Politics "WOKE" America

Remember, in the event of a nuclear attack, make sure to take a shower.


This Scary Interactive Map Shows What Happens If a Nuke Explodes in Your Neighborhood (businessinsider.com)
Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked by an assailant with a hammer in their home. I guess we need more hammer-control! I see the San Francisco DA is involved; they now have Brooke Jenkins, who I hear is tough on crime. I wonder how the Pelosi family would feel had Chesa Boudin still been the DA, and let the suspect out with a slap on the wrist. After they're all citizens, just like us right? Not royalty who get special treatment?

The Capitol Police, FBI and San Francisco Police Department are all involved in the investigation. The San Francisco District Attorney's Office said the case will be handled locally. Charges are forthcoming but have not yet been filed, the district attorney's office said.

I mean, that's a little extreme, but I agree with the notion that progressive policies in the US, especially the messaging, are inconsistent and incoherent.
You have to understand that there's a tacit coalition between the center-left and the far left behind the Democratic Party. The center-left is okay with neoliberalism and only moderately socially progressive. The far left is full-blown woke. The far left, to which the postmodernist college faculty belongs, has traditionally been friendly to the USSR, communism, Castro, hate speech against Cuban-Americans and anticommunist Soviet and Chinese immigrants, etc.
So there's a weird paradox whereby Democratic Party figures complain about isolationism and betrayal of America's allies by Trump on one hand, then endorse radical "anti-imperialist" woke activists who are often shameless apologists for Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, etc. There's no coherence. It doesn't make sense.

In reality, half of America is Democratic, half is Republican. We should really learn to get along and just tolerate each other, but we have the mainstream liberals waging cultural warfare against the American heartland, populated by descendants of the most conservative elements from Europe. The far left, instead of being true to its claims of revolutionary ideology, infiltrates mainstream institutions via the center-left. The rightist base in this country is so parochial and hostile to education or the rest of the world that it can't seriously engage in the marketplace of ideas. American conservatives can't fight wokeness successfully because all they care about is what their pastor said or how the stock market's doing or some cringy MAGA meme. Of course your average liberal can't put any intellectual rigor into defending woke ideology, but they parrot arguments made by the likes of Robin DiAngelo and Ta-Nehisi Coates. Your average conservative American hasn't read a word of Thomas Sowell. Sad but true.

On the other hand, the events of January 6, 2021, have taken a lot of steam out of any radical right uprising. Same for Ms. Jewish Space Lasers and her support for Putin. From the left I've heard a lot less whining about "American imperialism" and how horrible this country is since Russia invaded Ukraine, and the Islamist regime in Iran's massacres of the Iranian people. Maybe somehow, something good might actually come out of this.
Something different, there is in Europe much going on on conspiracy. This is from one of the biggest party's in Dutch parliament. He embraced David Icke with his reptile theory. I don't get those kind of conspiracy thinking. It's also combined with Putin admiring. Mostly combined with anti-woke rhetoric. Imo it's a 'sick mixture'.


Nauseating. I really wish Putin admirers would set one foot in post-Soviet immigrant (Russian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, etc.) neighborhoods here, and see what happens. People have started naming and shaming Putin supporters. Among the Russian community there are whisper networks, because a lot of these people are too cowardly to admit it in public. But the community finds out and shuns them.

I kind of feel like wokeness is a distraction and blown out of proportion on the right, but then I meet progressives who I can't stand talking to for more than 2 minutes. I have so many friends who now seem like they're part of some religious cult. Same vocabulary, same opinions, even the same aesthetic.
Yeah im screwed if ww3 happens [emoji17]
Oh please. It's not happening. It's really upsetting that the local gov had to make a PSA about this. Absolute incompetence. Someone should be fired.
Oh please. It's not happening. It's really upsetting that the local gov had to make a PSA about this. Absolute incompetence. Someone should be fired.
Its always possible. You know that during the cold war we were almost was nuked by russia already?

Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked by an assailant with a hammer in their home. I guess we need more hammer-control! I see the San Francisco DA is involved; they now have Brooke Jenkins, who I hear is tough on crime. I wonder how the Pelosi family would feel had Chesa Boudin still been the DA, and let the suspect out with a slap on the wrist. After they're all citizens, just like us right? Not royalty who get special treatment?

No Cash Bail – San Francisco District Attorney (sfdistrictattorney.org)


I don't think it is extreme to say so, the official SF DA .org says cashless bail is still a thing...

No Cash Bail
"Money bail is a system that privileges the wealthy and the powerful over the poor and the innocent"

-SF District Attorney, Chesa Boudin
One of DA Boudin’s first actions upon taking office was to end the DA’s office’s practice of asking for money bail. The concept of money bail is simple: when someone is arrested on charges, a judge can set an amount that a person can pay (often through a bail bond agency) as collateral to get out of jail. If the person doesn’t show up to court, that person loses the money. This system means that people with money can “buy” their way out of jail, no matter what their charges, while people without enough money are stuck in jail simply because they cannot afford to buy their freedom. This system is not only unfair but also does not protect public safety. After all, someone’s financial status has no connection to their likelihood of coming back to court or of committing another crime.

DA Boudin believes that no one should be in jail simply because they are too poor to post bail to get out. Under DA Boudin’s policy, if someone poses a serious public safety risk, the District Attorney’s office will ask that the person remain in jail while waiting for the case to resolve or go to trial. But everyone who does not pose a serious public safety risk should be free from jail while their case is pending—sometimes with conditions like electronic monitoring, GPS, or drug testing, depending on the individual circumstances. This makes sure we have a system that keeps us all safe—and doesn’t hold people in jail because of their poverty.

DA Boudin’s policy on ending cash bail in San Francisco was widely heralded as the most progressive bail policy in the nation. It plays an important step towards ending the criminalization of poverty and stopping mass incarceration.”
Its always possible. You know that during the cold war we were almost was nuked by russia already?

Yeah, there were horrible mistakes that led to near misses a couple times. Then you equip a terroristic thug like Putin and a senile old man like Biden with command over the nuclear arsenal and it's not good. I trust in the deconfliction mechanisms we have though.
Also, to our European brethren keeping track of the US, American political satire has become an unintentional self-parody. Boomer comedians obsess day and night over our former president, completely ignoring the current one and his many faux pas like claiming inaccurately that his son died in Iraq, when he actually died of brain cancer. Not a word from the largest nationally syndicated comedians.
A radical nudist activist originally from Canada who lives in San Francisco, who made hemp jewelry. He believed in just about every dumb conspiracy theory on the internet. This guy is just a psychopath.

He was also here illegally.

Yeah, I'm sure he was a true MAGA semi-fascist Republican :suspicious: :rolleyes:

David DePape, suspect in violent Pelosi attack, in U.S. illegally, ICE officials say (msn.com)
The BBC published today a long text trying to explain to Brazilians what it means to 'Woke’. The title of the reportage is 'What is 'woke' and why the term generates a cultural and political battle in the US’. The text was reproduced in the main internet channels of journalism of the country and it is an attempt to explain to Brazilians the current political situation in the United States.


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