Do you lock your doors?

Do you lock your doors ?

  • I am from the USA : yes, always (even for 5 min)

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • I am from the USA : only for longer absence

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • I am from another Western country : yes, always (even for 5 min)

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • I am from another Western country : only for longer absence

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • I am from another country : yes, always (even for 5 min)

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • I am from another country : only for longer absence

    Votes: 2 4.4%

  • Total voters
I lock my door to my room when i leave for work.. and whenever im gone for more then a couple of hours. i have a few things worth some money. i dont lock my car. i even leave the key in the ignition... its not a crapy car.. but on base if anyone is dumb enough to steal that... well.. lol id let em..
I always lock.

I'm living in a dorm right now, and there's been some incidences of computer theft. I'll even lock my door if I walk down to hall to the kitchen for 5 seconds, despite the fact that I can easily see if people can get into my room.

But even if I weren't living here, I'd still lock my doors. For me, the only benefit of not locking my doors is the convenience of not using my key for 2 seconds to open my door (I've already internalized the habit of checking my keys in my pocket so I don't get locked out). More importantly, I'm fairly paranoid and suspicious of my surroundings. I'm not the kind to trust anyone.
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I live in a town with less than 5,000 people and I lock my doors all the time. People have tried to break into my house before, as well as, my former neighbor's house. I have also had people try to break into my car in town as well. I have discovered that I have less of chance of getting robbed in downtown St. Louis than I do in my own rural area town. I always lock the doors and set the alarm on my car in my even when I am at the local supermarket for milk. I may sound paranoid to you, but it seems like the bad in this world is becoming more and more previliant today.

Due to this I have learned never to trust anybody and always be catious and suspicious of my surroundings. There are just too many people out to get you anymore, and I do not have the time or the tolerance to put up with it. I honestly cannot wait until I am twenty-one and get my license to carry a firearm with me. I just cannot trust anybody in this world today. So to your question Sabro, yes I lock all my doors and make sure they are locked as well.

Doc :wave:
I would advise against carrying a firearm unless you are perfectly willing to kill someone over a piece of property. Once you draw your weapon, your options are limited-- either the person must back down and comply, or you have to drop them (Bluff or snuff). Take classes, learn as much as you can and practice. I would take it very seriously. Hopefully most people aren't really out to get you. Some are after your stuff, but you might want to let that sort keep breathing for a while.

Pepper spray or mace is a much better option, along with self defense classes.
No No No !!!!

Carlson said:
I lock my door to my room when i leave for work.. and whenever im gone for more then a couple of hours. i have a few things worth some money. i dont lock my car. i even leave the key in the ignition... its not a crapy car.. but on base if anyone is dumb enough to steal that... well.. lol id let em..

When they steal it and run over some little kid, you will need a real solid alibi to prove you didn't do it. If you mention the car unlocked with the key in it, they will hold you responsible! Happened to my roommate in the Navy(not exactly like that). Don't want to see you get in trouble!

I wasn't locking my jeep wrangler softop because the radio has already been stolen and the softtop cost more than the radio anyway, but someone cut the top last month anyway. (Thieving stupid jerk). I'm looking for a hardtop and a pair of full doors now.
sabro said:
I would advise against carrying a firearm unless you are perfectly willing to kill someone over a piece of property. Once you draw your weapon, your options are limited-- either the person must back down and comply, or you have to drop them (Bluff or snuff). Take classes, learn as much as you can and practice. I would take it very seriously. Hopefully most people aren't really out to get you. Some are after your stuff, but you might want to let that sort keep breathing for a while.

Pepper spray or mace is a much better option, along with self defense classes.

This town is horrible with theft, domestic disputes (usually wives beating up their husbands believe it or not), murder, and illegal drug trafficing. This entire county is the reason why Missouri got to number one in crime for over two years on meth manufacturing. If it was not for the county's Criminal Task Force (a fourteen man SWAT unit that has worked with the local, county, state, and federal levels including the BATF, FBI, DEA, and US Marshals Office) this state would still be number one, along with the county itself. The crime is horrible here. In high school people would come on to the campus' parking lot and steal crap out of peoples' cars!

