Y-haplogroup frequencies in Austria & South Germany

Rudiger Roy

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Hi Mr. Maciamo,
Would you please tell me what are the frequencies of Y-haplogroups, including sub-clades, of the various regions of Austria & South Germanyas listed in your table of European countries.
I was refering to the sample areas, e.g Vienna, Graz, the Tyrol for Austria; I believe there are 5 to date. Also, for South Germany, e.g. Munich and other places.
Your table for European countries are based on average frequency across a wide area; even South Germany has strong regional differences reflecting the settlement of Alamans (Swabians), Bavarians & Franconians. East & West Austria are likely to show great differences in the distribution of some Y-haplogroups, e.g. G2a & R1a.
Therefore, I would be grateful if you could list these areas seperately showing the Y-hgs & sub-clades where possible in each of the few areas sampled which you have used to compile your table.
Too small studies (under 100 samples) are not reliable enough. I prefer to wait for more data to be available before going into more detail. There are still other regional divisions to be done (notably Spain and France) before tackling the "provincial" level. In the meantime you can find some city-level results for Germany in Kaveli et al. 's paper Where Did European Men Come From.
Thank you for providing the link to the site listing Y-haplogroup frequencies in Germany.
I take your point on the small sample size.
On your DNA project page for the "Genetic make-up" of Austria, the total number of samples is only 78. However, I presume that this has been updated since August 2008, as your current table gives different frequencies for Austria.
Kalevi Wiik provides incomplete data for the 3 Austrian areas; there is no indication of the relatively high frequency of 30% Neolithic farmer Y-haplogroups as listed in your table. Would you please tell me the source of your data for Austria, I am particularly interested in the survival of pre-Germanic & pre-Slavic dna in the modern population.
J2 has a relatively high average frequency of 12% in your table; that is similar to North Italy, but twice that of most of the neighbouring countries in central Europe.
I understand that some regions of Hungary also has a similar high frequency of J2, is there a geographical link between these 2 countries which share the old territory of Pannonia, and can this high frequency of J2 be associated more with the survival of the ancient/prehistoric population than with the arrival of the Romans?
The YHRD database lists 5 regions for Austria, with a total sample size of 715, but unfortunately, I do not have the means to convert this data to the Y-haplogroups you use in your table. Can you please help?
I take your point on the small sample size.
On your DNA project page for the "Genetic make-up" of Austria, the total number of samples is only 78.

The DNA project are separate things from the overall table of frequencies. The former only include commercial data provided by individuals, while the latter combines our DNA project with research studies. That's why the percentages do not always match between the DNA projects and the overall frequencies.