Is George Bush doing a good job fighting terrorism?

Is President Bush doing a good job of fighting terrorism?

  • Yes, he is doing what is best.

    Votes: 12 12.2%
  • Yes, but he could do more.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • No, he isn't doing what is best.

    Votes: 11 11.2%
  • No, in fact he's screwing things up more.

    Votes: 72 73.5%

  • Total voters
Bush must be doing something right. :D

Student Arrested For Terroristic Threatening

Just came across this story, which sounds quite ridiculous. I don't really know the details of what the student wrote, hence I withhold my judgement for now, but what I find a bit worrying, is this part of the text:

""My story is based on fiction," said Poole, who faces a second-degree felony terrorist threatening charge. "It's a fake story. I made it up. I've been working on one of my short stories, (and) the short story they found was about zombies. Yes, it did say a high school. It was about a high school over ran by zombies."

Even so, police say the nature of the story makes it a felony. "Anytime you make any threat or possess matter involving a school or function it's a felony in the state of Kentucky," said Winchester Police detective Steven Caudill."

So, whenever you're an author living in Kentucky & if you want to write a crime story or a thriller involving schools or "function" (whatever they consider a function) you should be prepared to go to jail for it.

BTW, works of fiction: The article, which originally linked to this story, states that Orwell's works "have been removed from the school libraries as subversive literature."

Is this really true? Then I'd be really worried about the US. :eek:kashii:
bossel said:
Student Arrested For Terroristic Threatening

Just came across this story, which sounds quite ridiculous. I don't really know the details of what the student wrote, hence I withhold my judgement for now, but what I find a bit worrying, is this part of the text:

""My story is based on fiction," said Poole, who faces a second-degree felony terrorist threatening charge. "It's a fake story. I made it up. I've been working on one of my short stories, (and) the short story they found was about zombies. Yes, it did say a high school. It was about a high school over ran by zombies."

Even so, police say the nature of the story makes it a felony. "Anytime you make any threat or possess matter involving a school or function it's a felony in the state of Kentucky," said Winchester Police detective Steven Caudill."

So, whenever you're an author living in Kentucky & if you want to write a crime story or a thriller involving schools or "function" (whatever they consider a function) you should be prepared to go to jail for it.

BTW, works of fiction: The article, which originally linked to this story, states that Orwell's works "have been removed from the school libraries as subversive literature."

Is this really true? Then I'd be really worried about the US. :eek:kashii:

If I was American I would really start to worry now. It seem that Bush is using the terrorist threat to turn America into a police state. The constitution seem to be ignored if the word terrorist is used by anyone accusing anyone else. Foriegn visitors now have to have their photos taken at airports when they arrive, something that never happened in European countries that have terrorist problems. The Patriot Act seem to be illegal, but nobody seems to be doing nothing about it. Homeland security is the watch word of politicians, and if you cross them or any authority figure they'll use it against you. Emails are monitored, phones are monitored, the books you get out of a library are monitored. Only four more years of Bush, but what damage can he do in those four years.
Quick question: Is it law that a president can only have two terms in office? FDR ran 4 times. Can Bush do that?
Mycernius said:
If I was American I would really start to worry now. It seem that Bush is using the terrorist threat to turn America into a police state. The constitution seem to be ignored if the word terrorist is used by anyone accusing anyone else.

Atleast 1/2 the country is pretty worried about this. Many people of both Republican and Democratic affiliation are not happy with the Patriot Act. However, there will always be a significant number of people who are cowards. What can you do? I think once some of the psychosis settles down, you'll see more and more of the Patriot Act being thrown out as unconstitional. It's already coming under pretty heavy fire and once the cowardly portion of the population gets over their fear of terrorists wanting to blow up their worthless rural small town, it'll be on its way out.

I'm not joking about this, I have heard people on television being interviewed that live in the arm-pit of backwater USA actually concerned that terrorists are going to attack their community. It's so irrational it borders on being mentally retarded.

Foriegn visitors now have to have their photos taken at airports when they arrive, something that never happened in European countries that have terrorist problems.

This seems to me to be a venial sin. Honestly, its no big deal. My photo is already on my passport, many places require a photocopy of the passport already anyway. Taking another picture? Big deal. It doesn't add anything except a false sense of security for people. I'd just blow it off as the futile gesture it is.

The Patriot Act seem to be illegal, but nobody seems to be doing nothing about it. Homeland security is the watch word of politicians, and if you cross them or any authority figure they'll use it against you. Emails are monitored, phones are monitored, the books you get out of a library are monitored.

It's not quite that bad. The act gives the government the ability to basically do all the things it normally can do (phone taps, monitoring, etc) - except it makes the application for the warrant a secret process. This is the big thing that most of us hate. We don't like the government keeping secrets from people. It drives us batty. Btw, the librarians association has basically refused to co-operate with anyone who wants to check readers history. Infact they made a huge stink about it. This stuff isn't really going down well with most people.