Am I willing to shoot somebody over a piece of proprety? Yes, yes I am. I am completely serious about this, and spent a lot of time thinking about it. I am sick and tired of the scum in this little town from killing and robbing, and the police not doing a damn thing about it. I plan on taking classes, practice, and learn as much as possible that is how serious I am about this. It does not matter if I move to Washington and live on some woodland property the rules will still apply for me. If you come on to my property and try to harm me or my loved ones you are dead. I am not joking either when I say that I am going to one day put a sign on my property that will say "Tresspassers Will Be Shot On Sight. Survivors Will Be Shot Again If They Refuse To Back Down."

I won't kill them, but I will wound them to get the point across. I am just tired of this crap that is all. The midwest is horrible in crime, especially in small towns it seems like anymore. You cannot have anything good anymore because somebody will always try to ruin it for you. Hell there were people who tried to kill each other for an X-Box 360 in St. Louis. Is there no sense of justice anymore? It seems like this country is becoming more petty and debouched as time goes by. It has gotten so bad that I really refuse to trust anybody. You just do not know who is out to get you anymore. It really is sad too. Bottom line I will shoot a person for tresspassing on my property or trying to harm my family, because quite frankly this **** has got to end especially in this town.

Doc :wave:
Well I live on an university campus. And in a sense, it's not really neccessary for me to lock my door. I do though everytime I leave my room, even though I'm just going down the hall. Some of the students however, never lock their doors, hell sometimes they leave slightly open. There have been instances where students have had their things stolen. That's why I think they should lock their doors no matter what. There hadn't been any break-ins this semester. I think it was because the thieves had been caught. :?
At UMR it is mandatory in most frats and some dorms to have your doors unlocked when you are in the room. The reason for this is because of room checks and stuff like that. I still wouldn't care because I would lock my door anyway. I would also make sure I left anything that was valuable at home because I know of people whose roomates have stolen things from them. It is a vicious world out there if you think about it. Some people will do almost anything for greed.

Doc :wave:
Ma Cherie said:
Well I live on an university campus. And in a sense, it's not really neccessary for me to lock my door. I do though everytime I leave my room, even though I'm just going down the hall. Some of the students however, never lock their doors, hell sometimes they leave slightly open. There have been instances where students have had their things stolen. That's why I think they should lock their doors no matter what. There hadn't been any break-ins this semester. I think it was because the thieves had been caught. :?

You know Doc, that's kind of surprising, considering we both live in the midwest. It doesn't seem to be that bad where I live. In fact, the places that are considered to be crime ridden, really aren't. For instance, I have friends that say they wouldn't walk in certain parts of town because they this thinking that they would get shot. And some of those areas turn out to be places where you'll less likely be shot. :?
I would lock my door in most settings unless if sharing an appartment or watever with a friend... then i see no reason...
I don't lock my doors when I am in the house, but my wife does...

A gun for self protection may not always be the best choice. A gun only works if you are there to use it, if you are willing to kill, and if it is loaded and ready...and at hand. For homes consider web cams and a monitored alarm system. Alarm and tracking system for your car.

A loaded and ready weapon presents a danger if children are around, or curious teenagers-- or even angry spouses or drunken friends. We have racoons up here in the mountains... I wouldn't recommend one to someone who has trouble controlling their temper either. And if you are nearsighted like me, you probably couldn't hit the bad guy anyway. It is also one thing that burgulars look for in homes and will actually scout out signs of gun ownership like NRA stickers on cars- since they normally B&E when you are at work.

At least in my state (CA), you can't shoot someone for trespassing. You can't really shoot them for threatening your property either- only your life or safety or the life of someone else ("...and try to harm" is the operant terms here). You can't shoot them when they are running away. And you can't have loaded and ready weapons in your car or concealed on your person in most public places.

Especially if you live in a place like Washington, if you have a big piece of property, you will have lost hikers and armed hunters wandering across your acreage. My sister and her husband up in the Tiger Lake area always have the unexpected visitor, and always treat them kindly.

