Is George Bush doing a good job fighting terrorism?

Is President Bush doing a good job of fighting terrorism?

  • Yes, he is doing what is best.

    Votes: 12 12.2%
  • Yes, but he could do more.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • No, he isn't doing what is best.

    Votes: 11 11.2%
  • No, in fact he's screwing things up more.

    Votes: 72 73.5%

  • Total voters
Well, no matter what, Terrorism can't be eradicated. Period. So by Bush saying that he will stop terrorists and all terrorism attacks is just a fantasy of his. I voted for him, but hell, what choice did I have. John Kerry? What an ass. "Im a war hero, vote for me" then like two days later "I never said I was a war hero, I said I like peanuts" (made up, but he does do that). America didn't have a great choice to choose from. I also hope that Hillary Rotten Clinton doesn't get in. She's a bigger jackass than Kerry. Anyway, we have deferred the terrorism attacks from the US. But how do we know that our going to war is the reason for that. We don't. I just think this world needs to take a chill pill, and see that we're all humans. We should be looking for ways to help each other, not kill. The Extreme muslim type are sadly brainwashed into thinking that God wants them to die and commit suicide. That's not good. It makes you wonder who made up this thing called Religion. Most acts of violents are due to Religion.
Mitsuo Oda said:
Well, no matter what, Terrorism can't be eradicated. Period. So by Bush saying that he will stop terrorists and all terrorism attacks is just a fantasy of his. I voted for him, but hell, what choice did I have. John Kerry? What an ass. "Im a war hero, vote for me" then like two days later "I never said I was a war hero, I said I like peanuts" (made up, but he does do that). America didn't have a great choice to choose from. I also hope that Hillary Rotten Clinton doesn't get in. She's a bigger jackass than Kerry. Anyway, we have deferred the terrorism attacks from the US. But how do we know that our going to war is the reason for that. We don't. I just think this world needs to take a chill pill, and see that we're all humans. We should be looking for ways to help each other, not kill. The Extreme muslim type are sadly brainwashed into thinking that God wants them to die and commit suicide. That's not good. It makes you wonder who made up this thing called Religion. Most acts of violents are due to Religion.

Well, we don't know what kind of president Kerry would have been, so I can't really that he's any better or worse than Bush. But I think now the reason for invading Iraq was a cover up for some other agenda. I don't agree with you about Hiliary, I think she'll make a decent president as far our own interest are concerned. She's about one of the few people who addressed the issue of Healthcare in this country. We counld use a president who at least has our interests at heart at tackling social issues this country faces. Instead of paying attention to everything that's happening abroad. And you know the Healthcare system in the US is the worst in the developed world. If anything about terriosm, Bush has probably caused more it.
Yeah, that's true. Kerry wasn't elected so there can't be any judgement. I agree though. We need to concentrate on what is happening here, not anywhere else. America thinks it's helping people, well that's what "They" like to say. But they are only making things worse. I think the US will be considered the "heel" of the world. I can just see it now, the European countries will stop taking our products and then the rest of the world will follow. We are, in my opinion, in a nose dive toward disaster.

Well, I guess we can't really say that Hillary is going to be good until she sits in the big seat of america. We can only play it by ear, and hope we made the right decision. We do need to work on the Healthcare issue. It's a piece of crap here. But would it be a priority for hillary. If she does get in, she will have a mess to clean up. That can be said for all presidents though. That's why we don't reach our ideal goals, we are trying to fix what the previous pres. messed up on.
You also may have noticed that Bush talks alot about good and evil, right from wrong. It's very interesting to listen to him sometimes. He seems driven by his faith-based morals into making his decisions. Which isn't the smartest thing, because most of the time faith-based choices aren't usually very realistic. :buuh:
Yes, I agree. He even went as far as to put God into the equation. Remember? He said "God wanted me to be president". Im sure that also doesn't bode well with the atheists.

He also seems to get very excited when he gets something right or pronounces an hispanic word correctly. It's quite funny. There is a video I will try to get for you to look at. I will ask my professor where whe got it. It's hillarious. Not real, but true, and funny. You'll either enjoy it, or want to kill him.
Ma Cherie said:
You also may have noticed that Bush talks alot about good and evil, right from wrong. It's very interesting to listen to him sometimes. He seems driven by his faith-based morals into making his decisions. Which isn't the smartest thing, because most of the time faith-based choices aren't usually very realistic. :buuh:
You have a good point, but I don't think faith requires that you turn your brain off. I think there is sufficient evidence of Dubya's character and intelligence before he became a Christian and sobered up to discount the role of faith in his comptence.
I know, I don't believe faith requires a person to turn their brain off either. But Bush wears his Christian values on his sleave. I mean when he talked of cutting taxes for people, he did it not because it was a logical course of action (which wasn't in the end) he made it seem like it was a moral thing to do. :souka:

I know people don't take Bush seriously, but I'm wondering now, we should really listen to what he says. He seems to think that there is some evil force out there in the world that needs to be confronted. It's clear now that he has set America up as being the "good guys" and the terriost and the governments in the mideast as the "bad guys". It's almost remarkable, he doesn't see gray. He's all black and white. :souka:
honestly i don't think he is doing a good job. i think that with all of his "only the president can do this" stuff he is being tempted into like some kind of dictatorship. then again, i don't know much about politics so yay me! i think that bush could do better but then again i'm pretty sure being president isn't all that easy. :)
Yeah, I think it was JFK that said something about not judging a president until you sat in the same seat.