Please don't confuse the acts of our government with the actual beliefs of the American people. Sometimes these things take time to sort out, but eventually they (the politicians) will get the message.

Only four more years of Bush, but what damage can he do in those four years. Quick question: Is it law that a president can only have two terms in office? FDR ran 4 times. Can Bush do that?

No he can't. The 22nd amendment enforces the 2 term limit for office of the President. This was enacted in 1951, after FDR's unprecidented 4th term win took place.

Hell, if FDR hadn't died in office I bet he would have had the Presidency as long as he was alive. As much as I admire the guy, I'm not so sure thats a good thing either ><
It is not Bush so much that is frightening, but his administration and clowns like those at the Project for the New American Century . Aside from those already there, you can see the administration surrounding itself with its own at important posts like the Supreme Court (John Roberts, and now Harriet Miers), the World Bank (Paul Wolfowitz), and the UN (John Bolton). It would be less frightening if it was just one person you had to worry about, but the problem is that the attitudes and political positions represented by Bush are actually becoming institutionalised and will be in place for some time even when Bush's term is up.
Don't even get me started on this whole Harriet Miers thing. I don't understand why Bush would appoint her. There are quite a few Americans who know nothing about this woman, hell most Americans don't even know what her views are (if she has any views). I don't think I'll be able to watch the news for awhile because of this decision. There were so many other qaulified candidates from both sides. Miers has never been a judge before. Both Librals and Conservatives are concerned about this choice, however she seems to be loyal to Bush. Well, this may be surprising to some of you, but Bush's approval ratings has dropped. Moderate Republicans seem to be turning against him. And how he's hadling the war in Iraq, well his approval rating has dropped down to 33%.
I think...

I think George is doing a good job convincing half of America that terrorism is a tangible enemy. He has successfully convinced America that terrorism is an international problem created by natural circumstances , not America's uneven handed meddling in middle-eastern affairs.

Who are the Terrorist ? The notion of terrorism is an idea not a person that you can identify like in Vietnam where you actually knew WHO you were fighting against and in what way they fought.

Anybody can be a terrorist, don't you think ? The little boy next door, the straight "A" student who's a member of Mensa ! A decorated soldier who served his country honourably ( Timothy McVeigh ) the first American terrorist who collaborated with Terry McNickels and others to blow a Federal building in Oklahoma .

Are you a terrorist ?
McTojo said:
I think George is doing a good job convincing half of America that terrorism is a tangible enemy. He has successfully convinced America that terrorism is an international problem created by natural circumstances , not America's uneven handed meddling in middle-eastern affairs.

Who are the Terrorist ? The notion of terrorism is an idea not a person that you can identify like in Vietnam where you actually knew WHO you were fighting against and in what way they fought.

Anybody can be a terrorist, don't you think ? The little boy next door, the straight "A" student who's a member of Mensa ! A decorated soldier who served his country honourably ( Timothy McVeigh ) the first American terrorist who collaborated with Terry McNickels and others to blow a Federal building in Oklahoma .

Are you a terrorist ?

I think we need to define what we mean by terrorist. I whole heartdley agree with you on the idea that anyone can be a terrorist. You know what Bush is doing? I think the reason why he managed to convince half of America about terrorism is how he uses langague. He made it seem as though we're dealing with the most extreme situation and that we have to use extreme measures. He tells half of America that every one of our lives are in iminent danger. Like this whole issue with Saddam Hussein, he told us that there were WMD and that Saddam tortured his own people and gased them. I'm not saying he didn't do this, but Bush made it seem so extreme and he felt that he had to take extreme measures.

Bush still knows nothing about the middle east and never will. Like I said before, he sees the world through his eyes only. You know what freedom means to most people in the middle east? Freedom is when you have nothing to lose. That's their idea of freedom, Bush doesn't get this at all.
I think we need to define what we mean by terrorist.
According to The Bush Administration, anyone who wears a turban.
Is George Bush doing a good job fighting terrorism?

I actually laughed when i read really.

If there was an encyclopedic entry for what not to do/that which causes more terrorism, then it would have a picture of george and a lnog list of things not to do, each something he himself has actually done, or overseen in his time in office.

The single greatest thing americans could do to stem terrorism, is to impeach bush, and clean out the white-house and replace it with people who have actually been tested for common sense.

Sorry to be flippant when you are all being so articulate, but type 'miserable failure' into google and press 'I'm feeling lucky'.
Or just "failure." I'm glad I'm not the only one to know that!
Bush is a failure, now I will go to bed and not have a nightmare about how much Bush really sucks. Or mabey I will. I have to study for a college class tommorro. Bush is just stupid by the way.
Looks like most of the people who voted do not favor how Bush is fighting terrorism, which is not surprising.:bluush:

(It's great to be back.)
I just couldn't believe they he was re-elected.... whats wrong with some ... many milions, of people...
It's because the conservatives and liberals run the media that's what's wrong.

Doc :wave:
I think the administration has managed to get the U.S. in to a perpetual series of wars that won't end for a long time.