The safest way to store firearms- unloaded, trigger lock, safe- ammo locked separately- makes their use for self defense a bit impractical-- unless your local lowlifes are rather patient.

If you train with a fire arm for self protection, they will probably teach you to "shoot to stop." That means a minimum of three rounds if not the entire magazine in the center of mass. You don't shoot to wound, and you generally don't shoot to kill. The decision is irreversable and permanent- whether it was truly a lowlife crackhead intent on some harm or a lost and slightly drunk Japanese exchange student, he will be lying there with your lead in his ten spot, bleeding out on your driveway and you will have to clean up the stain and live with the consequences. I would much rather pepper spray the perp and sort it out later, or scream like a girl and let help arrive, or at a bit more risk apply a wrist lock- arm bar and hope for the best.

I am 41 years old. I grew up with guns. I may be very luck or very blessed. I grew up in the worst neighborhoods in East LA and worked in downtown at the produce market when I was 14. I also worked at a couple of liquor store as a kid all the way through college. I taught in inner city schools for 19 years and there was not a single instance where a loaded gun would have been useful that I can think of. I can think of a few situations where one would have ended up getting me killed.
sabro said:
I don't lock my doors when I am in the house, but my wife does...

A gun for self protection may not always be the best choice. A gun only works if you are there to use it, if you are willing to kill, and if it is loaded and ready...and at hand. For homes consider web cams and a monitored alarm system. Alarm and tracking system for your car.

A loaded and ready weapon presents a danger if children are around, or curious teenagers-- or even angry spouses or drunken friends. We have racoons up here in the mountains... I wouldn't recommend one to someone who has trouble controlling their temper either. And if you are nearsighted like me, you probably couldn't hit the bad guy anyway. It is also one thing that burgulars look for in homes and will actually scout out signs of gun ownership like NRA stickers on cars- since they normally B&E when you are at work.

At least in my state (CA), you can't shoot someone for trespassing. You can't really shoot them for threatening your property either- only your life or safety or the life of someone else ("...and try to harm" is the operant terms here). You can't shoot them when they are running away. And you can't have loaded and ready weapons in your car or concealed on your person in most public places.

Especially if you live in a place like Washington, if you have a big piece of property, you will have lost hikers and armed hunters wandering across your acreage. My sister and her husband up in the Tiger Lake area always have the unexpected visitor, and always treat them kindly.

The safest way to store firearms- unloaded, trigger lock, safe- ammo locked separately- makes their use for self defense a bit impractical-- unless your local lowlifes are rather patient.

If you train with a fire arm for self protection, they will probably teach you to "shoot to stop." That means a minimum of three rounds if not the entire magazine in the center of mass. You don't shoot to wound, and you generally don't shoot to kill. The decision is irreversable and permanent- whether it was truly a lowlife crackhead intent on some harm or a lost and slightly drunk Japanese exchange student, he will be lying there with your lead in his ten spot, bleeding out on your driveway and you will have to clean up the stain and live with the consequences. I would much rather pepper spray the perp and sort it out later, or scream like a girl and let help arrive, or at a bit more risk apply a wrist lock- arm bar and hope for the best.

I am 41 years old. I grew up with guns. I may be very luck or very blessed. I grew up in the worst neighborhoods in East LA and worked in downtown at the produce market when I was 14. I also worked at a couple of liquor store as a kid all the way through college. I taught in inner city schools for 19 years and there was not a single instance where a loaded gun would have been useful that I can think of. I can think of a few situations where one would have ended up getting me killed.

I understand all of that Sabro. Trust me I have put a lot more thought into owning a gun for protection than I come off to be. I understand the consequences of shooting somebody, and the various other issues you disscussed in owning a lot of acreage. Of course if I owned a gun there would not be any obvious signs of me owning one. I am not a big fan of the NRA or any other gun organization as they go a little too far on their beliefs of the second admendment. I understand that things change with due time, but I honestly prefer to live the single life right now anyway so a spouse and children would not be a problem when coming to owning a gun. I am a very personal and secluded man, and I prefer to keep it that way. I forgot to mention that I would like to own a Siberian Huskey one day and train them from pup on up to be a good guard dog for my home. I guess you could say that is my second line of defense.