Can't remember the quote though
Personally I hate the manI I hesitate to use the word hate at all, but in this case I find myself making an exception.

Im not sure if this questios been askede before or not so let me bring it up scince terrorism and national security seem to go very much hand in hand. WHat do you think about the brilliant move of handing over security at some of our biggest ports to saudi arabia?
Hide My Heart said:
Personally I hate the manI I hesitate to use the word hate at all, but in this case I find myself making an exception.
Im not sure if this questios been askede before or not so let me bring it up scince terrorism and national security seem to go very much hand in hand. WHat do you think about the brilliant move of handing over security at some of our biggest ports to saudi arabia?
I think there's something going on here. I'm starting to wonder about this whole oil conspiracy. I mean, I know that it's been known for the Bush family to have strong ties to the Saudi royal family. One has to wonder.:souka:
I agree Ma Cherie, that rhymed.

A lot of people think that Bush Sr. is telling dubba what to do. Like they say that he's just doing what his father wanted to do when he was in presidency.
Brooker said:
This wasn't a tough choice for me. Since I love that America has pissed off all its allies, thumbed its nose at the U.N. and told them that they don't know what the hell they're talking about even though they represent a good part of the free world, we've finally gotten rid of all those jobs that kept us busy all day, we're conquering nature, we've made sure that future generations won't get too high and mighty with all that unneccesary education we've gotten, there are more terrorists to keep us busy now so we have more "evil doers" to point our fingers at rather than people having time to think about all the internal problems in the country, I can keep all my riches and screw my fellow man, and so on, I think Bush has done a great job. All I really need is a guy in the White House who quotes the bible from time to time, lets me keep my gun so that no one will give me any crap, women aren't allowed to take charge of their lives by choosing to have a child, and gays are sent to the fires of hell, so I'm happy. I'd have to say that Bush is doing a great job, I wouldn't change a thing. Honestly I was getting a little tired of all that peace and prosperity that was going on in this country before Bush came along. FOUR MORE YEARS, FOUR MORE YEARS....
For those not familiar with sarcasm, this is it. :D
Not only do I totally and completely agree but that gave me a good laugh and I needed that. And I have one to add: Yeay, for wire taping!, no. :wary:
Bush took a country with enough problems as it was and gave it more. Dumped a elephant s**tload worth of problems on it actually.
Oh, oh my turn.:p

I'm soooo happy he's teaching our teenagers that sex is bad. I mean what's wrong with using fear based techniques?! I guess it's silly to tell teenagers that having sexual feelings is a normal part of growing up. Hell, it's downright sick! Oh and how about putting millions of taxpayers dollars into a program that hasn't proven to be effective. I mean, it's for a good cause isn't it? Doesn't matter if it doesn't work. Just tell teens that "oh if you decide to have sex, you may as well be prepared to die." Oh and here's the lovely part. Why not censor infomation on condoms beyond failure rates. In fact, exaggerate the failure rates of condoms. Blur religion and science, yes do that.

Oh did I fail to mention that Abstinence-Only programs were only meant for heterosexual teens who come from "traditional" families? So, yes, let's excluded certain groups of people. Because "those" people (LGBT, teens from divorced families, teens who had babies out of wedlock, and the already large amount of teens who are sexually active) are the cause of society's problems.

I could go on, and on and on.............but I won't. :relief:

Forgive me for this rant. :gomen:
Yeah, totally! Let's make teens drown in self-loathing-prudish-ness! What a great idea! :cool:

Oy, Bush makes me sick.
If George Bush ran a different country or were allowed to circumvent private citizens' rights further, then he probably would do a better job at eliminating terrorism.

I'm glad I live in a country where personal rights are usually a higher priority.
The only thing Bush is doing is creating hate on both sides.
To get rid of terrorism you need to understand ,why people join terroristic groups.If they had anything to lose they probably wouldn?t join al quaide or whatever.
As long as the poverty remains in these muslim countrys these terrorists will find enough recruits. It?s just lika a hydra chop off a head and to new ones will appear in its place. These these people need financial help from the west and even more important ,they need to be educated ,if they never learned to think for themselves it is very unlikely they will start with it now.
It?s just lika a hydra chop off a head and to new ones will appear in its place.
And on a personal note my opinion is the only place an american soldier belongs is America.
The leadership of many of the countries that practice violent forms of Islam is corrupt in many ways, sponging off the people. The people hate their situation and need to turn their anger towards something. Leadership successfully points that anger externally, whether it's over money or cartoons. Before the Danish cartoons became the hot button, a ferry sank in Egypt, claiming the lives of more than 1,000 people. The governmental agency that oversees transportation was negligent, hesitated in action directly following the incident, and stalls and spins the story afterwards. It's a chilling example of how some governments treat their people.

The poverty that exists isn't the sole responsibility of western governmnet, yet the west gets blamed. A direct parallel to this is Hitler's rise to power in post WW1 Germany; the poor were sick and tired of being poor and needed someone to blame. Hitler pointed his finger at Jews and the people ran with it, regardless of what the facts were. Until the people can stand up to their own government, no amount of help from the west, aside from violent overthrow of the government, will heal the wound. It'll just be a band-aid.

Bush's agenda is just as biased as the agenda of leadership in Muslim countries. I just wish both sides were more open about it.
Oh yeah, if anyone wants to share any of vids of him that you may have with me, PM me. Thanks. I don't hate the man. He's just fun to make fun of.

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