Do you lock your doors?

Do you lock your doors ?

  • I am from the USA : yes, always (even for 5 min)

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • I am from the USA : only for longer absence

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • I am from another Western country : yes, always (even for 5 min)

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • I am from another Western country : only for longer absence

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • I am from another country : yes, always (even for 5 min)

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • I am from another country : only for longer absence

    Votes: 2 4.4%

  • Total voters
I used to lock my doors but then I went to another state to live on my own and I didnt locked my doors only when I went out or during vacations when I returned with my family, because that city is supposed to be a safe place until they entered my house and stole all my medical material my anatomy book and my computer :( Thats why I just returned to my old city
We didn't until this dec. A family member was kicked out, and they were not too happy about it. We'll probably go back to not locking our doors (Except when no one is in the house, and when everyone is sleep) eventually.

Actually when I first moved to Australia people told me you could leave your front door open without worrying about robberies, but that have changed over the years and so did my habit.

Still, compare to other countries Australia is very safe.

As for Malaysia yes, but as I was little at the time it?fs my carer or my parents who did it for me.

In France you definitely have to lock your door. You have to hide expensive products you have just purchased too. There are pick pockets and robbers everywhere.

When I first got here my Australian habit had shocked my husband, as in his opinion for local standard not being careful enough.:bluush:
I usually need to make sure my doors are locked during the mornings. We always get people casually walking in thinking it's a business. (I live by an insurance center). But people get confused and walk in. I also live by a drug rehab center, and one guy walked in and asked if the AA meeting had started yet. Funny too, because my dad was in his underwear at the time.

But usually I keep my bedroom doors locked.

I have a door in my room that leads to the outside. It was 2 am and my light was the only light on in the house. I heard my screen doors hinges move. I thought it was the wind. But when I looked over, my door was unlocked. So I got up to lock it, and right when I locked it, my door knob started to move back and forth. It scared the crap out of me. I look through my window, and there is some Hispanic guy looking back at me. I immediately told my dad, and he grabbed his gun and ran around out side trying to find the guy. He was gone.

But that's the reason why I keep my doors locked. People just seem to be drawn into coming into my house.
Mitsuo san, I had a place just like that!
We lived two doors down from a rehab place, and next to some bars and the main clubbing area of town.
Also there were architechture companies etc around us.
Rather too often for comfort people would wander in with some interesting excuses. So I often locked the door even when I was inside.

Another house I lived in we never ever locked the main doors, because there were too many people living there.
Then one christmas we had to kick an overstayer out, so we locked the doors and windows because we were all going away.
And you know what happened? We came home to a house full of unwanteds! The only time we lock the doors and we get broken into.
Well when I lived in New Orleans we always kept our door locked. Same thing in Houston. Now I live in VA close to DC and for the most part we only lock the doors at night or if we are going away for more than 2hrs. In fact we once recently lived in an apartment, which only one person had a key, as everyone else seemed to loose theirs and we never bothered to get others made for about 6 months until we moved to our current house the door was always unlocked except when everyone was home at night.
I live in Stockton, CA. You know, the city with the highest crime rating in all of CA. It's crazy how often you'll hear people banging on your door in the middle of the night, or trying to get through open windows. Needless to say, I ALWAYS lock my doors.
I just drove through Stockton on Sunday. My niece is in school there- USMA. I'd lock my doors too.

Do you guys lock your doors when you are home?
All the time. I just got back from my early morning half-hour run, and as soon as I got back, I locked the doors. I don't trust anyone in the area. My mom is planning to get a place on the east coast ASAP. Unfortunately, we don't have any cash that we can save towards that goal. :( Oh well. Just gotta live with the circumstances.
I'm from Estonian countryside and when I was young, nobody locked the doors in my village.
One day I left my car door open, I just got out of my driver`s seat and went to the other side to help kids get out. I forgot about my door. We went home. After a few hours I came back and got a little shock seeing the open door. I thought there was a theft.
Fortunately, nothing happened and nothing was stolen.
Yes, always. And we have the alarm, too. I live in the "wealthier" part of the city, as some people say, and here the burglaries are common..I mean, they definetly know in which house to break into.

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