I will also take your advice into consideration about the cameras, motion detectors, and tracking devices. I know I sound like a really paranoid man, but you just do not really know who to trust these days. Plus if you plan to live out in a secluded area, your chances of B&E are more likely because of lack of support (eyewitnesses, call for help, etc). I remember a joke from Adam Corolla who said that the best way to keep out criminals is by putting a confederate flag on the front of your house. Sure your neighbors may think that you are a racist, but the criminals will know that you have a gun and are not afraid to kill them. I actually found that kind of humorous believe it or not. (You have my deepest apologies if I offended any members who are black with this one.:sorry: :sorry: :sorry: :sorry: :sorry: :sorry: :sorry: )

I have grown up with guns and have always been fond of them. Regardless of personal protection I do wish to own a gun collection some day. However, (I know this sounds cliche') I would create some sort of fake bookshelf or storage area in my house that nobody would question to where I hide my collection. Helps keep visitors, children, and nosy spouses from finding out where you hide them. ;) I honestly want to create the image that I do not own any sort of firearm because you can always trick a criminal into thinking that they are safe, that is until they are staring down the bad end of a double barrel shotgun. I would also keep other lines of defenses in my house as well. Blunt objects such as golf clubs, baseball bats, and the like would be good to chase off an intruder. Of course do not forget the dog as well. Siberian Huskies are known to be very brutal and protective for their owner. I would have my own best friend and a bodyguard at the house with me.:)

You know what would be even better? A spouse who used to be or is in law enforcement. I think that would scare off an intruder as well don't you think? Just a thought. Bottom line is that I know I sound like an extremely paranoid person but I am not. I just have had too many instances of getting robbed to let it happen to me again.

Doc :wave:
This is OT, but.....

I looked up some pics of Siberian Huskies. They're beautiful! I think I'm in love.... :love:
sabro said:
I wasn't locking my jeep wrangler softop because the radio has already been stolen and the softtop cost more than the radio anyway, but someone cut the top last month anyway. (Thieving stupid jerk). I'm looking for a hardtop and a pair of full doors now.
I also have a jeep wrangler... I recently bought a used hard top and traded the guy my half doors for his full... I have been so happy since getting my hard top... I found it through a jeep forum... when I looked into buying new there was a three month wait and it was so very expensive... I guess the hard option is not very popular...
I have a siberian husky, and he is the best dog in the world. A lot of people are afraid of his wolf like looks, and he barks and barres his teeth in the worst way...but he wouldn't hurt a fly. I guess that makes him a good watch dog.

My friend Keith, had a huge gun collection mounted beautifully behind a wall on the lower level of his house in Monterey Park. It was this concrete retaining wall and shelf that held the water heater and central heater. Made it look like something out of a 007 movie. (Unfortunately Keith passed away.)

My other friend keeps a remington knuckebuster in his closet next to the front door. It's a great home defense weapon. I figure if you chamber it, it clacks loud enough to say you are serious. You could always load the first round with rock salt or wadding if you want to just scare the guy. And if you are near sighted, you might hit something.

I don't think surveilence equipment is paranoid. Especially since web-based stuff is so cheap these days. And most cars today come with tracking devices. I think probably the best thing to do is to hold material things lightly...they can always be replaced.

I'm still looking for a hardtop and doors...
I always lock the doors at night or when I leave the house. Otherwise keeping the doors unlocked doesn't bother me. I just have alot of non replaceable items and alot of expensive items in my house that I don't want them to get stolen.
I lock my doors when I leave the flat for more than a few minutes, because my insurance policy is invalid otherwise. However I am fairly sure it is unnessecary.

I guess I should lock the doors when I go to bed also (no harm in doing so) but I normally forget. I feel completely safe in my block in Tokyo.

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