #1 --> Russian missiles & troops stationed directly opposite NATO installations along western borders of Belarus & Ukraine

Reality #2 ---> major energy crisis in Europe -- on this one, only time will tell how much pain Europeans are willing to endure --> and for what reason? ---> people will suffer for a just cause, but not for cynical games

Sorry but this is a "hillbilly position". Tea party revisited (Malaparte as the new Ross Perot? ) It's not the mass media who have done it or the elites, it is Vladimir Putin and his clan in the Kremlin.

Reality #1 --> Russian missiles & troops stationed directly opposite NATO installations along western borders of Belarus & Ukraine:
That needs unity, one force NATO (no division or isolation, when it comes to an Amergendon the US will not be in splendid isolation).

Reality #2 ---> major energy crisis in Europe -- on this one, only time will tell how much pain Europeans are willing to endure --> and for what reason? ---> people will suffer for a just cause, but not for cynical games
We can stand the heat (or no heating ;) the generation of my grandparent ate tulip bulbs at the end of NAZI time, we will not reach that level, no surrender to Putin, who is the biggest cynical, look at the custer bombing of innocent people!
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There was in Europe never such prosperity than after ww2, with a high emancipation of ordinary people. The Golden Years at least in the west.

In the mean time politicians have raised the expectations of ordinary people even more.
I doubt that is sustainable.
In intellectual history, one can always find precedents.

But I would point you toward (1) Land & Sea --- http://www.telospress.com/store/Land-and-Sea-A-World-Historical-Meditation-paperback-p55571962

and (2) Nomos of the Earth --> http://www.telospress.com/store/The-Nomos-of-the-Earth-paperback-p17898060

Schmitt and Dugin resemble each other. They are one the reactionary side, 'revolutionary-conservative'.

My ancestry is shaped by the North Sea culture. So that landman collectivism I have no connection with it.

What I do like is the Rhineland model.
That has unjust been written off.

I think that after the Second World War, a country like Germany has moved towards the seaman's perspective.

In this topic we talked about Helmut Schmidt he is the representative of the German form of seaman's perspective and the movement towards it.

This is a perfect picture of 'seaman' Helmut Schmidt with a Hamburg skipper's cap and 'landman' DDR general secretary Honecker with.....hahahaha how spot on!!!

Today Kupyansk has been recaptured by Ukrainian forces, despite the betrayal of the town's mayor on Sunday.

The mayor betrayed but the inhabitants stayed loyal to Ukraine, as seen in this video from Kupyansk:

There was in Europe never such prosperity than after ww2, with a high emancipation of ordinary people. The Golden Years at least in the west.

Neoliberalism released the beast.....with regard to big corporates.

Speaking about free speech ask it to Navalny.....or just the ordinary Rus wo wants to demonstrate against war. Free speech?

This thread has advanced 10 pages in 24 hours, so I can't respond to everything that has likely been said.

However, any good liberal who criticizes the Russians for not allowing anti-war demonstrations really needs to hold up a mirror to his own country.

I should also point out that as a nationalist, I generally sympathize with Navalny, just as I sympathize with the Ukrainian nationalists. I certainly don't approve of the Russian propaganda that portrays the Ukrainian fighters as neo-Nazis and the like. And I recognize that Putin is a Russian imperialist (with limited ambitions), and that as an imperialist he will oppress all nationalist movements in the territories he controls.

Again, my position is informed by balance-of-power considerations. I think we are making a massive mistake in conducting war against Russia. Only China stands to profit from this.

And though I am reluctant to "personalize" arguments that ought to stick to the merits, I will say that I quit my job, gave up everything I had, moved to a red state, and took the bar exam last week. I am hardly a great legal mind, but I intend to fight for basic liberties that I took for granted for far too long (freedom of speech, freedom of bodily integrity). Easier said than done, but that is my intention. Right now I am barely competent to defend against a speeding ticket, and I am no longer a young man.
Schmitt and Dugin resemble each other. They are one the reactionary side, 'revolutionary-conservative'.

My ancestry is shaped by the North Sea culture. So that landman collectivism I have no connection with it.

What I do like is the Rhineland model.
That has unjust been written off.

I think that after the Second World War, a country like Germany has moved towards the seaman's perspective.

In this topic we talked about Helmut Schmidt he is the representative of the German form of seaman's perspective and the movement towards it.

This is a perfect picture of 'seaman' Helmut Schmidt with a Hamburg skipper's cap and 'landman' DDR general secretary Honecker with.....hahahaha how spot on!!!

I always liked Schmidt. My father met him a few times. My father was the timpanist in the Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestra. Schmidt attended many times and also brought a few foreign representatives with him occasionally. After the concerts, he would sit with the people from the orchestra and have a few beers and/or dinner.
But again... in 1982 the FDP decided to break the great coalition and side with Helmut Kohl. A move that has forever tainted my view of the world and the claim that we live in a democratic world. Mind you... in the election before, Schmidt beat Kohl.
Americans understand Eastern Europeans because they were also an oppressed colony.

The Americans who settled the frontier were high thumos, and that legacy continues to inform the wider culture, despite the all the competing degeneracy. (I am from low-thumos Quaker stock, plus Italian working class, so I don't claim any "connection" to this noble American trait.) And the East Europeans are high thumos. Although much of what you, as a Pole, have been writing on this thread strikes me as foolish, I tip you my cap for your high spiritedness. But thumos must be governed by nous.
Sorry but this is a "hillbilly position". Tea party revisited (Malaparte as the new Ross Perot? ) It's not the mass media who have done it or the elites, it is Vladimir Putin and his clan in the Kremlin.

I realize you're in the Netherlands, so I cannot fairly expect your barbs to be accurate. But I am much closer to Buchanan in my views than Perot, and I went down to Occupy Wall Street a few times to show my support, but never rallied with the Tea Party.

As for the "hillbilly position," I hope to become a hillbilly. It appeals to the extremist in me. After NYC, why settle in the grey suburbs of Middle America? Full-on hillbilly it shall be for me.

That needs unity, one force NATO (no division or isolation, when it comes to an Amergendon the US will not be in splendid isolation).

We can stand the heat (or no heating ;) the generation of my grandparent ate tulip bulbs at the end of NAZI time, we will not reach that level, no surrender to Putin, who is the biggest cynical, look at the custer bombing of innocent people!

All of this grand talk from the last century. You are fighting the wrong war. China is the enemy, and this should determine all else.

Sadly the Western propaganda machine is now in overdrive, and war hysteria has taken hold.
This thread has advanced 10 pages in 24 hours, so I can't respond to everything that has likely been said.

Evidently I cannot count. Not as many pages as I feared!

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