Granted, removing Sadam from power was a good thing. Bringing democracy to a dictated regime is a good thing. However, were these things really on top of the list of priorities? Was it worth the 30,000+ (lowest estimate to be fair) lives it cost? Was it worth abandoning the pursuit of the group that actually did attack us on our own soil (Al Qaeda)?

Someone mentioned "party lines" earlier in this thread. One of these that I've heard quite often from Bush supporters and other neo-conservatives is that we were "fighting for our freedom" or that Sadam and Iraq posed "a thread to our freedom". Yet this can't be the reason why we went in to Iraq, because in a bold move of hypocracy, the so-called Patriot Act was created. If anything poses a threat to our freedom, it's a bill passed that pretty much strips any right to privacy away from us. Your phone calls, e-mails, and even casual conversations are no longer private.

When we first went to war in 2001, we were pursuing a criminal terrorist mastermind and his group of religious fundamentalists. They attacked our country on our own soil and killed thousands. They've proven they have the capability of attacking us again. They, however, are not Iraq. They are Al Qaeda. Thanks to a slick use of verbage in numerous press conferences, conventions, and State of the Union Addresses, Bush has managed to convice the majority of Americans that Iraq was one of the entities responsible for these attacks without directly saying so. His sources which brough him news on potential WMD's in Iraq still remains conveniently unknown. Now we know for sure there were no such weapons, which many of us suspected all along.

So we've abandoned our pusuit for the slime we KNOW have attacked and will attack us again to occupy another country under false pretenses.

I've heard arguments about the mass graves Sadam has created. Some 40,000 dead over a 15 year span. This is supposed to justify our occupation, yet thus far, we've killed over 10,000 a year in Iraq since 2003. Not just Iraqi civilians and insurgents, but over 2,100 US troops have been killed so far. It may not be as much as Vietnam or WWII, but how many dead people does it take to be considered "too much"?

In my opinion, Iraq could have waited. Between the Pariot Act, alienating our allies, and leaving the capture of Osama bin Laden to the Afghanis right when we had him practically surrounded, any good which might have been done in the past 4 years is far outweighed by an increase in danger and a revokation of our constitutional rights.
Dutch Baka said:
I just couldn't believe they he was re-elected.... whats wrong with some ... many milions, of people...

What's kind of embarassing for me to admit is I'm starting to believe in what I used to think was another one of Michael Moore's whacked out conspiracy theories.

I'm really starting to think his re-election didn't have much to do with the voters, but rather the machines they voted with.
Mycernius said:
If I was American I would really start to worry now. It seem that Bush is using the terrorist threat to turn America into a police state. The constitution seem to be ignored if the word terrorist is used by anyone accusing anyone else. Foriegn visitors now have to have their photos taken at airports when they arrive, something that never happened in European countries that have terrorist problems. The Patriot Act seem to be illegal, but nobody seems to be doing nothing about it. Homeland security is the watch word of politicians, and if you cross them or any authority figure they'll use it against you. Emails are monitored, phones are monitored, the books you get out of a library are monitored. Only four more years of Bush, but what damage can he do in those four years.
Quick question: Is it law that a president can only have two terms in office? FDR ran 4 times. Can Bush do that?
I agree 100%. I've never supported Bush, but I used to be like the fellow who suggested that comparing Bush to Hitler was unfair. About a month ago, I decided to put all the pieces of information I have learned about our situation and the president in the past 6 years. When you look at everything from a birds-eye view: the control of our literature, bills that take rights away, the "with us or against us" attitude... It becomes more apparent that there is a state of facism beginning to grow. These are the same tactics the Nazi party used to gain power and control.

And yes, it's in the Constitution that a president can only be elected for 2 terms. However the moment Bush tried to amend that bit too, I'm finally getting the hell out of here, unles syou know somebody with a stockpile ready to go for a revolution to get my country back.
AllMakesCombined said:
I agree 100%. I've never supported Bush, but I used to be like the fellow who suggested that comparing Bush to Hitler was unfair. About a month ago, I decided to put all the pieces of information I have learned about our situation and the president in the past 6 years. When you look at everything from a birds-eye view: the control of our literature, bills that take rights away, the "with us or against us" attitude... It becomes more apparent that there is a state of facism beginning to grow. These are the same tactics the Nazi party used to gain power and control.
And yes, it's in the Constitution that a president can only be elected for 2 terms. However the moment Bush tried to amend that bit too, I'm finally getting the hell out of here, unles syou know somebody with a stockpile ready to go for a revolution to get my country back.

I agree with you and most people here. In the early 90's, 80% of americans agreed with the death penalty, (Although this is something different), its sickening. It makes me want to live in Australia, for a peaceful country.

Even my extremist pastor christian believes in the death penalty.

Yeah, my parents didn't vote for bush. Bush also is moitoring message boards, see this link:

Basically, the pentagon is spying on people who are anti-war, including several message boards.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any lower...

The FBI wants google and every other search engine to hand over the files that everyone has searched for ...invading everyones privacy.

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